Special Chapter: Yang Qi.

Where am I ?.

That was my first thought when I opened my eyes. My body was in unbearable pain, barely allowing me to think. The first thing I noticed was the fact that I was surrounded by trees, each piece of my clothes is covered by a red liquid that, due to the smell, I perceived to be blood.

Before I can scream for help a headache that I never felt before occurred to me. Strange memories, thoughts I never had, love for people I never saw in my life, were some of the things that occurred to me while the pain was happening.

It made me afraid, wondering what is going on.

When the headache was over I had my answer.

In a modern world, full of gigantic buildings, there I was on yet another ordinary day. I was just a normal teenager who didn't have a goal, living my life as if it were a routine ... I just wanted an opportunity to change everything, I felt that all the work and study that I did throughout my life didn't result in anything and so I accepted this routine ... Maybe if I worked harder I would achieve something ...

One day an opportunity appeared when I noticed a little girl about to be hit by a truck ... I knew that this was my chance to break this routine, not only would it save a child's life, but it could also gain recognition and finally I could move on in life.

So I ran, I ran with all my might thinking about being a hero at least once in my life ... But that's not how it all works ... I saved the child, but the damn truck hit me with full force ...

The last thing I felt was the pain of having all the bones in my body broken and the pain of death ...

I regretted it ... Why didn't I have this conviction in more common situations? ... Maybe that way I could have a different life ...

If I can live again I will do everything differently, I worked hard at every opportunity.

Well, it looks like my prayers have been answered. Here I was in an unknown body and unknown memories.

These memories told me what was the identity of the boy in the body I assumed. This boy had a good start in life, his family being part of a noble clan in the empire, his father being the very leader of that family.

His father, mother, his sister and brother are perfect in his eyes the boy loved his family. But everything changed when an unknown woman came into their lives, she came along with a child the same age as him and the boy was very much like his father ...

From that day on everything started to go wrong, his father started to give all the attention to this boy, he and his mother no longer had attention.

The father only paid attention to this new child andthe woman ... He wanted more attention.

The boy then started to train hard, he wanted to achieve a high cultivation Realm seeking to impress his father and win his love again ... But it didn't help ... The new child received training from his father every day while he can only train alone, whenever they faced each other the new child won, the boy showing himself inferior to him in everything ...

The boy's last memory showed that he went to train in the forest and surrounded by several children older and beaten until he lost consciousness.

Somehow he managed to regain consciousness and saw that he was taken to the bottom of the forest, one of the boys slipped and knocked him off a small cliff ... He died and I took over his body ...

I not only have all the memories but I also have all the feelings of this boy ... I inherited your will ...

I want to be superior to that child ... I want to show my family that I am 10 ... No, 1000 times better than him ...

I will take this path called cultivation, not only to thank the boy for the new life opportunity but also to satisfy my previous desire.

Even though I don't know what cultivation is.


Even with my body completely bruised I slowly walked back to the city. When I returned home I was greeted by a woman crying, the same woman I have in my memories. I felt a gigantic love for her, instead of rejecting it I accepted that love.

Another person I met was my "new" father, who didn't even look at me straight and just got his face normal and impassive, as if I were a stranger. Beside him was the child who looked at me with a look that said "how pathetic you are.".

I didn't care, any zeal that the boy had for this father I refused, all I want to do is show how wrong this man is. I didn't care about that man after I left.

The following days were used not only for my recovery but also to receive everything I have in my memories.

I learned about what cultivation is, which reminded me of something similar to Rpg levels but not the same, but I found it interesting. Cultivation gives you enough power to create thunder, divide the seas, cause earthquakes and fly through the air, something that made me very excited.

Who doesn't want to have powers like that?

So, from the moment I recovered, I started my training. Every day, without fail, not only training my body but also studying.

I didn't want to be the same as in my previous life ... I want to be something more, so effort ... A lot of effort is what will take me forward.

I want everyone to know that I am not someone who can be underestimated.

Even motivating me, even training so much, even putting all of me ... My effort was in vain ...

... I never gained from that boy .... Despite feeling that I am getting stronger I did not win ...

Training ... Harder training ...

I screamed and trained again, more and more difficult and cruel, seeking the necessary strength.

Loss ... Defeat ... Weak .... Bad .... Defeated ....

No matter what I did in the end I was defeated ....

I felt like in the previous life ... Useless ... The effort was not worth it again ...

But I won an opportunity. On a nightmare night, where I saw the sarcasm in the boy's eyes, the disappointment in the man's eyes and the mother's cry, where I fought, screamed and cried, for the first time I could defeat the boy, I tasted the victory, although it is only a dream, I won ..... I CAN DEFEAT HIM.

The dream became a special space ... I felt that this is real ... I knew that this was no longer a dream.

This special space is everything I needed and it totally matches the word "effort".

In the days that have passed, I have gradually discovered the truth and the benefits of this space, a space where no matter how much I suffer or die, nothing happens to my body ...

A space where time passes 2 times slower... 2 hours inside the space is equal to 1 hour outside that space ...

And how did I find out that I can die in that space? Well ... that's where the best part comes in.

I can face anyone I have ever met in that space ... They will fight at full strength and fact somehow I feel that I can increase their strength even more.

So this space is a divine gift to me. If even with 2 times more training time I can't defeat that boy, then I better die.

I faced the boy every single day I could, every hour I could. When I wasn't in space, I was out training in the same way.

Even when I first defeated him in space, I didn't stop. I faced him 200%, then 300%, then 400% and when it reached 500% I realized that he had cultivation, but even so I did not stop.

When I defeated him 1000% I felt I was ready to defeat this boy, out of space.

I defeated him ... I defeated him so completely that the boy cried. I was finally able to show contempt for him.

When I looked at the man who was supposed to be my father, all I got was a slap in the face ... No honor, no congratulations ... No nothing ...

For the first time this, I saw my mother and this man fighting. Somehow even my "Brother" defended my father and that boy.

In the end, only two people were on my side during all this time ... My mother and my sister.

I didn't want to, but I was still affected by what happened. But after talking to my mom and sister, I got better.

A few weeks later I found out that my mother and this man had broken up. I really feel affection for this new mother of mine.

Our family of three people left this clan known as the Clan Zhu and went towards the family of the Mother who, oddly enough, is stronger than the Clan Zhu.

And it was the first time that I received family love, my grandfather and grandmother loved me so much that any thoughts I had of the Zhu family disappeared completely.

Peace reached me, I was finally able to return to my old personality. But even so, I didn't stop training.

I changed my last name and assumed the name of my mother's Clan.

From this day on, my name is Yang Qi.

3 years after I left the Clan Zhu, I finally turned 10 and had the opportunity to join the Heavenly Earth Sect.... That boy came in too, I feel it inside me.

I gladly accepted it. In those three years, my space accelerated to 3x and I defeated the boy at least 10,000 times, but that still didn't satisfy me. So I decided to go to the sect without fear, I am ready to face it.

What I didn't know is that on that day I would meet a very important friend and also ... A Goddess.