Heavenly Earth Sect.

Heavenly Earth Sect. A sect with such a large scale that not even my previous life had anything that reached that point. To explain how the sect is made, it will be necessary to explain the small world in which we are.

This world consists of 3 large continents and a small continent. Each of the three great continents is dominated by an empire, they are called three great empires; is also where the name of this world comes from.

The continent and empire that our family live is called the Empire of Light. The other two empires are called the Empire of the Wind and the Empire of Metal.

Empires basically inherited the characteristics of their respective continents, that's why they are called like that. The Metal empire is filled with rare and precious metals. The air, the wind and the essence in the wind empire is so pure that it allows the empire to be filled with strong cultivators. Already our Empire of Light is known for its eternal light, the sun and moon shine so brightly that it is possible to feel the body absorb these essences and become stronger.

Only on strange days can the sun and moon not shine in their splendor. This for example happened on my birthday, where several experts met, his intention to fight was strong enough to temporarily block the Moon.

It is also thanks to the characteristics of this continent that our Clan Li is strong. The light helps fire cultivators and thanks to a special Clan Li cultivation technique, the fire benefits even more from light, is also why our fires are golden.

The three great empires are placed in a way that resembles a triangle, they are also separated by long cuts from one continent to another that is filled with sea water.

In the center of the triangle of three continents is a small continent. This small continent is called the Heavenly Land, he is called that because it has everything that is good for a Cultivator, much more than these three continents can give.

Not only that, but Heavenly Earth is the world's last defense.

The three empires are the pillars of this world and also the first defense of the world against its enemies. The three empires have a neutral relationship, they have non-aggression treaties, this is because they are a defense of this world, if one of them falls it is likely that the world will end.

But when you have something as good as that small continent, which of the three empires wouldn't want a piece?

This is where Heavenly Earth Sect comes in. This sect was created so long ago that even its history is clouded. Heavenly Earth Sect is even older than the three great empires.

The Heavenly Earth Sect is the strongest power in this world to the point that even if the three empires come together they did not succeed in destroying the sect, some people even say that the first emperors of these empires were disciples of the sect leader.

The power of the Heavenly Earth Sect is so great that it is the only sect in this world ... Yes, there is no other.

It is also located on the small continent of Heavenly Earth, so these three great empires did not start a war over that land.

The first thought I had when I heard about this story is that one day they would be destroyed. The sect may be big and strong, but it holds so much power and benefits that people must be very greedy for a piece of it.

But I removed any other thoughts the moment I heard the rest of the story.

The Heavenly Earth Sect, despite being the strongest power, does not interfere in anything, they only care to defend this world. This is followed to such an extent that the Sect recruits anyone from the world, be it a member of an empire's family or even a poor person from a village.

All that is needed to enter the sect is to be able to cultivate, get a pass for the sect test and be between 10 and 15 years old, these are the three minimum requirements.

I can't imagine how big the sect is ... Whenever I think of a sect I remember all the corrupt sects I joined, where someone is always used as a springboard for another.

Mom has always said that the Heavenly Earth sect is similar, but it is only more just.

"In it, no matter how strong your background is, everyone starts from the bottom and when I say bottom it really is the bottom.

The sect is divided between Immortal, Heavenly, Earth and Mortal, each of which is divided into Outer, Inner and Core. Everyone, literally everyone starts at Mortal Outer and someone can only advance by passing the test that each part has.

The sect is the place where only the talented and the strong move forward. "

At least that's what Mom told me, but until I try it for myself, I won't believe it ... There will always be someone behind who protects and helps someone rise through the ranks.

In any case, the sect's disciples are free, they can return to their empire and family whenever they want and will not be punished, they will always be sect disciples as long as they are 100 years old or less.

After that they can remain in the sect as elders or guests. Elders and guests are those who teach the sect's disciples for the benefit of them still being able to cultivate on the small continent of Heavenly Earth.

The last thing I found out about the Heavenly Earth Sect was its size. The sect is made as a matrix, at its core is the Immortal part, where is a pillar, this pillar contains those those on the part Outer, Inner and Core.

Then it is the Heavenly part that circulates the "nucleus", it is formed by 3 Pillars, each of the pillars is related to the Outer, Inner and Core part.

Circulating the Heavenly part is the Earth part. The Earth part has 9 Pillars, three pillars refer to the Outer, Inner and Core part.

And finally, circling the Earth part is the Mortal part. The mortal part has 27 Pillars, nine being for the Outer, Inner and Core.

These 40 pillars are as big as a city and are also the nuclei of the matrix called Heavenly Earth Sect.

It just showed me how big the sect is ... I don't think there is a single cultivator who is not part of that sect, even Dad and Mom are still parts of the Sect.

Even the Valkyrias have only part of one of the Heavenly pillars and it seems that they are one of the strongest powers on the continent of Light.

I have been trying to imagine what the enemy of such a sect is ... Who is the enemy of this world?

I was taken out of my thoughts when a man floated in the city sky. Thanks to my spirit, I could see the man waving into the void, but I could guess that he did it out of respect for my Dad.

What is happening here is challenges to getting a ticket to the Sect test. Even though Heavenly Earth Sect is so big, there is no way it can get everyone from all three continents to join the sect. That is why only those who are able to cultivate and appear to have some talent are allowed in the sect.

Even so, the sect still has 40 "cities" with cultivators alone. It all got me excited to see what those challenges are.

As soon as the sect envoy made the first challenge, I realized how disappointed I was destined to be. The challenge was a simple aura pressure to see which of the thousands of people has the potential to be a cultivator and which have not been able to walk that path.

Aura pressure is nothing more than exerting energy or essence to suppress something, in which case the cultivator used only a little energy to suppress all these people. Cultivators were still able to stand upright, while those who could not be ended up kneeling on the ground.

After I experienced a little bit of this pressure I was disappointed ... The seed of life even though it was still in the 1st stage was more than enough to withstand that pressure. In fact, even if I don't use my spirits, I feel that I can withstand this pressure in some way.

Seeing so many people almost kneeling just because of that little bit was so sad that I shook my head.

The next tests were still worse, things like testing with a crystal ball or punching something that measures the strength of your punch made me sleepy. Hui'er saw this for the first time so she was excited, but these tests were the most common of my previous life, I have seen so many of these challenges that I ended up getting discouraged and sulking.

I just wasn't totally disappointed because I could see the strength that someone in the Transformation Realm can exhibit. Someone in the Transformation Realm is unable to use energy, they have only had a physical improvement.

Some of the children in this Realm are able to exert more than twice the strength of a child at their age, that was enough to compare the differences between a cultivar in the Essence Realm and someone in the Trnasformation Realm.

I'm sure that if I don't use my spirit and face someone in Transformation Realm I would have a tough fight, but win thanks to my experience in combat.

But if I use my spirit, the result is different, even if I can't use Energy to attack, I can easily dominate someone in this Realm.

The same for Hui'er, if she uses her spirit and fights someone in the Transformation Realm, Hui'er will easily dominate him thanks to Yanyan.

Of course, Transformation Realm is the first Realm in this world, while Essence Realm is the second, this difference must be clear.

The last challenge was a simple combat tournament. The children of the Li clan easily dominated their opponents thanks to the teaching that children have. Some of the younger ones even defeated those of old age.

They, unlike me and Hui'er, did not receive the blood with the information. Those who received this gift at birth are "geniuses" of the Clan Li, they do not need to participate in these challenges to win a ticket for the Heavenly Earth Sect test. So they are all just watching.

To tell the truth, Dad didn't have to come, he only came because Hui'er and I were here. An elder from Clan Li came and did his job correctly, observing each of the young men in the Li clan and seeing which ones are good enough to inherit the gift.

Dad and Mom were practically hidden in a carriage and nobody, including Hui'er and I, had a vision of what they were doing.

Hui'er explained things vaguely to me, I didn't really understand at first but soon my face turned red ... Mom and Dad are perverted ... No wonder Hui'er managed to see them kissing. At least now I know where Hui'er's perversion comes from ...

Anyway, the challenge ended not long after. Some children were quite decent but most of those who drew attention were those of our Clan Li.

Even when we got home I didn't see Dad and Mom, when we went to look for them in the carriage they were gone.

Before we returned to our courtyard a man with red hair approached and asked if we wanted to participate in a small tournament within the Clan Li.

Apparently those who inherited the gift had their blood boiling to fight as they watched everyone else fighting. By the way, this man is one of our uncles on Father's part.

Hui'er agreed at the time she seems to want to play a little. Despite feeling that there was something wrong, I didn't fell malicious to harm us, I am also excited to fight a little. Anyway if things get difficult we have our spirits, of course if necessary I prefer not to use it.

This time the young people who went to the challenge were left out to observe us.

The tournament was simple, as there are not that many who have the gift of Clan Li, most young people were between 10 and 12 years old and only seven children had less than that. Hui'er and I were the youngest in the group.

The draw was simple and the first fight was between a 9 year old child against someone 10 years old. I do not need to explain that the fight was very simple, one side for having started cultivation completely dominated the other that did not start.

Then there were two children who started the cultivation, it was a much more interesting fight than the ones that happened in the challenge. I was completely relaxed watching the fights with curiosity, Hui'er was totally excited for her.

It didn't take long for Hui'er's turn to arrive, I warned her not to use her spirit. In any way I find it difficult for something to happen to her inside the Li Clan.

Her opponent was a child of about 12, he started talking bullshit to Hui'er, about how strong he is and that he didn't want to hurt her, trying to be kind.

But all of that only irritated Hui'er. The fight started and even though the boy had already entered the Transformation Realm the fight was matched, in the end by an oversight of the boy, Hui'er won.

Fortunately, no one was hurt. Hui'er ran to me all happy and hugged me, to which I responded by gently hugging and praising her a lot. The boy walked away with a dark face, I think he did not expect to lose to a child half his age.

The next fight was mine, my opponent was also a child around 12 years old.

"I'm Li Wu, I kindly ask Fairy Yue to give up so you doesn't get hurt." The boy said with a gentle smile, but all I could think of was the many novels I read where the person hides his true face in front of a beauty ... Well, I am still a child.

As I don't hate him, I just nodded and took a sword, the boy looked happy for a moment and then he also took his sword.

"I'll take it easy with you, Fairy Yue." Li Wu said, which I didn't even think about ... Seriously, I didn't call him.

As soon as the unknown Uncle started the fight I walked slowly towards the boy and focused completely on the fight, for some reason the boy trembled slightly and attacked me with all his strength.

Maybe because of the excess force I dodged it easily, I barely had to do anything else because my sword was already pointed at his neck.

"Eh ... Hu... Do you want to try again?." I was a little embarrassed by the situation. I dealt with him so easily that I must have become a cultivation demon in his heart.

The boy backed away with red eyes and the unknown Uncle started the fight again, this time I took it easy on the boy, I didn't want to embarrass him again.

The sword exchange was simple, the lack of physical strength in my body is something that has been tormenting me since I was a baby so I avoid direct combat with this boy named Li Wu and I mainly use Mom's movement ability to avoid his attacks.

This boy didn't seem to have so much experience in combat, he has so many openings that if I wanted to kill, him he would die in one blow.

Soon an opening in his neck appeared and my sword got there as fast as a snake.

"Finished." I smile at the boy and walk away towards Hui'er who immediately hugged me and started praising me for how strong I am.

She kissed me on the cheek, luckily Hui'er doesn't have the courage to kiss me on the lips in public. Despite being a little embarrassed I accepted it with a smile.

I heard whispers about how I took it easy on my enemy and that only when I'm as cold as ice is when I'm taking it seriously.

When I asked Hui'er about it she said how cold my face was in the first confrontation against Li Wu. I just looked at her in bewilderment and doubt without understanding.

The next fights were simpler, it seems that those two we faced were the oldest in this group. In the end there was only me and Hui'er left who I could not bear to fight and gave up.

Hui'er was sulking for the rest of the day because of this and only when I excused myself by giving a small kiss on her cheek did she forgive me. I regret it because soon after, Hui'er attacked me ...

The next day I heard that we won a new title, Goddesses of Clan Li ...