She was so frustrated; she wasn't able to write a single sentence even when she was staring at the storyboard. She had come up with a perfect story and yet she just couldn't write it. She just didn't know what to do. She couldn't even type a single word; her head was filled with what happened that night a week ago. She was so stupid and crazy, how could she let all that happen?

'Emmie, Simon is here,' Portia informed her and she looked up at her.

'Where is he?' she asked her.

'He is in the lounge. Are you sure you are okay? You don't look so well.'

'I will be fine in a while. Tell him I am on my way,' she said as she rolls out of bed.

Why would Simon come to her in the middle of the week and especially during day time? Wasn't he supposed to be at work or something?

Emmie looked at herself in the mirror and she didn't look so well. Luckily for her, Simon was a dear friend and it didn't matter how she dresses to go and see him, which is why she left her bedroom dressed in her pajamas.

'What the heck, Emmie? You look like a ghost. What happened to you?' Simon asked her in shock as he saw the state she was in.

'It's a long story. Why are you here?' she asked as she there herself on the couch.

'Your phone wasn't going through for days and I got worried. So I called you home phone and Portia filled me in. so why are you torturing yourself like this?'

'Is this why you came here? Don't you have work to do?' she asked him.

'I have loads of it but you come first. I am very worried about you. I wouldn't want to see you drowning yourself and ending up getting hurt. So talk it out with me,' Simon said as he sat next to her.

She laid her head on his shoulder and took a deep sigh. She didn't know where to begin at all.

'Is it because of the tabloids? You have been a trending topic lately considering you had a date with the most pure celebrity in the country. Is this why you are so down?' he asked her again.

'He is one of the reasons I am like this,' she finally spoke with some honesty.

'Did he harm you or anything like that?' Simon asked worriedly.

'He didn't do anything like that. It's me, I am in love with him and this is driving me crazy. I only met the guy two times and I am acting like a child now,' she said hitting herself in the head but Simon stopped her.

'I know this might sound crazy but for all the years I have known you, I am so happy to hear that part of the news. I never thought after your last relationship that you will fall for anyone again. Is it really a bad thing that you fell for him?'

'He is twenty two Simon. He is a kid and I don't think I am ready to have a fling. At my age I don't think I need something like that. He is at that age where he has to date and fall in love with a girl around his age. He can be with someone who can have a family with him and I don't want to mess up his career,' she said and Simon smirked.

'So after all those words, you are saying that you are just worried about his future and you are afraid that you might be a passing fling and he will leave you for another once he is tired of you?'

She looked at Simon and felt like ripping him apart. How could he say the correct things like that?

'Yes, you are right. I am so scared that I don't know what to do anymore. He might like me now but what do you think will happen in two years or more? He will still be young while I continue to age. When my hair is all grey, will he still say he loves me like he does now?' she asked her friend and found herself tearing up.

'There you are. Just cry it all out and don't keep it inside. I am going to share a secret with you about your young kid. I saw the way he looked at you the second we arrived at the banquet. Anyone would have told instantly that he was in love with you. I monitored him throughout the banquet and his eyes were only looking for you. I have never seen anyone doing that before. Even myself I don't show so much love to my lover. He might be a kid but he might be mature enough to love you. I want to see you happy Emmie,' he told her and she looked up at him her tears drying up.

'So what do you suggest I do?' she asked.

'Follow your heart Emmie. I want to see you smile, laugh and love. I don't care if that kind of happiness will last for just a day but I want you to follow your heart. That way you won't get stuck in the house and not write anything. What do you think your fans will do once they find out that their favorite can't write because she is lovesick?' he was mocking her but she found herself laughing at that remark.

'That will be a shocking headline. I will do what you just suggested then,' she said all cheered up.

'So what exactly happened to you? It's not only because he confessed to you that you are like this right?' Simon asked and she found herself laughing.

'I am fragile, you know,' she said and it was Simon's turn to laugh.

'How are you fragile when you are so capable of facing my scary mother as if she was one of your friends?'

'She isn't that scary. You should tell her the truth soon before she takes matters in her own hands,' Emmie advised her friend trying to run away from his question.

'I know what you are doing. Don't even dream about it, so confess everything now!' Simon insisted and she knew that she had to spill the beans.

'Okay, it started like this...'

Jasper drove her back home in total silence that night; she was so baffled with the way he acted earlier. It was the first time she saw that other side of him. It was a bit scary but cute at the same time. He was being so possessive and that made her heart flutter. He stopped the car in front of her gate and she was about to escape from the car when he hold her and stopped her from leaving.

Emerald looked at him with questioning and confused eyes, she had no idea what he wanted at this point and she was afraid that if he starts talking then she might be swayed and fall for his tricks. He didn't say a single word to her but just gazed deep into her eyes. She could hear and see his deep thoughts so well. It was always there from day one, his feelings were never hidden but in plain sight. He was hurt and yet his eyes showed so much love for her. She didn't have to ask him since it was all displayed for her to see. While she was busy analyzing him, she suddenly got pulled towards Jasper. She didn't have time to fight him as she was caught off guard, without saying a word Jasper kissed her firmly on her lips. His kiss was demanding, possessive and good for someone who had never dated anyone before. She couldn't fight him off, she needed this, and since he forced himself on her she might as well just get over it and use him so that she gets over him quickly.

She didn't waste time but hooked her arms around his neck as he devoured her mouth with his. His hands were on her small back as he kissed her hungrily continuously. At this rate she was going to sleep with him and that was one thing she wanted to avoid at all costs. Reluctantly she pushed Jasper away and felt empty as their lips parted from their intimate contact.

'I have to go,' she said and opened the door to the car without giving him a chance to say or explain anything. She didn't want to hear anything, kissing him was already a mistake and if she listens to him then she was going to regret it.

Jack opened the gate for her and she walked in hurriedly and never looked back. She couldn't sleep that night, all she could think of was the way Jasper looked at him as she ruthlessly abandoned him there. She was the one at fault and she was very sorry that things turned out that way.


'So that what happened. I didn't know you were this cruel,' Simon attacked her and she looked down.

'I know about that already. Don't make it worse,' she said.

'Okay, I know you feel sorry already but right now I need you to start being jovial again and I have the perfect idea. Go and change into something that isn't pajamas,' he instructed her and she looked at him.

'Anything special?' she asked wanting to know the occasion.

'Just put on your favorite shorts and t-shirt. I will go and buy you some ice-cream,' Simon said and she laughed.

'I am thirty seven years old. How dare you try to trick me with ice-cream at my age?'

'You are a child at this moment. I will buy you another bag, deal?'

'I will head in right away,' she said as she stood up.

Simon knew her very well, if he wasn't homosexual she would have not minded being with him. She rushed to her bedroom and ran through her closet until she found her pair of emerald green shorts she bought the other time she went for a business trip abroad and a white t-shirt. After getting dolled up she returned to the lounge where Simon was patiently waiting for her.

'You look just lovely, let's go,' he said as he offered her his arm. She took it gladly and the two of them went outside where Simon's red Corvette was parked.

'I love this car. Is it new? I have never seen it with you before?' Emmie asked.

'I bought it a few days ago. Should I buy you one?' he asked her and she scoffed.

'I don't need another car but I wouldn't mind if you buy me that painting,' she said as Simon drove off from her compound.

'I will think about it,' he said with a smile and she just laughed it off.

'I'm glad that you came today. I feel a lot better now,' she thanked him and he looked at her.

'That's what friends are for dear. I will be with you in both good and bad times. Today it is my treat so take whatever you want,' he said and she waved her hands as a gesture to show how happy she was.

'I will gladly do so,' she replied.

Just like he promised, Simon took her to a café where he bought ice cream for her. While she enjoyed her bowl of ice-cream, he was busy taking pictures of her. She just couldn't stop smiling and laughing. At their ages, it was very awkward to see them behaving like children but what else can they do? This is who they are when they were with one another. After having her fill of ice-cream, he took her to different boutiques until she found one boutique she liked.

'I want this and this and this,' Emmie said as she pointed at three designer bags she saw when she went in.

'Didn't we agree on one?' he asked sarcastically and she nudged him.

'You said I should get anything and this is what I want. You have to keep your word,' she said breathing fire at him and he smiled at her.

'I will take the bags,' he said to the attendant who quickly rushed to prepare.

'That's my boy, thanks,' she said hugging him.

'Anything for you but make sure when your book comes out, I should receive the first copy,' he said.

'When did I ever disappoint you?' she asked him with her eyebrows raised.

'Just reminding you,' he said.

The two of them went to the counter where Simon paid for the handbags before returning to the car.

'I will take you home now,' he told her and she looked at him.

'Take me to the hospital,' she said.

'Are you sick all of a sudden?' he asked full of worry.

'I feel like seeing Carl, can you take me to him?' she asked politely.

'Okay, I will drop you there but don't disturb him if he is busy,' he said.

'Don't worry I will be civil.'

Simon drove her to the hospital Carl worked and he dropped her there.

'Are you not going in?' she asked him as she noticed that he wasn't even bulging.

'I have a meeting I need to attend to and besides I will meet him later at night. Just tell him that I love him and I will call him later,' Simon said.

'Okay, I will pass the message. Drive safely and thank you once again.'

'Anything for you my dear.'

Simon finally drove off and she walked into the hospital holding her bags. She went to the reception where she was welcomed by this young nurse.

'I would like to see Doctor Carl please,' she told the young nurse and she looked at her as if she was in the wrong place.

'Do you have an appointment?' the nurse asked her.

'I don't have but just tell him that Emmie is here,' she said politely but the nurse was declaring war on her.

'I am afraid that you have to make an appointment first before going up,' the nurse said and Emmie looked at her. If she continued being in front of her then she was probably going to chop her off.

Emmie took out her cell phone and she called Carl straight away.

'I am in the reception but I can't see you since I have no appointment. I guess I will have to go back home now,' Emmie said while listening on the other hand.

'I will be down there in a moment. Don't leave,' Carl said and she smiled.

'I will patiently wait for you so take your time,' she said looking at that rude nurse before she hung up on the call.

She looked around and she saw why the nurse was being such a snob. She had been reading the tabloid that had her face and Jasper's all over. A lot of nonsense was being said; they even said that she was taking advantage of him. Only f they knew what their purest celebrity was capable of.

She found a chair and sat while she waited for Carl. He didn't even take five minutes before he stood right in front of her. She took up and gave him a huge hug.

'I missed seeing you,' she said as they broke the hug apart.

'I missed you too. Let's go to my office and talk there,' he said as he took her bags.

'I would love to go to your cafeteria. I am starving,' she said as she heard her stomach mumbled.

'Didn't he buy you food?' Carl asked as they went to the elevator.

'We ate ice-cream only. I was too excited about the bags that I forgot about food. You can have it with me if you don't have any surgeries scheduled for the meantime,' she said hoping that he was free.

'I don't have one and I am free to have lunch with you. That way you can tell me what has been bothering you slowly,' he said as the elevator stopped on the floor they wanted for the cafeteria.

Carl led her to the front where the chefs were standing. She picked the food she wanted since Carl was paying for it before heading to sit on one of the numerous tables in the cafeteria.

'I forgot the last time I ate hospital food. I always hated it,' Emmie said as she takes her first spoonful.

'I am used to it, sorry you had to eat this,' he said apologetically but she simply smiled at him while she stared at him.

'I am glad that I got to eat with you. It's more refreshing than being with Simon. He will be picking on me that I will just end up with indigestion,' she said with a laugh.

'That's because he will be worried for you. So is everything settled now?' Carl asked her and she stopped eating.

'Yes, I finally settled down my feelings. I will no longer be a coward and be forthright about it. Do you mind if I ask you something?' she suddenly asked him.

'Ask me anything and if I have the answers then I will gladly indulge them to you,' he said with a calm look on his face and her heart settled.

'Okay. I want to know how you accepted it when you started dating Simon. Was it hard?' she asked him and looked at him waiting to hear his response.

'Since I like you so much, I will be honest with you. I pursued him in the first place; he was just so handsome that I couldn't resist his charms. It took me months for me to finally convince him to come to his mind. He accepted who he really was and ever since then we never separated. Just like your kid, he really wants to pursue you but you put a huge concrete wall between yourself and him. You should at least give him a chance to confess his feelings. You don't know what people are capable of when they can't let out what they feel. I nearly went insane back in the days. Sit down with him and talk to him. If you both feel the same then try it out and see where it will take you. If it doesn't work out then you may let go. It's not a good choice to abandon the path when you haven't even started on it. I don't want you to regret fully knowing that you might have made a choice and be with someone you like,' Carl made a long speech which she understood and felt grateful for.

'I knew you were the right person to come to. I will follow your instructions and Simon's and I will see where it will take me. Please root for me,' she said cheerful now after hearing what he said.

'I will always do that. You are my favorite woman,' he said and she laughed.

'Isn't it because I don't covet your man that you like me that much?' she asked fully knowing the answer.

'That's the first reason why I like you and besides you are just a lovely person, no wonder why the kid fell for you. But you really shock me Emmie. How did you get that hot young kid to fall for such an old lady like you?' he asked her and she fumed at him.

'Do I look that old to you?' she asked angrily.

'You do especially with all those wrinkles on your face. You should be happy daily and stop frowning and worrying a lot,' he said and she laughed it off. He surely has ways to get on her nerves.

'I will make sure to be happy for everyone's sake and mine too,' she said and smiled happily at him.

She felt as if the huge burden weighing in her chest was finally lifted. She was grateful and glad to have friends like these. Just thinking about her old friend made her clench her fist. If she happens to run into her one day she didn't know what she will do. She hasn't heard from her in a decade and that was good for her. The far away she was from her the better. She was going to move on and to do that she had to meet her kid. That was something she was going to do after she leaves the hospital but at the moment she was going to just sit with Carl and enjoy her nice lunch and talk more about life and relationships, after all Carl was a total genius to be able to snatch Simon for himself.