She was excited and sad at the same time. She just spent the night with her boyfriend and yet he was leaving for work again. She sat there on her bed as she watched him put on his dress shirt. He just looked so amazing; she was thinking of undressing him and has her way with him. Was that considered as being too greedy? What she and Jasper shared last night was something so great, she could still feel his touch on her skin and that was something that was going to haunt her for a very long time until he lays his hands on her again.

'What are you thinking about?' he asked her as he turned to face her.

She cleared her throat, seeing how he caught her off guard when she was busy thinking of something very childish.

'I was thinking if I should just marry you and make you mine,' she said it as a joke but deep down she meant it.

He looked at her with his eyes wide open, shocked with the words she had just spurted out avoiding to really tell him what she was thinking about.

'Emmie, you mustn't joke with words like that!' he said after mustering up his courage and walked towards her.

She looked up at him, her gaze in his, she might be seen as crazy or weird but she was now saying business.

'I'm not joking at all Jasper. I know you have a life before you; you have things that you must do and experience in life. This might be my last chance in love. If one day this comes to an end, I don't think I will garner courage to fall for anyone again. Before I met you, I vowed to myself to never fall for anyone and yet I found myself falling head over heels for you like an idiot. You aren't to blame for this matter but I just wanted you to know how I feel for you,' she told him trying to hold her tears from coming out. She wasn't going to tell him why she wanted this so bad but she just didn't want to experience what she did ten years ago again. She would rather be alone than to go through it twice.

She looked at him digesting all the words she had just said. She knew that it was too much especially after spending their first night together. He might misunderstand it and see it as if she was threatening him but she just meant well. She just wanted to spend each and every day of her life with the person she loves. She had lost most f the people she loved in her life; she lost her mother a few years ago. She wasn't really on good terms with her family where her mother remarried into. They were also the ones that made her start her career as a writer.

She just wanted to gather a much money as she can and leave their household which she achieved well in two years after publishing her first book.

She took a deep breath as Jasper joined her on the bed. It was the way he was looking at her, she was so scared. She wasn't ready for the words he was going to say next. If he rejected her now, what would she do? He held both of her hands in his huge ones and looked deep into her eyes.

'I just want you to know that I am very touched by what you told me. At least now I know that you are also serious about us and you don't see me as someone who will practically pull you down and make you become the laughingstock of the whole nation,' he said and somehow she felt very relieved upon hearing those words. He didn't reject her but praised her and that was a good starting point for her.

'Once I decide to do something, I will never stop mid way,' she said as she found her smile coming back to her face once more.

'I can see that now. Ever since I saw you, I fell in love with you and I vowed to myself that one day I will make you mine. I had that prayer answered and here we both are. I want you to know that I really do love you and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you,' he said and she looked at him in utter shock.

Those words; did he just accepted her proposal just like that? The realization was shocking and intriguing at the same time.

'I didn't mishear just now right?' she asked, wanting to confirm what she just heard.

'You heard me just fine, babe. I will neither hurt you nor find a reason to. Let's talk officially about this when I come back from overseas,' he said as he played with her hands.

This was good news and she was good at waiting.

'Okay, I will wait for you until you return them,' she said as her face beamed with happiness.

He smiled at her and her world lighted up; she just couldn't believe that she was so smitten by such a young kid. The world will go crazy upon learning about their relationship. They will call her names mostly; make her the bad guy for tainting their idol's reputation. There was a really great battle ahead, and it was one battle she couldn't fight without him by her side.

He lifted his right hand to her cheek and placed it there for a while. It was so warm that she leaned in closer so that he may caress it for a while. She was craving for his touch and she wouldn't mind being like this for a while. She looked at him as he lowed himself to her. She closed her eyes in anticipation of what was coming but he didn't arrive. She opened her eyes in embarrassment and she found him just a few inches closer to her face. He was looking at her, his eyes filled with so much desire she could just choke.

'I want you to look at me,' he said as he put his hand behind her head. Without answering a word, she nodded her head in response and seconds later their lips were touching. This was exactly what she was looking for. She gazed into his eyes as he kissed her while they both sat on the bed. She hooked her arms around his neck and returned the favor. Her chest was heaving, her breathing was uneven and her heart was racing as he plundered her mouth with his.

Without a warning, she found herself lying on her back surrendering to him once more like she did the previous night. She had never done something like this before and as much as it excited her, it also scared her a lot. If he were to break her heart and abandon her one day, she wouldn't know what she will do by that time. It was quiet important to think about that but right now all she wanted to think about was the way his hands was all over her, his mouth passionately kissing her in places only he was able to reach.

She gave herself to him as they both made love once more after the bust of confession they did after their morning shower.


She was hooking her arms around his neck at the door and refusing to let go. He smiled seeing how reluctant she was in letting him go. This gave him a sense of security, he now knew just how much he meant to her and that will make his days go easier once he leaves the country.

'Emmie, I have to go or I will miss my flight,' he said softly trying to coax her to let him go.

'I will let you go if you promise me one thing,' she said bargaining and inside he applauded her. She was still a businesswoman and didn't let go of her principles even when she was dealing with her own boyfriend.

'Whatever you want, I will give it to you,' he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He loved how tiny she was; sometimes she was so small as if she was just a child. She fitted right into his embrace as if she was custom made for him.

'You have to call me every day,' she said as she gazed into his eyes with those emerald green eyes. Seeing how mesmerizing her face was, he just couldn't say no to her.

'I will call you no matter what, so feel at ease once I leave,' he said as he caressed her back.

'Since you promised then I will let you go,' she said as she withdrew her hands.

He smiled at her and kissed her lightly on the forehand before releasing her too.

'As soon as I arrive I will call you,' he said as he began to walk towards his car. He didn't want to leave her especially seeing how sad she looked as he left her bit this was work and he wanted to work so hard so that he was capable of providing for her and his family without worrying.

'I will wait for your call then,' she said as he got into his car.

If he continued talking to her then he was never going to leave this place. He blew a kiss to her and he drove off. He felt as if he was being torn apart as his car went further and further away from her. He had to get back to his senses if he was going to make this wait.

His heart was still racing over the thought of Emmie proposing to him. She surprised him a lot; he was the one who was supposed to do that and not the other way round. But since he now knew the direction she wanted for their relationship to move towards to then he was also going to prepare himself. He was going to talk to his mother once he returns. He had no doubt that she will be a problem since she was well with it when he told her about the woman he was in love. She told him back then that she will support him in everything he wants to do as long as he was happy.

Emerald made him happy and made him feel alive, not implying that his mother wasn't good enough but she as a woman who was once in love will understand what he meant by it.

He parked his car in the basement parking, walked towards the elevator where he pressed the number of his floor. Because he never thought he will marry soon he didn't buy a house in his name yet. He leased an apartment which made it easier for him to move whenever he felt like it.

He took a sigh of relief the second he walked into his apartment. His manager was already inside and had finished packing his bag.

'I didn't know you were capable of sleeping outside?' Paul made that remark and he just couldn't tell whether he meant well or not.

'I had things to take care of before I leave,' he said hoping to brush his manager off his back.

'Did she finally agree to be with you?' Paul asked and Jasper wondered how he knew that.


'You have been gloomy this whole past week and the last time I saw you smiling so brightly was the time you had that frenzy date with her which caused a ruckus with the media,' Paul explained to him and he was surprised to see how well his manger kept an eye on him.

'Yes, she is officially mine now and I am just so happy,' he said as he removed his dress shirt for a simple t-shirt he was going to wear during his travel.

'Aren't you scared of rumors or scandals breaking out? You know that will be bad especially considering the fact that she is way older than you and someone who usually grace the front page of tabloids,' Paul said and he found it every offensive.

'You know nothing about her so I will advise you to refrain from using such language when we talk about her. I will be honest to you since you are someone who is closer to me more than just a friend. I love her so much that I will walk into pit of hell fire if that what it will take to juts have her look at me. I went through a lot just to be by her side now and I won't let anyone come in between us even when it means my own fans. Which is why after this overseas pictorial gig ends, I will hold a press conference and announce about my relationship with her,' Jasper took his time confessing his feeling to Paul who simply looked at him with utmost shock.

'I didn't know that you were this fierce before,' Paul said and Jasper found himself laughing at the way his manager was reacting.

'She brings this side out of me but I just hope that you will support me in every decision that I will make from now, that's if you want me to be happy,' Jasper said softly trying to win his sympathy.

'I will do that. I am happy for you J, I hope all works out for you,' Paul said as he closes his monarch.

'Thank you very much. It really means a lot to me,' Jasper said, his face lightens up after pouring his heart out.

He was surely going to miss her a lot and he was going to take that time to think about her proposal. He had a lot of things to do and he had to make a call to his mother as well and tell her about the new developments. He just hoped that she will not oppose and support him with his decision.


She hit herself on her head, embarrassed by what she told Jasper before he left. How could she boldly say those words as if they were normal? She knew just how much she was in love with him but it was too much for her to ask him to marry her. He was still young and has a long life ahead of him. She might be in a hurry to settle down and be with the one she loves but what if that was what he didn't want. What if she forced him to be with her and then in the end he finds someone he want to be with who isn't her? She was going crazy and she needed something to do before getting down to business and write her book. Her deadline was kicking in and she had to submit in three weeks before her editor starts nagging again.

She took her purse and her car keys and went to the basement where she kept all her cars. She found the brown car she wanted and drove off from her house. She was going to have some fun and find some more inspiration to start her book. She was driving when she received a call from her secretary. Her secretary was in charge of many things while she stays at home and does what she was good at.

'Why are you calling me?' Emerald asked as soon as she answered.

'That's one weird way of saying good morning. We need you at the office now,' she said on the other hand.

'Can't you just handle everything yourself like you have been doing all this time?' she asked wondering what was so special that she had to go to the office this time.

'There is someone you should meet and it is urgent,' Helen said.

'Okay, I will be there in twenty,' Emerald said and hung up.

Hearing Helen's voice made her feel that something weird was definitely happening at the office. She didn't like being in the office which is why she rarely go there. Helen being her secretary she was in charge of the company's activities. Unless something huge was happening she had no reason to go to the office. All important documents were either faxed to her or brought to her in person at home.

She drove straight to the office and the doorman greeted her politely as she entered the building. She was receiving greetings from all corners of the building and she even heard some of her employees asking each other why she was there. She smiled upon hearing that, if she was still young she would have fired them for talking like that behind her back. She took the elevator to the top floor where her office was. Helen met her as soon as she got out of the elevator and she just looked stunning.

'You look more radiant each time I see you. You are doing pretty well,' she complimented her as she walked towards her office.

'I should thank you for that. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have found this side of me before,' Helen said and somehow she found it very refreshing.

'I knew you had a knack for business. So tell me, why am I here?' she asked as she opened the office.

'Let me bring the guest to you. I couldn't let the guest come to your house which is why I called,' Helen said and Emmie knew what she was talking about. She hated people coming to her house the most especially when she wasn't close to them.

'Okay and bring me something to drink, I was on my way to shop when you called,' she said as she sat down on the chair.

'Let's talk about that later,' Helen said with a smile and left the office.

She began twirling around with the chair enjoying the view of the city from her office. Helen returned back and this time she had this old woman with her. She want familiar and she was wondering who she was.

Emerald stood up and walked towards the guest. She smiled at her as she stretched her hand to greet her.

'I am Emerald Rose, it's my pleasure to meet you Ma'am,' she said as she greeted her.

'It's my greatest pleasure to finally meet you Ms Rose,' the woman said as she greeted her back.

Emerald looked at Helen who couldn't hide her smile as she speaks with the guest.

Helen offered the woman a seat and they all sat down while she waited for Helen to make the introductions.

'Emerald, this woman is Mrs. Anderson. She owns a small restaurant and she wants to sell it to you,' Helen said and Emmie looked at her.

She really was into restaurants but she had no plan on buying another one any time soon. Why was Helen brokering this deal?

'What restaurant is that?' Emmie asked, wanting to know since she knew most of the restaurant in the area.

'It's the beef soup restaurant about twenty minutes from here. You have been there once, have you forgotten?' Helen said and she began to comb through her unconsciousness and she got it.

'I remember it now. I had the most delicious soup there. Why are you selling the restaurant? I thought the restaurant was doing well,' she asked the woman.

'It is indeed doing well. I am getting old and it is time for me to retire,' Mrs. Anderson said.

'Don't you have family to pass it down to? I wouldn't want to acquire such a great business when it can be passed down to your children,' she said. She knew just how much these family businesses were like. Something great like that would be better off with a family than a stranger.

'I understand what you are talking about which is why I came to you. I have my children but they were never interested in my business. Instead of seeing the restaurant falling apart after leaving it to them, I would rather sell it to someone who appreciates it,' the old woman said and she found it comforting that such a person like her can say such warmhearted words to her.

'Thank you for saying that. Since I have been there I know the restaurant well,' she said and looked at Helen, 'have you checked everything?' she asked her.

'Yes, I already did and here are the documents,' Helen said as she gave her the documents on the restaurant.

'I will go through them and get back to you. What about the recipe about the soup? It wouldn't do any good without the recipe,' she asked as she closed the file.

'I have written it down for you besides there are a number of cooks there who know the recipes so it will be fine,' the woman said and she nodded her head.

'Okay and don't worry about the employees. I will retain all of them and make sure that everything remains the same once I acquire the restaurant,' Emerald promised her. She knew how much the staff meant especially to a boss who had been with them for long.

'I thank you for that. I will wait for your call then,' she said and stood up.

'Travel safely back home,' Emmie said as she stood up as well.

She watched as Helen escorted the old woman outside and she sat back down and began to go through the report she was holding. The business was good, there were many customers and the responses were good. As she was flipping through the pages Helen came back and she sat down.

'So will you acquire it?' Helen asked as she sipped water from her glass.

'Seeing how you prepared everything so diligently I see no reason why I should not buy something as tempting as this. Just give me a day and come and take the papers tomorrow. For now, just prepare the money and have the lawyers draft a conclusive contract. We should have the restaurant by the end of the week,' she said and saw Helen nodding.

'I will do as you say, I knew this was a good deal,' Helen said feeling very proud of herself.

'I'm very pleased with you. After the deal is signed I will give you your present,' Emerald said as she stood up.

'What is it?' Helen asked full of curiosity but Emerald just laughed and brushed it off.

'Be patient my dear. I will take my leave now and resume my journey,' Emerald said as she picked her purse.

'So why are you going shopping so early in the morning?'

'Let's just say I am trying to clear my head, I will see you tomorrow,' she said as she patted her good friend on her shoulder.

'You should come to the office more,' Helen said and she turned around to look at her.

'I will when I have time. I have a book to write,' Emerald said.

'You haven't started writing the book yet? What have been doing?' Helen asked in utter shock.

'This is why I should go shopping and have some inspiration and start writing. I wouldn't want people like you to say bad things about me,' she said smiling at her.

'I will let her go now if that's what you are doing. I am waiting for the next book so please write a good one,' she said cheering her up.

'I will not disappoint,' Emerald said and took her things and left the office.

Helen had been managing the company so well and it was time to give her an official reign than to let her remain as a secretary. She wanted to see her soar high like an eagle and she was planning on promoting her and gives her more duties. She just loved how energetic she was for a woman in her twenties.

This was going to be an interesting day, she thought to herself as she got out of the building where she was going to stop next. She was just going to drive and see where her car will take her.