It's been a week and she wasn't picking up his calls or replying his texts. He regretted the way he acted that night. He was so angry and mad at her that he got violent with her. The way she looked at him was terrifying and he was scared that he was going to lose her at that rate. He had nothing to do and was sitting in his lounge watching a TV program and yet he was seeing or hearing anything. He had given his mother the book that Emmie gave him and she was very happy to receive it. His mother wanted to meet her and now he was sure there was no way to do it.

He missed her so much and he just wanted to see her but would she look at him at all after all he did to her? He really wanted to strangle himself but there was nothing he could do at his moment except to go look for her and beg for forgiveness. He was going to make her listen one way or the other. He was supposed to leave the country for a fan meeting the next day and he wasn't going to leave without seeing at least her face.

After making up his mind, he put on a jacket, took his car keys and drove from his apartment. It was a thirty minutes drive and on his way there, he made up many different scenarios on how to approach her. When he arrived he stopped in the drive way, he just couldn't find the strength to go straight to her gate. What if she refused to open the gate for him and talk to him? The thought of her closing the door in his face was just painful. He didn't know what to do at all.

As he sat in his car thinking about what to do next, he saw a red car approaching Emmie's gate. He had seen her car before and it wasn't like this. Was she receiving a guest or something? He asked himself as the car stopped by the gate. He watched as a man got out of the car with a smile on his face and went to the passenger's side to open the door. He watched as Emmie emerged from that same car smiling and holding a number of gift bags. He felt his heart being crushed into pieces. Was this reason why she rejected him so mercilessly like that? She told him that she was single then who was this guy she was kissing on the cheeks?

Seeing her being intimate with another man really took a toll on him. He was so mad and angry that he found himself getting out of his car and walking straight to where Emmy and the other man were standing.

'I will call you later, all the best,' the other man said with a smile on his face and looked at him.

Jasper didn't understand what he was trying to do. The man placed his hand on his shoulder before giving him a nicely worded threat.

'If you hurt her, I swear to you that I will make your life very miserable you will regret ever getting to know her,' the man said and left for his car.

Shocked by what had just happened he stood there loss of words as the man drove away. What had just happened? He turned around only to find Emmie laughing, she looked happy and that was a relief for him.

'I'm sorry for just coming announced,' he apologized a few seconds later.

'It's okay. I am glad that you came; I need to talk to you. Drive your car inside and follow me,' she said and began to head inside.

He rushed to his car and drove inside as he was instructed. He felt at ease as she was willing to talk to him now. He just hoped that she wasn't going to say all those hurtful things like that night to him again. He just couldn't stand another rejection from her again.

He followed her inside and she gave him a seat while she disappeared to her room only to return a while later. She brought some juice and snacks and placed them on the table.

'So why are you here?' she asked without even a cheerful look.

'I wanted to apologize for the way I behaved the other time. I didn't mean to be that violent with you. I was just so anxious and angry, and I apologize for that,' he said as he lowered his head.

'I forgive you, just don't scare me like you did back then,' she said this time she was smiling at him.

Upon seeing that look on her face, he lightened up and took a deep breath of relief.

'I wanted to see you before I leave the country tomorrow,' he said and she looked at him with shock pasted all over her face.

'Why are you leaving?' she asked.

'I have a fan meeting and the thought of being away for a long time without seeing you were hard for me. I know I was a jerk to you and I dropped the bomb on you but I just wanted to let you know that I am very serious about you. I know that you are worried about a lot of things but please trust me on this one. I love you the way you are, I don't care if you are older than me or anything. All I care about is being with you, being able to know that I am part of your everyday life and our heart beats for the same purpose. All these feelings are driving me crazy. You might think that I am crazy since we just met a while ago, that might be the case for you but not for me. I have loved you for a very long time and I just can't conceal all these emotions. So Emmie please give us a chance okay!' he poured out his heart to her, he wasn't scared anymore. He was going to tell her every single thing he feels for her even if it meant getting on her bad side again.

He just didn't want to have these feelings stored up in him. He wanted her to know how much he loves her even if she doesn't believe as single word of it. She didn't say anything but picked up her glass of juice and she took some sips before putting it down.

She looked at him and cleared her throat. He prepared himself for the bomb she was going to throw at him again.

'I'm sorry for the way I reacted last time. I shouldn't have done what I did. That was very careless of me,' she dropped an apology to him and he was taken by it.

'You didn't do anything wrong, I totally get it,' he said as his heart race like a madman upon hearing that.

'I know your love for me and I know that I am over doing it. I have a lot of concerns on my mind. So many things I am worried about and have so many secrets which I might never indulge to you. Even if it is like that, do you still want to be with me?' she asked him, he could see tears in her eyes. He had made her upset once more. He was such a bad man.

He stood up and went to where she was seated and he knelt in front of her.

'I will take you as a package Emmie, both your good and your bad sides. All those make you who you are. Even if you were a hot tempered woman I will still insist on being with you. So if you are afraid of that I will tell you right now that I love you the way you are and I will take you if you take me,' he said as he held her hands with his own.

She looked at him with those tearful eyes and he couldn't help himself but wipe the tears using his right thumb. He didn't want to see her cry, he swore to himself that this was the first and last time he was going to make her cry.

'I will go out with you then,' she said this time putting a smile on her face.

He looked at her full of shock and excitement; she had finally agreed to be with him. What would have happened if he hadn't mustered his courage to go and visit her? He would have regretted it for the rest of his life. He immediately embraced her in a hug so tight he didn't want to let her go. Feeling her heart beat, beating for him was the greatest gift he could receive from anyone. He looked at her as she smiled at him, showing him that gorgeous face. She was so beautiful he found himself cupping her cheeks with his palm.

'I love you Emmie,' he said as he gazed deep into her green eyes.

'I love you too Jasper,' she said back and his world just began to spin around.

She was his and he was hers. He was so happy that without even thinking he sealed her lips with his in an instant. For so long he had been dreaming of kissing her again and he was doing that just now. This time she didn't put a fight with him but she willingly let him took control. Slowly he laid her down on the couch without breaking contact with her. He continued kissing her as he lay on top of her, feeling every inch of her body with his. She was making him go crazy with the way her fingers were going through his short hair.

Emmie let Jasper took over her. She completely surrendered herself to him and she wasn't bothered by it. He made her do things she never thought she could do in her life. She wanted to be with him every single second and she was going to do that. She wasn't getting any younger anymore, so she was going to love and never hold back anymore. The way he kissed her, touched her made her feel something she had never before.

He left her mouth and began to trail kisses along her neck and she moaned loudly. That was her weakest spot and he seemed to have found out too. He made things worse by caresses her earlobe. She began wriggling underneath him. He was pushing all her buttons and at this rate she knew exactly where they were going to end up and the thought of that made her excited.

She placed her hands on his back and began to trace it with her hands. He was a muscular young man, he probably worked out pretty well and she was curious to see it in flesh.

'I want you,' she whispered and he stopped kissing her and looked at her. His eyes were full of undeniable desire. He wanted her and she wanted him too. She was not a child anymore. She was no longer at that age where she had to date the guy for months before allowing him to have her. She was at the age where she gets what she wanted and right now she wanted to make him hers.

'Are you sure about this?' he asked her wanting to know if that's what she wanted.

'Yes, unless you don't find me attractive,' she said it as a way of declaring of war.

She was waiting for his response, will he defend himself and declare his love for her like he did earlier? She went red that time when he was confessing his love to her. It was so sweet and romantic she wished she had recorded it.

Jasper responded in a very different way than she expected. Instead of defending himself with words, he scooped her off the couch and carried her in his arms like a real man straight to her bedroom. She blushed all over as he gently put her down on her massive bed.

She didn't know he was so bold and brazen to make such a move like that. While she lay there on the bed, blushing like a teenage girl who just received her first kiss from her crush, he stood tall and slowly he began to remove his clothes while she watched.

Was this till the kid who couldn't even look at her properly the day when they first met? He seemed so different and confident; she really loved this mature side of him. She didn't avert her gaze as his black tee fell to the floor revealing what she had been hoping to see for a while now. He was a well built man and she just couldn't believe that he was all hers. He had a body to kill for, she stared hungrily at his abs, his firm chest and as if that wasn't enough, he had guts to remove the rest of his clothes and stood right in front of her naked as a baby.

She opened her mouth in awe as she was taken back and shocked with what had been revealed. She blinked a couple of times still not wanting to admit what she had just seen. At that moment he slowly climbed on the bed and he lay on top of her.

'I find you so damn attractive that I had been holding myself for too long,' he finally gave her an answer and before she could say another word his mouth was on her again.

Not wanting to waste such an opportunity she began to explore his body with her own hands as he kissed her hungrily and passionately. He raised himself up and gazed at her. He removed her t shirt which she was wearing gently before planting kiss on her shoulder. She was so mesmerized by every single action he was taking that she even questioned herself if this was his really first time being with a woman or it was all just lies.

She found herself naked beneath him; she could feel every single part of him lingering over hers. She last slept with a guy a few months back; one night stands became boring for her. Being able to be with a person she loves was a gift she received from above.

He was just too good at this and she was glad to have found a great lover who had eyes only for her. The way he was looking at her, he didn't have to say a single word. She could read him very well and what he was suggesting was exactly what she wanted.

One thing was for certain, and it was one thing. It was going to be a very long and passionate night for the two of them and she was going to enjoy every second of it.