Chapter 137: Preparation

Collecting his thoughts, Shikamaru concentrated.

"I have always saved, but I think this excessive greed will not lead to anything. I have more than enough points of fate. In addition, I have almost completely chosen the path of development, therefore, you can now buy a couple of techniques ... "- with these thoughts, the guy immediately opened a huge list of Jutsu.


- Main types:

- Ninjutsu

- Taijutsu

- Genjutsu

- Subtypes:

- Fuinjutsu

- Iryoninjutsu

- Kinjutsu

- Improved types:


- Willow Dance → 30 Fate Points

- Dance of the Camellia → 40 Destiny Points

- Dance of the Larch → 50 Destiny Points

- Dance of Clematis: Vine → 60 Destiny Points

- Dance of Clematis: Flower → 60 Destiny Points

- Dance of Fern Seedlings → 70 Fate Points

- Dojutsu:


- Izanagi → 1000 Fate Points

- Izanami → 1000 Fate Points

- Suppression and Control → 100 Fate Points


- Eight Trigrams Palm Net → 50 Destiny Points

- Eight Trigrams of Heavenly Rotation → 30 points of fate

- Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms → 40 Destiny Points

- Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm → 30 Fate Points

- Eight Trigrams Mountain Destroyer → 50 Fate Points

'Dojutsu Ranmaru:

- Understanding → 50 Fate Points

- Genjutsu → 50 Fate Points

- Distribution of vitality → 70 points of fate

- Elements:

'Storm Release:

- Storm Release: Laser Circus → 30 Destiny Points

- Storm Release: Thundercloud Inner Wave → 50 Destiny Points

- Storm Release: Thunderous Presence → 50 Destiny Points

- Storm Release: Blinding Wave → 30 Fate Points

'Metal Release:

- Metal Release: Supreme Transformation → 1000 Destiny Points

- Adamantine transformation → 500 fate points

- Fusion Method → ​​200 Fate Points

- Metal Release: Golem Technique → 80 Fate Points

- Liquid Metal → 200 Fate Points

- Metal Release: Snake Dance → 100 Destiny Points

'Wood Release:

- Wood Release: Birth of the Sea of ​​Trees → 30 Fate Points

- Wood Release: Underground Root Technique → 20 Destiny Points

- Wood Release: World of the Wall of Trees → 40 Fate Points

- Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique → 80 Destiny Points

- Wood Release: The World of Flowering Trees Rise → 200 Destiny Points

- Supreme Transformation of Buddha → 200 points of destiny

Shikamaru immediately dismissed the not-so-useful techniques, including the Shikotsumyaku that he could recreate. Basically, the guy only left the Genome Jutsu. In any case, even with the purchase of these techniques, he still had no intention of using them in the upcoming battle. Without proper experience and skill, the same Wood Release can play a cruel joke. In addition, without proper information about the enemy, it will be too difficult to build battle tactics. If this is Aburame with his special beetles, Genjutsu is clearly worth sweeping aside, even with all Shikamaru's skills, confronting a member of the Aburame clan with a simple Sharingan will not be so easy. Naturally, it will be possible to slow down the enemy and try to deliver a surprise strike, but again it is not known how Hiruzen prepared this person. Using the Byakugan is also not a very good idea, the Sharingan will be more useful in battle, even without its Genjutsu. You should rely on Taijutsu, there is nothing more to think about ...

Even so, Shikamaru nevertheless began to intelligently buy equipment. They may not be useful for this battle, but they will definitely be useful in the future. After a few trainings, you can already release them into battle.

After a minute, Shikamaru nodded.

"That's enough ... I would love to learn the Flying Thunder God technique, so I had to spend some money. Yes, and skills in cursed seals on the road do not lie, as well as interaction with souls. It all cost five thousand three hundred, not so bad, especially considering that I got the method of Orochimaru, the Flying Thunder God and the Chimera technique. Maybe I won't use them on myself, but it was worth using them as a basis for new Jutsu. Yes, and I must take a couple of useful Fuin, I have on my nose the creation of the Supreme Seals of control, suppression and release. For this, extra knowledge will not interfere "- with the same indifferent expression, Shikamaru got up and continued on his way deeper into the forest. In fact, with his new techniques in Wood Release, fighting in this more often could be quite a good idea, but who knows the enemy's reaction to the owner of Mokuton. Maybe he decides to immediately hide or something ... In such cases, it was worth staying prudent.

Most of the purchases came down to the most useful techniques. Although Shikamaru was quietly spending his glasses, he still had no intention of wasting them on useless items. The Shikotsumyaku and Hijutsu Hyuga techniques were definitely one of those. Some can be copied, others can be simply recreated. As for everything else, there was simply no choice. There may be a scroll with the First One's techniques in Konoha, but go and get to it. In this case, you just had to make a choice and that's it. Another shopping problem came down to little information on technology. All that could be understood was a type of Jutsu like - Flying Thunder God Technique: Space-Time Ninjutsu. Even as such, the principle of operation was not indicated. Therefore, Shikamaru mostly relied on memory, and in some cases simply based on price and name. The obviously delusional technique will not cost too much, and vice versa. Only in Fuinjutsu there was a risk, yet there the name does not always correspond to reality. But, here, too, everything is not so important. Shikamaru only needed what he didn't have. He was not going to apply what he received. He needed a deeper understanding, that's all.

Ranmaru's dojutsu also needed to be improved, and getting an understanding of all metals and getting the correct transformation was also worth it. The only thing worth thinking about was the Seal of the Hundred technique, Shikamaru wanted to get it too, but the price and the chance to get it by another method left a chance for a different outcome. Therefore, Shikamaru has postponed it for now.

At the same time, Kakashi, quietly following from the shadows, was already beginning to suspect something. Shikamaru was definitely not going deep into the forest for a pleasant walk. In an amicable way, it was worth temporarily breaking the distance. Only Kakashi was not afraid to run into this guy. On the contrary, he was not averse to seeing his skills. Therefore, the experienced shinobi continued to keep the same distance and follow the target.

At some point, Shikamaru suddenly stopped and with a light sigh threw off his backpack, straightened his T-shirt and looked around. Looking around, he calmly asked:

- Maybe you will show up already? I do not intend to chase you throughout the forest. Let's solve it all at once.

Shikamaru didn't bet much on this simple method, but he had already pinpointed where the enemy was. So it was worth determining the intentions. If he does not appear, all that remains is to try to break the distance or start a chase with the gates open. In the worst case, clone substitution will work too. The question is who is on the tail and is he ready to measure his strength? Hiruzen is not an annoying one, so he could well give the shinobi a couple of instructions for such a case, and a little sparring can and is possible. For so many years, Shikamaru had already studied the old man's character well.

After a moment of silence, the branches of a distant tree shook, and then a silhouette appeared in front of Shikamaru. The guy was clearly surprised when he realized who was in front of him.

- Kakashi-san? This is the meeting.

"Ha ... And don't tell me," Kakashi smiled as usual, still holding his hands in his pockets. Shikamaru did not hide this, so he immediately asked:

- Do you intend to fight?

Jonin shrugged.

"I guess I have no choice. I am not a fan of surveillance, so if you win, I will immediately lag behind.

- So the old man told you to check on me? - the guy grinned: - It looks like him.

- Well, he's your teacher, you know better.

Shikamaru just nodded, grabbed a kunai and got into a stance. Kakashi immediately smiled with his only open eye. He understood everything without further ado. Just a moment and at top speed, the two shinobi collided. The clang of steel announced the clash of the two kunai, and then the legs and fists went into action. Without any ninjutsu, the two compared their skills in taijutsu. Shikamaru was still slightly shorter than Kakashi, so the shortness of his limbs markedly reduced the chances of an equal opposition. But, he continued, it is important to distract the enemy and then use the established control method. It worked with other Jonin, and there may be a chance here. But Kakashi is not a simple jonin, not a simple one at all ...