Chapter 138: Purchasing Technicians

The Leaf style, grouped with the Cloud style, performed quite well. No one had used their Dojutsu yet, but Shikamaru was already noticeably crowded. It was not only Kakashi's immense skills and experience that affected, but also the length of his limbs. In battle, this meant a lot, especially against two approximately equal opponents. With another clash of elbows, there was a clap and Shikamaru hit in the liver. Breaking the distance, the guy threw out a kunai, which Kakashi immediately intercepted and threw along with his in the direction of Shikamaru. The guy jerked and easily avoided the kunai in the head. Trying to close the distance with a jerk, Shikamaru threw a leg into Kakashi's stomach. He easily grabbed the foot and tried to knock the guy to the ground. Shikamaru reacted immediately, and after completing a full horizontal rotation in the air, he struck with his second leg. Another clap was clearly in line with expectations - Kakashi blocked everything. The experienced Shinobi's gaze flashed, at the same moment Shikamaru folded the seals and a shadow clone flew out of the cloud of smoke, followed by another. Kakashi frowned and broke the distance with a quick movement. At the same moment, the feeling of danger made itself felt. Kakashi reflexively dodged the side, and then an explosion thundered.

"Explosive?" - Hatake suddenly narrowed his eyes. The seal turned out to be not just explosive, but light. The dazzling glow almost burned my vision. From which I even had to cover my eyes with my palm. At the same time, Shikamaru folded several hand seals and shadows shot out in all directions. Kakashi knew now was not the time to squint and be inactive. Shikamaru turned out to be a dangerous enemy, and with the Nare clan shinobi it is not worth standing still.

The swift shadows easily skirted several trees and, under the influence of the bright glow, rushed towards Kakashi's surroundings. A jump, and Hatake came to a vertical stop on a tree trunk. The shadows were already catching up. As soon as he noticed them, the experienced Jonin folded the seal and moved abruptly. Shikamaru instantly dispelled the jutsu and dodged the kick. Catching on the shadows was not so easy. The opponent's chakra control was very impressive, plus he was determined not to stay on the ground and was able to use the position to determine the shadows. From a height, the view was completely different, and this was all even without the Sharingan ... Experienced Jonin in business is not at all easy.

More on simple taijutsu Shikamaru was not going to waste. One movement and the first from the Gate immediately activated, a volley of bones flew into Kakashi. The fight finally got serious!

Dodging a dozen shells, Kakashi was surprised to find Shikamaru next to him. His fist, covered in sharp bones, cut through the air mercilessly.

"Guy! Found someone to teach, damn ... "- with a slight grin, Kakashi could only put out his hands to block. With unpleasant pain, Hatake was thrown aside. But, Shikamaru was not going to give him the opportunity to act. Kakashi knew this, so even with his bleeding hands, he abruptly lifted the protector from his left eye. Now is not the time to save energy, the boy is not one of the weaklings!

The first gate allowed Kakashi to equalize in speed, but the Sharingan gave Kakashi even more advantage. Even as Shikamaru crossed over to the third gate, Kakashi calmly blocked every blow. Although, calling it a calm defense is not entirely correct. Still, the power of the shinobi under the gate is no joke, especially if he has Shikotsumyaku in reserve. Therefore, one had only to imagine what happened to Kakashi in just a couple of minutes of this taijutsu ...

"Ha ... Ha ..." Breathing heavily, Hatake broke the distance with Shikamaru again. The guy didn't chase him this time. It is not difficult to guess who had an undeniable advantage in this short battle. Kakashi's arms and legs were painfully shaking and bleeding from hundreds of different scratches. If everything continues like this, then he will lose anyway. Even possession of the Sharingan did not save one from constant wounds from sharp bones. It is not so easy to calculate all the gray bones suddenly escaping from the body for Dojutsu. It's hard to imagine what the fight will boil down to when Shikamaru uses the rest of the gate. Kakashi felt more and more respect for this young genius. He was not arrogant or too arrogant. When Kakashi tried to catch him on a mistake, Shikamaru got caught only a couple of times, but always with a minimum of damage. Serious, collected, ruthless. Fighting spirit was ablaze, but Shikamaru did not allow him to turn his head. This meant that he treated the enemy with great caution. Kakashi had to admit that when he was this guy from the Nara clan, he behaved very differently. He was sure of his talent and part of it could play a cruel joke with him. Because of his father and subsequent events, Kakashi trained in the most persistent way, paired with talent, he was able to achieve a lot. He even decided to leave the academy in order to prove himself and to prove to everyone what the son of White Fang is in business.

When Kakashi jumped back, Shikamaru stopped. In this fight, he received a couple of bruises, but nothing particularly serious. Maintaining the gate and fighting intense combat is no problem at all for Uzumaki of Senju bloodline. In addition, Shikamaru did not even use all the possibilities of the gate, and Kakashi is already in a similar position. The guy was even surprised by this outcome. Using the Sharingan for a long time and exchanging taijutsu with the owner of the Shikotsumyaku is not a good idea. So the question was, why doesn't Kakashi use his strongest moves? As strong as Shikamaru is, his bones will certainly not be able to block Chidori. In this case, he wanted to rely on the Sharingan for a sharp impact on the enemy. At worst, Rasengan, but somehow Kakashi hesitated. It was as if he was not going to use this ability ... To the guy's even greater surprise, Hatake rubbed his forearms with a painful look and chuckled:

- You're not bad ... Now I understand why this ability is called the best in Taijutsu. The constant accumulation of even small scratches not only puts pressure on the body, but also on the mind. When you're the only one shedding blood, and you're constantly in pain, it's overwhelming. In Taijutsu, spirit and determination are important, as soon as it shakes, failure is inevitable.

Shikamaru deactivated the gate and nodded thoughtfully.

- Frankly, I somehow did not think about it. Thanks...

- Thanks? Ha, what's there, don't thank. This I need to thank you. Such an experience ... You helped me a lot. It's rare to be able to use the Sharingan for so long. After his words, Kakashi covered his eye with a protector, and Shikamaru finally looked at him. All this time, he tried not to maintain clear eye contact. In fact, Kakashi is the same thing, he focused more on the fight, and not on looking at the opponent's face.

Kakashi just smiled and sat down, leaning his back against a tree trunk.

- Guy taught you well. Even without Shikotsumyaku, your taijutsu is something with something. In my time, I would not be your opponent. Although, I'm no longer your opponent ... The new generation is impressive.

"You are exaggerating." Shikamaru smiled and, being next to Hatake, bent down and placed his palm on his right hand. Jonin didn't try to resist. The emerald glow was immediately reflected in Shikamaru's dark eyes. Hatake smiled again.

- Thank you, - stretching out his left hand, he asked: - Derny ...

Shikamaru immediately understood what was the matter and shook Kakashi's pinky with a light movement. With a crisp crunch, the finger returned to its original color.