Chapter 49: Genesis Academy


"Ms. Daisy? Ms. Daisy? Please wake up. We've already arrived at our destination." One of the palace guards said, waking me up. I stretched and covered my mouth when I yawned.

"Wha- What?" Was all I could say. I think my blood is still sleeping. Then, I looked outside.

"Welcome to Genesis Academy." He said making my jaw drop. I mean, come on! Is this truly a school?! It looks like a freakin' city! Nope, I was just exaggerating things, sorry 'bout that. We are in a middle of a jungle which, I don't know where, and the school seems like that of a mansion.

It looks like a mansion, that anyone who sees this in there first time would mistook this as a lost house. But it doesn't looked abandoned, for the gate was well painted with gold and in the middle of the up arch was that of a bird looking down like it's guarding the main entrance. Down from it was the name of the school, which is Genesis Academy. Besides the gate, was two statued soldiers with wings, kneeling in one knee while holding a spear and a shield. By the way, they were mirrored with each other. And then a long~ wall of bricks was sorrounding the school.

"What part of Aurora's Land is this?" I asked while we enter the gate.

"No one knows, Ms. Daisy. For it is believed that anyone who is invited are the only ones who can enter this realm."

"Realm huh?" The only thing I could say, until we reached the entrance.

"Who is the invitee and where are you from?" A woman asked, and looked at all of us. She wore and holds the same things just like the statue outside, so I thought, maybe she is a guard or something?

"We are here by the orders of King Merci from the Empire of Dawn. Ms. Daisy, where is the letter?" The guard asked politely and I gave it to him while smiling awkwardly.

"You've now completed your tasks, so please leave the invitee with us and set back to your empire." The woman said, making me blink a couple of times. The guards helped me get out of the carriage and gave me the bag that I brought with me.

"We are now heading back to the empire milady. We have already finished what we need to do, so please be safe."

"The same goes for you all. Please be safe, and by the way... If you see my family back there, don't forget to tell them that if they misses me, just let them send some letters and I will reply them back." I said and smiled, before the guards leave with an approval from me. But then again, I remembered him telling me earlier that this place is hidden, making it impossible to send letters outside.

"Silly me~"

After that, I was taken to a room, that resembled like that of the principal's office.

"Greetings! Come, come! You must be the new student. The bearer of the phoenix, as I may say?" The person sitting in a throne like room, welcomed me. "Don't be shy, milady. Just think of this as your new training site." She said and in the next thirty minutes, she just talked about random stuffs, like how the school came to being and how it ended up being hidden.

"So all of the empire sends their best students to study here? But there is no student from Dusk? Basically, you're saying that the Dusk Empire is the enemy of all who lives in Aurora's Land?" I asked and she nodded as an answer.

"After what the former king of Dusk did to all the empires of Aurora's Land, they just disappeared and was never seen again. It was also the time that the Phoenix bearers were nowhere to be found. So all of us believe that they captured all the bearers and tried to control the power of Phoenix, to which they did not get." She explained.

"So when you found out about me, you quickly sent a letter to hide me here? To keep me away from them?" I asked confused, but she waved her head no.

"That might be another reason. But the real reason why we brought you here, is for you to control it. Since we are the ones who uses magic here, we can help you with that." After what she said, I nodded and got excited. "But for now, please let yourself rest. We will be starting your training tomorrow." After what she said, she called a person outside that led me to my room.

The room was not really that big. But it can occupy at least five people. Every door has five rooms inside and it has another two doors leading to the comfort rooms. There is a table in the middle part of the room with five chairs around it and a book shelf at a part of it.

The doors leading to the room were placed at the right side. Three at the right most part, and two at the other ends if you face right from the entrance of the door.

The shelf was in the left part of the room. It has five shelves with a height that occupies five stands. Then at the side part of the shelves was a door leading to a veranda.


This is the structure of the room~

  Veranda                       Door 1

                              chair             Door 2 Shelves  chair Table chair Door 3

                     chair    chair      Door 4

                                          Door 5


After taking me to this room. She left me and I didn't mind, for all I want to do right now is to sleep. Oh~ mind if I tell you that before she leave, she told me something.

"You're not the only one who is leaving here. You have four roommates already. So please look for the door with no one using it." She explained, then took her leave, so I looked around and went to the doors. I hold open the knobs, but it's all locked, so I came up with the conclusion that the first door might be the one unoccupied.

When I opened it, I was happy to find out that my hunch was correct, so I went inside and put my things at its places, before locking my door and taking my moments of silence. Sleeping~ while imagining what my roomates were like. I just hope that they will treat me accordingly though.

To be continued~