Chapter 136: The Path

Installing fuin may not have been worth it. Logically, no one should break in, but just in case it was worth insuring. In general, an experienced shinobi will be able to bypass these seals, but he may well miss long-range seals. They worked almost like a whole barrier ninjutsu, only it was not a barrier, but a special area for detecting the enemy. Completely invisible signal sensor. A very useful jutsu, and most importantly rare, this can only be seen in dojutsu, with the highest skills in sensing, well, or with special techniques. If the seal is found, the shinobi will have to either break in by force or look for ways to get around. In the end, this is not a war, it makes no sense to be too zealous with defense. If the follower wanted to attack, he would have attacked a long time ago. Most likely he's here for surveillance. Either way, Shikamaru took it easy and then dozed off on a battered bunk.


As soon as the sun rose, the guy was already shooting the traps in full and preparing to set off. The bright rays of the sun just cut through the low rooftops, and he was almost finished. Gathering himself, he threw his backpack over his shoulder, looked around and slammed the door.

Leaving the building, Shikamaru caught sight of one of the nearest rooftops out of the corner of his eye, but not paying any more attention to it, he began to leave the village with a brisk pace. The path was not very long, after Shikuba it would be necessary to walk a few more kilometers and reach the Tanzaku quarters, and there the city of Tumaru would appear quite a bit. It was in this border town that a dangerous shinobi turned up, which had to be destroyed. It was not about the seizure by force and the extraction of information. The job is quite simple - hunt down and kill. The most suitable job for a child assassin trained in a special school for such situations.

The residents of that town clearly wanted to get rid of this scourge as soon as possible, so they did not stint in the reward and did not deliver unnecessary problems with their requests. Experimenting with poisons or acids on living people is not pleasant, especially when there are no shinobi in the village. It's funny, some people have created hidden villages, and ordinary people now get into such trouble, and they also have to pay because of problems with another apostate, trained in a hidden village ...

For an experienced ninja, a place like this town is just a whole laboratory. Especially if he knows his stuff. The only curious thing is why all this is being done ... A simple maniac? May be. This is generally possible, but then he would definitely be based in a big city. Although there was a greater risk of encountering shinobi, but maniacs usually liked to attract attention or, on the contrary, tried not to do this and carefully cover their tracks. Here, the killer left corpses disfigured by acid right in the forest or wherever he had to. All this has been happening for a month, in a small town. There are not many corpses, but here it is clearly not just a maniac who tried to play his games. Kills indiscriminately, men and women, only adults, there are no clear signs of a connection between the victims. But, all this was worth finding out along the way. Due to the paucity of information, this quest mostly received such a high rank in rank.

A long road in silence could bore many, especially if you were walking. Therefore, Shikamaru decided to turn into the forest and do his morning workout. He may be on a mission, but Shikamaru is simply not capable of the health-improving practice adopted from the Master of Youth. In addition, you can try to get rid of annoying surveillance and make another little deal with the system.

Shikamaru did not know who was sent for him, did not even suspect. But the method of unexpectedly using the Sharingan has worked more than once, so you could turn it over again. As a last resort, you could always rely on the powers of the Eight Gates and the Sharingan with Shikotsumyaku for the perfect taijutsu. If you had the opportunity and skills, you could use new Elements, but in this case it was worth finding easier opponents. Hiruzen would certainly not have sent a simple novice, this shinobi is at least an elite jonin. Therefore, in battles with him, it is better not to take rash steps. If he realizes that his current method of tracking has failed, he may begin to hide even more thoroughly and will definitely become even more attentive. For the owner of the Byakugan, this is not a problem, but if the enemy constantly avoids combat and hides, it will definitely turn into an unpleasant confrontation. Then you will definitely need to use the speed from the Eight Gates. Therefore, in order not to create problems once again, you need to act for sure and win. It was for these that the whole Shikamaru decided to go to Tanzaka, because it was not a particularly short way. But on the other hand, along such a route it would be more difficult to calculate him, if the shinobi loses track, then he can simply surrender. Mixing in a crowd in a big city was also real, but the question is which ninja is on the tail. It is very unlikely that there is a simple Jonin without special skills, for sure he has extraordinary methods of surveillance and experience. As a result, it is definitely unwise to use unproven techniques. Losing can be costly, although Shikamaru will remain intact, the follower will definitely not fall for it anymore. As a result, you need a clear blow and a complete victory!

If only Shikamaru knew who he faced ...

Without even knowing who it could be. The guy still decided to play it safe. Fuyin could have helped to pull away, but this is a temporary measure. He had no particularly useful seals to attack. Barriers are not applicable here either, and sealing and even more so. It is foolish to set traps when spying, because Fuinjutsu had to be canceled. But, Shikamaru had something special ...

Going deeper into the forest, the guy threw his backpack to the tree, and he sat down in the middle of a small clearing, closed his eyes and mentally said:


At the same moment, familiar sections with bloodlines, pills, elixirs and techniques appeared before Shikamaru's eyes. The latter were exactly what he needed. As a last resort, it was worth finding a Jutsu to escape. A simple camouflage technique will naturally not help for a number of reasons. First of all, Shikamaru did not own it at a similar level, and most importantly, this Jutsu only changed his appearance. It is possible to maintain a Jutsu with its chakra for a very long time, but it is not so easy to get rid of the smell. Moreover, an experienced sensor, when in contact with the chakra, can track down a target even under Henge, of course, until he learned this Jutsu at the highest level. Unfortunately, this is not given to many. One way or another, Shikamaru was not going to hide yet, he decided to fight back, and as a last resort, find a way to confuse the enemy and hide in a special way. For this, a technician is needed, and besides, it was time to get them already.