10 years old. Transformation Realm.

Swords clashed when the sound of metal sounded across the green yard.

"Yanyan." A young female voice screamed and in response a bird song sounded.

A small bird covered with a strange white gas flew towards a young girl with long black hair.

"First movement: Graceful Art of the Sword." The black-haired girl spoke aloud when her body made a beautiful lunge movement and the tip of her sword hit the little bird.

Strangely, the bird was not harmed, the gas it has around it protected it as if it were a barrier the sword was unable to overcome in any way.

"Yuyu, this time I'm going to win." A red-haired girl with a few black strands appeared behind the girl named Yuyu with her sword in hand.

Yuyu that we all know is Li Yue and the girl who is attacking her is her sister, Li Hui.

Li Yue was in a difficult situation, her sword was held by Yanyan while Li Hui attacked her from the back. But even though she was in that situation, she didn't show much concern and just kept her face serious.

"Seed of Life." Li Yue screamed when a small green seed appeared right where Li Hui was going to cut.

The sword of Li Hui and the seed clashed as well as the bird and the sword of Li Yue, but the situation was still different. The seed, diferrent of Yanyan, did not have the gas around it to protect, itself instead the seed propelled itself and faced the sword head on.

The fight stopped for a moment when both sides were standing still.

"Second movement: Illusion." Li Yue said out loud when the seed and it disappeared, Li Hui and Yanyan managed to return their movements and stood with their backs to each other, covering their openings.

"When did you master this Yuyu movement?." Li Hui asked despite the battle.

"It wasn't just this Hui'er." A soft laugh sounded around, but no one could be seen. It didn't take long for a movement to happen above the two partners.

"I was already prepared, Yanyan attack." Li Hui smiled when she looked up just as Li Yue appeared, Yanyan who was prepared with the strange white gas, flew at full speed towards Li Yue.

But as soon as the two clashed, Yanyan was confused, he passed by as if Li Yue did not exist.

The opening that the little bird left was enough for the black-haired girl to appear behind Li Hui with the sword wrapped around her neck.

"Hui'er is over, I won again." Li Yue said in Hui'er's ear with a smile.

"You won just because you used new moves, if you hadn't used them I would have won this time." Li Hui said with a pout as he put away his sword. Li Yue, seeing this, also smiled, removed the sword from her sister's neck and put the sword away.

"Well, you've gotten a lot stronger since the first time we faced each other, if I don't save a few tricks someday I'll lose to you." Li Yue hugged the upset girl and rubbed her head a little. Yanyan also approached and the gas around him disappeared.

"You fought very well too, Yanyan. Your team work with Hui'er is getting better and better." Li Yue praised the little bird by rubbing it lightly with his hands.

"We still don't beat you." Li Hui who was still hugged murmured.

"You haven't lost many and you are improving faster and faster."

"Didn't I lose a lot?. Do you know this is almost my 500th loss?." Li Hui broke free from his sister's arms and backed up with a pout.

Li Yue can only look bitterly, she knows that Li Hui will want to take revenge on her after this loss.

A sigh sounded from the black-haired girl.

(Pov Li Yue.)

Since I beat Hui'er in the tournament, she asked me several times to fight. I gladly accepted it since it is good training.

But no matter how many fights we did I never showed weakness, so Hui'er always lost and today was no different.

It didn't affect our relationship but Hui'er always gets a little down, Hui'er only gets in a good mood when she attacks me in bed, where she knows she has a lot of advantage ...

Well, I know that she will be able to overcome this, Hui'er knows that I have the advantage in these struggles for my experience. Today she really had a chance to beat me if I hadn't found a way to use the energy of my spirits in combination with the combat skills, I really could have lost there.

It has been 4 years since we awakened the spirit and progressed, but slowly. Yanyan has already reached the 9th stage, too called Essence Realm's Great Success. Yes, this is slow for someone as talented as her, but it has an explanation. The her age.

If Hui'er advances too quickly in cultivating, her base it will be bad and may even be in danger of death, from 6 to 10 years old not only the body but also the mind are in the development phase.

Advancing too quickly in the Cultivation Realms will change this development, which is dangerous in the future.

So not only does the spirit itself decrease the speed of cultivation, but I also ask Mom to give us various tasks and routines, so that we don't spend most of our time cultivating.

That is why in 4 years, Hui'er has achieved only Great Success. I am also in the same situation, however much my mind is more developed, my body is in the same state as Hui'er's.

I also dismayed for two more reasons. The first was to learn the element that the skill of seed of life gives me. The second reason is that I want to be as stable as possible before moving on to next Realms, which means that I want to be stable in cultivating this world as well.

As we can only start cultivating at 10 years old, I had to work hard to suppress my cultivation speed. If others knew about it, they might hate me to death, but it's not like I spent the time I could cultivate wandering around doing nothing.

In these three years I learned a lot, not only did I read many of Clan Li's books and learned the various secret arts, how I also started to help in the mundane things that Clan Li does. I went through the various memories of my previous two lives taking anything useful and training.

And one of the routines was also essential for my development, the my physical training routines which few girls of this world are willing to do, it helped me a lot to prepare.

In short, even though my cultivation has not grown, my mind, ideas, deeds, reputation, knowledge and many other things are at my apex.

Furthermore, even though my cultivation is not that high, it is still in a good stage.

Li Xue for being able to cultivate alone was the most difficult to suppress, she reached the Elementary Realm. Fortunately, I managed to suppress it in this Realm.

The Seed of Life is in the 6th Stage, in the medium success of the Essence Realm. Yes, Yanyan is stronger than the Seed of Life, which is why I was having so many problems with her.

As I said, I have been suppressing my spirits and the Seed of Life was simpler to suppress since it does not Cultivate on its own like Li Xue.

Elemental Realm is easy to suppress because of its specialty. When you reach the peak of the Essence Realm to enter the next Realm everything depends on the spirit itself, what the spirit must do is to perceive the element that he has the most affinity within the Essence.

In this Realm the higher the Rank of the spirit the faster they can enter, but it still takes a while, the low rank spirits may never know which element has the most affinity.

Well, Li Xue is different from other spirits, she was able to easily discover the element she has the most affinity for, which is clearly ice.

After the spirit learns about its element, it also goes through 9 stages, but this time without the need for essence, each stage is measured by the understanding of the spirit by its element.

The user who uses the spirit can do practically nothing, he can try to understand the element of his spirit, but it does not help the spirit.

Well, Li Xue must be a genius among the spirits, because in a few months I was sure that she could pass to the next Realm, but as I wanted I suppressed my spirits, I basically asked Li Xue to continue to learn about his element.

Li Xue has been learning about the ice element for at least 3 years, she is only one step away from the 4th cultivation realm.

So I am satisfied for now and I intend to improve my base before going any further. I want to see how a heavenly tribulation will stop me after strengthening my Base to the max.

And one of the ways to improve my base is to start cultivating the method this world ... Yes, I'm finally 10 years old and I can start cultivating.

My excitement was high, but as I had to finish training with Hui'er first, I was suppressing myself, now that I have finished everything, I took a deep breath to calm myself before going to a quiet place.

I sat in a lake to rest my mind and think about the Transformation Realm, this cultivation mode is different from my previous one.

In my second life, because my divine body and spirit are opposite, I was unable to cultivate correctly. After exploring a lot I was able to find a way to cultivate.

This medium is the same to the cultivation method of this world, as I had no knowledge in my second life, I did everything wrong.

Only now that I have the knowledge do I realize the amount of mistakes made. If it weren't for the fact that my body was special in that life, I would have been killed by a misuse of energy.

Anyway, Transformation Realm works as follows.

He is the first Realm that someone who starts the cultivation path must go through and that is also the reason why the name Transformation comes, because this Realm transforms the body of a mortal into a body suitable for cultivation.

But this is done in stages, otherwise it can cause the cultivator to die That is why Transformation Realm is divided into 9 ° stages and 3 stages, much like the Essence Realm.

The stages are known as:

Temperament Stage, which has small three stages;

Bone Temperament.

Temperament of Organs and Viserás.

Temperament of the skin, flesh and muscle.

Yes, just by the name you can imagine how beneficial it is. The Realm of Transformation is known for the great improvement that the user's body will have. Although at the age of six Hui'er and I managed to defeat those in this Realm.

Anyway, at each stage our bodies are subjected to the nourishment of energy and we release the harmful poisons that we have.

The next stage is known as the Opening Stage, which also has three other small stages;

Opening of the Mind (Brain).

Opening of the meridian points (Heart).

Opening of Dantian (Creation of Dantian).

This step is special, each of the openings will make the person feel completely different.

The opening of the mind, for example, allows the individual to feel the energy in heaven and on earth. It is not very precious to me since I can feel it through the spirit, but feeling it through my body will be a different experience.

Opening of the meridian points is even more essential as it is where people can even increase their talent. The human body has 361 meridians according to this world, to be able to cultivate correctly it is necessary that these meridians are open.

In order to open a meridian, it is necessary to allow the energy to enter your body and circulate it towards a meridian, a very strong pain will reach this point, but it is necessary to endure for the energy to open it.

Each open meridian is a challenge but it will make you stronger. Only those who open all 361 meridians at this stage can be considered true talents.

Even those who are not talented need to open at least 180 meridians to move on to the next Realm.

This stage requires patience, as it is possible to open the rest of the meridians even after passing Transformation Realm, only that the quality will be worse and it will also be much more difficult to open. That is why only the true geniuses open all 361 in this stage, going through the difficulty and greed of the next stage.

The opening of Dantian is the part that all everyone likes the most. The body already has Meridian in their bodies, but it is inactive, to open it is so easy that few can withstand greed.

As soon as at least 180 meridians are open, the individual must take the energy through these meridians towards the abdomen. And ready his Dantian will be open.

That is why it is difficult to endure greed.

The last stage is the Circulation stage, a simple but time-consuming stage, this stage is also composed of three small stages. ;

Blood Circulation.

Breathing Circulation.

Circulation of Heaven and Earth Energy.

Basically this stage makes the individual's body get used to the energy of heaven and earth, but to do this the person must make the body adapt by steps.

Starting with blood circulation, after opening all the meridians the body still has some energy from heaven and earth, letting the blood that contains this energy circulate will make the body get used to it little by little.

The circulation of the breath is also similar, the air has a lot of energy from heaven and earth, just take a breath to absorb some of the energy, so that once the body gets used to the energy at the blood, the body gets used to the energy at the air easily.

And lastly, circulating the energy of heaven and earth in your body is cultivating, which is why it is necessary to have your body used to it beforehand.

This is the Transformation Realm. After finishing all these steps your body has been transformed, it is no longer mortal it is now the body of a cultivator.

And I ... I look forward to it.