Chapter 128: Against Anbu II

One hand seal and the shadow clone is ready, quickly facing the defeated enemy, immediately holding a kunai to his throat. It was already possible to try to force Yugao to surrender, but Shikamaru wanted to fight, not win, he needed a good fight with Jonin!

Everything would be clearly easier if he knew the Jutsu of his new elements, but without them he had to rely on old supplies and training. Judging by the speed of the enemy, you can do without even a set of fuin, and even more so the retreat technique. Here you can even rely only on Taijutsu or huge chakra reserves ...

As Shikamaru thought, Yūgao cleverly disposed of the bullets simply by using the blade. Less than three seconds later, Shikamaru released them and neutralized the enemy who was caught by surprise at the beginning of the battle. With this, it was possible to understand how fast the two were moving, this is definitely not the level of ordinary Genin and even Chūnin. Shikamaru has surpassed himself at times!

Yūgao had already got close and shouted:

- Secret Sword: Lunar Glimpse! - in a split second, Yugao reached Shikamaru, well, Jonin is Jonin, even her speed was impressive. Only now Shikamaru was not one of the slow ones. He learned Taijutsu from the strongest master! He easily dodged the lunge and walked to the side. Yūgao stopped and snorted in annoyance, then spotted a kunai at her partner's neck, then looked at Shikamaru and shouted in displeasure.

- Shikamaru, what does that mean ?! Genin attacking senior in rank ?! You are Liszt shinobi, what are you doing ?!

Shikamaru landed on the ground and gazed at Yūgao with a slight sneer. She, oddly enough, did not make mistakes, her eyes looked anywhere, but not at him. Therefore, the guy just shrugged his shoulders and said:

- That you are Miss Yugao, it's just sparring, I wanted to test my abilities after training. Since you've become my nanny, why don't I check them out on you? Plus, if this Jonin of yours lost so quickly, doesn't that mean he is not at all fit for my "protection"? How can you, too ...

The girl snorted in annoyance:

- What are you allowing yourself a boy!

The fake smile instantly disappeared from Shikamaru's face, his gaze went cold, and he slowly began to walk towards the girl, uttering every word clearly:

- Girl, in comparison with this "boy", you are not even worthy of being called a child. Look at yourself, a ten-year-old boy is playing with two Anbu. What's the point of being a shinobi for you? A shame!

- Yes, how are you ... - Yugao could not find the words to answer. The guy behaved excessively insolently, but at the same time, his last words were not lies ... For a shinobi like her, losing to the boy in skills, and also losing a friend is really a sheer shame!

Getting in the right mood, Shikamaru laughed and stood up abruptly.

- Eight gates! First Gate of the Beginning - open! Second Gate of Healing - Open! Gate of Life - open! Gate of Pain - open! The Gates of the Reach .... O-o-open! - with a furious roar, the ground under the guy's feet shot up into the air, and then his body was engulfed in chakra flows. The skin turned red, the muscles were swollen, the veins were swollen, the sweat began to evaporate, creating a green glow around the entire body. Shikamaru opened one of his strongest moves. Eight Gates from Might Guy, Sharingan perception and terrifying Shikotsumyaku bone strength. Even without Senju's immense life force, Shikamaru could display terrifying power even with four gates!

Stones were thrown into the air, the ground just ripped apart from the incredible speed of Shikamaru. He reached Yugao in just a moment of a second, the girl reacted in time. She knew about Shikamaru's ability to use the Gate, but she herself had never encountered one before. Therefore, she did what she did best, stood up and used one of her kenjutsu:

- Leaf Style: Crescent Dance! Even so, Yugao was still slower, Shikamaru reached her with terrifying speed. There was a clang of steel, and then there was a strong crash!

Yugao could not resist this terrible kick, all she could make out was like the guy's leg overtook her defenseless body, and the blade simply left her grip. Too fast and strong, he left her no chance!

With a terrible crash, the girl crashed into the nearest tree and smashed several more. Shikamaru stopped and did not finish off the girl. She had already lost, lost the moment her blade failed to cut through his defenses. She was not a bad jonin, but still not very strong, her blade techniques were useless. Shikamaru is already superior to ordinary jonins like her in many aspects, and even using a pal of eight gates, this outcome is not surprising ...

Shikamaru brought his body back to normal and raised his hand in surprise, a red trickle of blood streaming down the back of his forearm. She still managed to scratch, not bad!

The guy slowly raised the blade and instantly found himself in the face of the defeated enemy, Yugao no longer resisted, the blow was strong enough, from which she received quite a few injuries, fortunately not fatal. Shikamaru brought the cold blade of the blade to her cheek and coldly said:

- Looks like a beauty, this boy won, can I ask for one desire?

The girl's mask cracked and lay on the sidelines. The kunoichi herself looked slightly pale, from which her attractive appearance slightly changed, turning into a morbid-looking beauty. But this did not spoil her at all and only provoked the guy. After Shikamaru's question, Yūgao looked up full of resentment and coldly replied.

- What more do you want ?! Have fun already ...

Shikamaru sat down in front of the girl and touched her pale cheek with a smirk, Yugao's eyes flashed angrily, and she immediately tried to move away from the insolent fingers. He just shook his head and sighed:

- I didn't mean to offend you, you followed the order, so I won't really insist. It's just that when you return to the Hokage with a report, tell me that you don't want to look after me anymore, and you better not divulge information about my abilities in vain, after all, you were not just put to watch me, you yourself should understand what you better not talk about ...

Yūgao was silent, Shikamaru threw her blade aside.

- Let it lie there ... - rising, he deactivated the Sharingan and said: - Okay, you turned out to be weaker, so there is no point in looking after me. I was glad to talk ... Don't get in my way again. I advise you to obey me, if the next time suddenly comes, even the Hokage won't save you!

From his words and the ominous glint in his gaze, the girl's heart suddenly sank. He was definitely not joking, and this was not a feigned threat ... How could a ten-year-old child have such a confident look? He seemed to have already killed and more than once confirmed his words with decisive actions ...