She just couldn't believe that she actually asked him on a date. What was she thinking to say that to such an innocent kid? It wasn't her fault, she just couldn't help it. He was just so handsome and hot. How can she possibly let that opportunity go? Besides she was trying to get some new ideas about her next book, she was going to make it a hit no matter what.

She dressed comfortably since she didn't want to overdo it and mess the whole day. She sat by his side as he drove her to their first destination. She was still unaware of where they were going since he had promised to have a date in his own way. What was he going to show her? She didn't remember the last time she went on a date with a guy. She had been so busy running her businesses and writing her books.

She was reminded of the time she last had a serious relationship. It was a decade ago, she had everything she wanted. The life, the money and the man she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with. She was so happy that she saw everything going so well for her. She trusted him a lot and she gave him her whole heart but he trampled on it and stomped it with his own two feet. He crushed her heart so mercilessly she wondered whether he had been deceiving her all these years they had been together.

She returned from abroad and wanted to surprise her fiancé by coming a day early from her meeting. She was so happy that she went straight to his place and not her own house. She just never expected to catch him in bed with another woman. It really hurt her to find him in that position but what made it worse was the fact that the other woman lying with him was none other than her own best friend. It was so shocking that she didn't say anything but just left the house. She didn't know what she did that day but she ended up back to her apartment.

She was so depressed that she locked herself for days without seeing anyone until she came to her senses and decided to confront the two people that had betrayed her. Her best friend asked for forgiveness, she told her that she was sorry but she just couldn't forgive her. If she really saw her as her best friend, she wouldn't have taken the one thing she loved so dearly like that. She was going to love her life and in order to do that she had to move one. She cancelled her engagement with her fiancé and ended her friendship with the girl she had known for years. It was painful but it was the best for her. The statement of forgive and forget was something she was not going to follow at all.

Because of that one incident her life changed for the better. All the money she had saved for her marriage she used it on herself. She bought herself the house she was currently living in and swore to herself that she was not going to let anyone whether a man or a woman to hurt her like the way those two did to her before.

She kept everyone at arm's length before she befriended Simon, her friend who was just pitiful and lovely at the same time. He wasn't in her life to make use of her or deceive her. He was just there because he was her friend and she was glad to have someone like that after being in pain the way she did. All her relationships had been casual ever since then that she forgot what to do on a date except having sex by the end of the day.

Being around Jasper was providing a new experience for her. She was just happy being there, she felt comfortable being around him and felt very relaxed. She could tell that he was the kind of guy who was loyal and whoever was going to be his girlfriend was going to be a lucky girl. She couldn't turn back the time anymore, so she was going to live to the fullest.

'We are here,' Jasper said as he stopped the car and she looked around to see where she was. She was pretty shocked when she realized where they were. She looked at him and he smiled at her.

'Are you sure you want to go in there? It's crowded,' she asked him seeing where they are.

'I have always wanted to go there. I hope you don't mind,' he said looking at her.

'If that's what you want then I can go in with you. I am just worried that a lot of people might see you and that will cause a stir,' she told him as she was worried about marring his reputation.

'I don't really mind. What I want right now is to go inside there and show you the kind of date I would love to have. Please do it for me,' he said and she could tell that he was serious.

She wasn't worried about herself but about him. She didn't want people to start talking about him but since he had chosen this then she was going to comply with it.

'Let's go inside then but I should warn you, I am going to have so much fun that I won't look back,' she said with a smile.

'I hope you won't hold yourself back,' he said.

After hearing what he had just said, she smiled. Emerald was ready to get out of the car but he stopped her. He got out first and opened the door for her. She thanked him as she got out and that is when the flashes began.

This was surely going to be a long day, she told herself as she smiled at the cameras.


He just didn't think that the second he will step out of the car will be the second people start taking pictures of him. How was he going to have his dream date when people were already doing this? He looked at Emmie who didn't seem to be worried about the flashes at all.

'I'm sorry, it is all starting bad,' he apologized to her bit she just laughed before answering.

'It's normal especially when you are on a date with a celebrity,' she said and he found himself feeling happy about it. He was really on a date and he was going to enjoy every second of it. It was too late to back out now. He mustered his courage and he held Emmie's hand. He thought she would refuse or embarrass her in public but she just gave him one of her smiles and he knew it was okay.

After mustering his courage, he walked hand in hand with Emmie towards the ticket booth and managed to purchase two tickets for the amusement park. When they got inside, the place was full. Because he began his career at a young age, he had no time to visit an amusement park. They didn't have money back then and when they had it, he was just too busy to go. He wanted to visit that place with a woman who meant a lot to him and that woman was with him that moment and that was the only thing that mattered.

'Let's start with the roller coaster,' Emmie suggested and he agreed.

It was quite a long day. Being on these scary rides for hours was terrifying but exciting at the same time. He was less scared because she was there by his side the whole time. He just couldn't believe that a woman like her was so carefree and enjoying her time as if she was just a child. He knew one thing and that Emmie was probably in her early thirties and she was older than him by far but that didn't stop his love for her.

Emerald was having so much fun. Being at the park reminded her of the days when she was still young. She would save money and come to play at the park. Sometimes she would only afford to get on two rides, so every time she would save to get on the other ones she missed and yet that day she got on every ride. She had money to spend and Jasper was treating, all she had to do was have fun. If she was going to be on all the tabloids by the next day then she might as well show her happier side.

It was after their rides when Jasper proposed to enter the haunted house. He was curious to see what it was like inside so he bought the tickets to get inside.

'If you get scared, just hold on to me,' he said to Emmie who laughed at his remark in return.

'I was about to tell you the same; let's go inside,' she said.

He wanted to show her that he was a man so he led while she followed behind him. The place was dark and creepy and to be honest, he was already sweating buckets. He couldn't sleep without the lights on and just being in a dark place with so many creepy sounds was making him dizzy. At one point he heard one crazy laugh and he screamed. This made Emmie to laugh and at the same time she held hands with him. He felt safer because she was with him. He couldn't lead in the end, she was the stronger one and she took them to safety.

Because she was worried about him she kept on telling him some fun stories and just like that he managed to divert his attention from all those scary things and people that were in the haunted house. The second he was out he took a huge deep breath and looked at Emmie. She was crying, not because she was sad but she was practically laughing at him. He was so embarrassed that he found himself joining her in the process.

'You did well for your first time. You should come back again, you never know. You might get used to it soon,' she said as she patted his shoulder.

'If you promise to come back with me then I will,' he said hoping that she will agree to them seeing each other again.

'I will gladly do that. I know this other scary place too. If you are free some other day, I will personally escort you there and let you experience what a real haunted house is,' she said and he smiled.

'Thank you,' Jasper said his gaze on her.

'I should be the one thanking you. It's been ages since I had so much fun,' she told him.

'I'm glad that we brought joy to each to each. It's getting pretty late now. Should we go to the restaurant to have some dinner?' he asked her.

'That would be lovely, I am now starving after all those rides,' she answered.

Jasper led the way again as he took most of the attention with the people who were not stopping to take pictures. They were a bit delayed since the fans were too much. He was really popular, she noticed that.

Jasper took a sigh of relief when he was settled in the car. He knew it was going to be a busy tomorrow but it was good for him since his vacation was still on. He was left with just a few days and he wanted to spend those days with the woman he loves. He was very sorry that he abandoned his mother for love but she will understand since she was the one who was always complaining that he doesn't hang out with girls more.

'You are quiet. Is something on your mind?' Emerald asked him and he cleared his throat before answering.

'I was just thinking about my mother,' he told her.

'I bet she will be shocked to see her son in the paper tomorrow especially with a girl who looks much older,' Emmie said and he could hear worry in her voice.

'You don't have to think a lot about it. I was the one, who wanted to go there, so don't beat yourself with it. I really had a great time today and this might sound crude but if it is possible I would like to have another date with you tomorrow,' he told her, his eyes on hers and he saw her blush again. This was getting fascinating; she really looked cute when she was shy.

'I can't believe you are asking me that but lucky you, I have nothing to do tomorrow so I will agree to have that date with you,' she agreed and he yelled which made Emmie to laugh out loud with joy.

'It's good to see you happy Emmie and thank you for asking me today for the date,' he said.

'I had a great time today, which is usually rare in my life and I am just glad that I get to relive my youth with you. I just hope that there won't be any bad press release tomorrow,' she sounded worried again.

'I will take care of it right now so let's go inside and have a nice meal together,' he said as he stopped the car.

He had chosen a restaurant that he frequents most. It was quiet and friendly but above all everyone just minded their own business there.

'It's good to have you back Jasper,' the manager said as soon as he entered the restaurant.

'Thank you very much. Is there any table, I couldn't book a table ahead,' he said, because of all the fu he forgot to make a reservation.

'You are lucky, we have one available but it is not private. Would you like to have it?' the manager asked.

'It will be just fine,' Jasper answered.

'Come this way,' the manager said and led the way.

The two of them followed the manager to the table that was currently empty. Everyone was staring but he didn't mind, he was with a beautiful woman he admired and there was nothing more he wanted.

He pulled the chair for Emmie who thanked him before she settled down. He sat right opposite her before making their orders. While they waited for their food, they had some wine.

'This place is beautiful,' Emmie complimented as she looked around.

'It is which is why I wanted to bring you here; its bit quieter than the other restaurant. Here we can have or dinner in peace,' Jasper said.

'We will definitely do so,' she said as she took another sip of her wine.

It was the most peaceful dinner she had ever had with anyone else before. It just felt so good being with someone new, someone who made her heart flutter with just looking. Emmie knew that she was being unreasonable for her age by having all these feelings for such a young kid. She just couldn't stop it and what scared her most was the fact that she had known him for just two days. Seeing him on TV and tabloids was totally different than seeing him in person. His gaze, his smile and everything about him was making her feel as if she was still a teenager. She knew she had to snap out of it and come back to reality.

She wasn't at that age where she could still have a fling and importantly be with a kid who was fifteen years younger than her. It was as if she was being intimate with a minor and her little brother. She was going to enjoy this night and finish the date she suggested and make sure that she stays away from him before she does something she will regret. The last time she gave someone her heart, she ended up being hurt and she wasn't in the mood for another round of that.

He could tell that her brain was busy; she had a lot on her mind and that bothered him a lot. They finished their desert and she just sat there looking at him as if she wanted to see his inner self. Was it because she was older that she wasn't embarrassed looking at him like that?

'Is there something on my face?' he asked her as he couldn't take it anymore.

She laughed at his question and shook her head.

'There is nothing. I'm sorry for staring but I just couldn't help myself. You are really one handsome young man. If you had been older I would have loved it,' she said sounding very disappointed and took a sip of her water.

'You don't like it that I'm young?' he asked her wanting to know.

'Yes, I hate it. The thought that I'm having all these kind of feelings while I'm here with you, makes me very ashamed of myself,' she said and he felt this wave all of a sudden and found himself smiling.

'Does that mean you have feelings for me?' he asked filled with so much excitement.

'It doesn't matter anymore because the result is still the same,' she said.

'What do you mean by that?'

'I am glad that we did this. We both got what we wanted and I would love to end this on good terms,' she told him seriously.

'But didn't you promise me that I will see you again?'

'I did but I changed my mind. Welcome to the adult world kid. It was really nice meeting you and I wish you all the best in everything that you will do from now on,' she said as she stood.

He felt powerless as he sat there. She was already rejecting him without even giving him a chance. He loved her so much and yet she was breaking his heart so fast after all the memories they both shared for the day. How could she be so heartless? She gave him hope only to shatter it just like that.

She smiled at him as everything was okay and she left the room. He just sat there like an idiot holding in his tears. He was a man and he shouldn't cry. He took some deep breaths before he stood up and followed her. He saw her waiting by the entrance and he paid the bill before rushing out towards her.

'Emmie, wait!' he called out and she turned around to face him.

He ran straight to her and he grabbed her hand and he gently pulled her to where his car was parked.

'What do you think you are doing?' she screamed at him.

'What any other responsible man will do. I took you from your house, so I should send you back. My mother taught me better,' he said angrily as he made her enter the car.

He didn't want to talk, he felt as if he will burst from anger if he said a thing. He looked at her as he drove away from the restaurant and the look on her face was a new one. That was the first time he was seeing her so terrified and he felt so bad but he didn't have a choice. He had to talk to her and straighten things out with her even when it meant getting her mad like this. He just hoped that she will forgive him after he was done.