Essence Realm.

"Essence Realm." A smile appeared on my face when I felt the currents in my Spirits loosen.

Being at Essencia Realm means that I finally entered the road of the strong, a cultivator's path to immortality. It also means that our spirits can use "energy" to attack and defend, making me strong enough to defeat a muscular adult or or even a normal tiger, even though I am only 6 years old.

One of the things I realized when cultivating again is that the method of cultivating spirits is special. If in this world someone can access the essence only in the Realm YingYang, the technique of cultivating the spirit allows the individual to feel it much more easily at the Essence Realm. Although it is not possible to use true essence like those in the YingYang Realm, the fact that we already have contact with it will greatly accelerate our cultivation.

The Essence Realm is different from the previous Realm, it is where the spirits can get stronger and stronger at each small stage. Spirits after going through awakening are in their weakest state as seen with Yanyan, but allowing them to have access to the essence to strengthen themselves is the first step for spirits to return to their strongest state.

Essence Realm is divided into 9 stages, each small stage will greatly strengthen the spirit, especially every three stages where the difference is as an adult and a child.

From the 1st to the 3rd stage it is called small success, from the 4th to the 6th it is called medium success, from the 7th to the 9th the individual reaches great success.

At each of these three stages, the spirit is able to use its energy better. In the small success the spirit can only feel the essence in the world, in the medium success the spirit can already attack with energy and in the big success it is when the spirit can use enough energy to create a strong enough shield to protect its user.

At this moment Li Xue and the seed of life have just entered the 1st stage of the small success stage. Now that they have entered this stage, I can finally see again what the world really is like, a world full of the essence of heaven and earth.

All things and all places are filled with essence, whether human, animal or object they all have essence, people just cannot perceive it.

I know that some novice growers can feel the energy in heaven and on earth, but that is nothing compared to the vision I have now. What I see is not just the energy but the pure essence in heaven and on earth.

I take a deep breath of this familiar essence. Unfortunately my body is still that of a child, cultivating the means of this world will be more harmful than beneficial, even if I have a divine body, the risk is still great, it is best to wait until I am 10 years old to start cultivating in this way.

Cultivating the spirit is not harmful, because what is being used to use energy is the spirit and not the body itself.

Anyway, I get up, even though I have reached the Essence Realm, my life will not change much, this is also good since my strength will not be exposed anytime soon.

Among the mundane things that Hui'er and I learn are three daily routines that we cannot break. One of them is the practice of the combat style that Mom is teaching us. Even if the child can only start cultivating at age 10, most families start education and combat training ahead of time, this is to prepare their children for what is to come. This is not exception for me or Hui'er.

The second daily routine we do is to learn the feminine custom; from actions like speech, gestures, lengths, way of walking, female knowledge to things like, making tea, singing, dancing and playing all kinds of musical instruments. This routine actually started not long ago, it started right after I told Mom and Hui'er about who I was. Mom said this is something that all girls from noble families have to learn, I just don't understand why she started it after I told her about who I was.

And I must say that my performance has been poor ... All of this is much more difficult than anything I have done in my previous lives. On the first day I was hesitating but it didn't take long to know that if I didn't take it seriously I would suffer a lot. Things like female knowledge is totally different than what I'm used to. Lengths, gestures and speeches are even worse, I suffer until now to the point where I barely manage to change the way I speak ... And I won't even talk about the suffering I've been going through to learn the feminine way of walking, dancing and singing ... Fortunately things like making tea and playing musical instruments are relaxing, yet I still suffer at the hands of the instructor.

I haven't even left the basics yet while Hui'er is already entering the advanced, soon she won't need to do this routine anymore while I will continue for a long time.

The third routine we do is because of Mom, normally girls from normal noble families do not learn about it but Mom insisted that we do it, I didn't disagree because it's something I'm used to in my second life.

The third routine covers things like military and political knowledge. This routine is one of the mandatory things that boys from noble families do, but Mom managed to get us to participate.

Although this world is not the same as the old times of my first life, the number of women in command is still smaller than men, luckily different from these old times, women are not discriminated against and many have high social status. One example is the island of the Valkyrias, a place only for women and also one of the strongest places in the empire.

So although it is not mandatory, there are still some girls who do this routine with me and Hui'er, but not many.

In addition to the first routine that is done only with me, Hui'er and Mom, the next two routines are done in groups, this is done to get to know the other people in the Li family.

These routines are also one of the reasons why it took me and Hui'er even longer to learn about our spirits, since all three routines take practically the whole day and we only have the night to cultivate.

Anyway, now that I joined the Essence Realm it will be simpler and faster to learn everything I need from these routines.

By the way, Hui'er is also not far from where I am, she is very focused on learning more about the cultivation technique of Yanyan. We are not far from each other because of our divine bodies.


About a month after I joined the Essence Realm, Hui'er finally made it too. As for Mom, I can't feel her cultivation anymore, she managed to hide in some way that I don't know how.

In this month the three routines continued and I have been learning various skills and techniques, from those that Mom teaches us to those of my past life.

And to my surprise, the second routine has been useful in improving the progress of many of the techniques and skills. Maybe that's why she asked to start that routine? Anyway, my techniques are getting better and better.

I had been trying to train various methods of my previous life, but for some reason it is still more difficult to learn than Mom's method. Before I rejected Mom's techniques because I already had some and I thought they would be more appropriate, I also rejected it because I was a little afraid to learn techniques with charm like this sword technique.

After Mom found out who I am, I was able to start training on the techniques of my past life without fear, but to my surprise, it was much more difficult to learn than Mom's technique. Even having experience with those techniques they are still worse than what I had been learning.

Not that I think they are inferior, but my body seemed to properly adapt to Mom's technique and refused the sword techniques of my previous life.

Knowing this, I started to train Mom's techniques. My yearning to get stronger is greater than the fear of what I will would become in the future.

Accepting and training seriously, along with the second routine and the experience of my previous life, my progress in mom's sword skill has been excellent to the point where Mom started teaching me and Hui'er a movement skill.

Usually these skills need energy or essence to be used to their full potential, fortunately even without them it is still possible to use them but only in their weakest state.

I have also been testing various skills and techniques from my past life looking for one that fits the new body and combat style.

Apart from the progress with Mom, this month's progress in the second routine is not much, in fact I suffer more and more. I didn't know that these instructors were so cruel, at some point I stopped thinking of it as something that noble girls do for a form of training.

Hui'er unlike me has already finished this routine and now focuses mainly on Mom's routine and the third routine, otherwise she spends time cultivating.

The third routine was also over for me, I already had enough experience in these fields because of my previous life, I just needed to learn a few things and I successfully completed this routine.

Aside from the routine, my cultivation training is also going well, Li Xue has already reached the 2° stage and the seed of life will soon reach it too. The cultivation of the seed of life is going slower because I intend to learn some things using her special ability.

I have never been in deep contact with the wood element in any of my lives, so I am taking advantage of the converted essence to better understand this element.

That was all the progress and what has been happening since I joined the Essence Realm. Besides that, today is a special day, this because not only did dad return, but also an envoy from the Heavenly Earth Sect will be coming to this city.

As soon as Dad arrived I noticed something different about him, the serious, tense face is not something I'm used to. Fortunately as soon as he saw us, his expression relaxed a lot.

We didn't spend a lot of time with our dad, we just gave him space to stay with our Mom. Hui'er for some reason got more sticky on me than normal and whenever we weren't in sight of someone she attacked me ...

Anyway, in the afternoon, Mom and Dad in the afternoon accompanied us to the city, in fact, most of the Li clan went in the same direction as us, most people are made up of kids 10 year olds up to 15 year old teenagers.

It was not the first time that we went out to the city, but whenever I see her I am amazed by the life she seems to exude. Our Li family being the leader of the city has a lot of respect and the two of us being daughters of the leader of the family are the targets of whispers from the citizens whenever we leave and it was not much different this time.

"Hey, you see, the fairy Yue looked at me." A random man I looked at said this while shaking a man beside him.

"The two sister fairies really have a good relationship." Another whispered ... Well, it's normal to think like that since Hui'er is holding on to my arm.

"Haa .... It doesn't matter how many times I see fairy Yue and fairy Hui I can't stop thinking about what they'll be like when they grow up ... I hope to marry at least one of them." .... Blehhhh, just me who felt like throwing up now? I will never marry a man.

I felt a disgusted look from Hui'er. Yes I understand you, I completely agree with you Hui'er.

Other compliments sounded but sometimes I heard lines so disgusting that it made me uncomfortable, luckily they never finish their lines before they disappear. Well, I don't care what happens to them.

I closed my ears after a while, it's always like that when we show up in the city. I changed my attention to speak to Hui'er. Mom and Dad were busy in another carriage having their intimate moments as a couple, or at least that's what Hui'er said.

Soon we all arrived in the city center. The center is a strange place, without structure and totally empty, only in the center is there something that is the same as what the books described as a teleportation array.

This empty place is mainly used when a large number of people need to stay in only one place, for example for mass teleportation for the Heavenly Earth Sect test.

And today it is something very similar to that, the envoy of the sect came to do a test for the distribution of test tickets for the Heavenly Earth Sect. Unfortunately yet we are not 10 years old so we cannot be selected, at least we can still see this interesting event.

Now you must be wondering, who is the Heavenly Earth Sect for me to be so anxious about? ... Well ...