Special chapter: Chu Long.

My name is Chu Long, I am just an ordinary Mortal with the ambition to become a cultivator. Although my father is not simple, I can only be a mortal.

My family is composed only of me and my mother, we were rejected by my father's family. I have no hate, my mother explained the circumstances of my birth and in a way I understand.

My mother was employed by the young master of the Chu family where she developed a passion for him, yes ... My father is the young master of the Chu family.

My dad was young and because of that mom and he had a one night relationship that was where I came from. But again, things are not simple.

My father was already married and his wife did not accept my mother or me as my father's children. From what my mother explained, father is very much in love with his wife.

In the end this woman understood that it was only the curiosity of the youth and allowed me and my mother to live, but with the condition that she left the Chu family and took me with her.

Mother understood everything and despite the pain in her heart she resolved herself and left the Chu family.

Even though I don't like the sound of this, I somehow thank this woman and her father for allowing us to live, so I have no hatred for them.

This is the story I heard almost every day from my mother. Even saying that she doesn't have to keep telling me, she always told me.

And now I miss it so much ...

2 years ago mom started to get weak with each passing day, fevers, headaches, body aches, all this started to appear.

Even when we went to the village doctor, he couldn't solve anything, mother had an incurable disease for this doctor. And a year ago mom was in such a weak state that she can no longer get out of bed.

It was in that same year that I discovered the existence of something called Green Heart Herb, an herb that can cure any disease in mortals.

Then my search for it began, I searched the forest, in stores, even with merchants who visited this town.

It was only these months that I discovered where to find a green heart herb.

The mother's condition got worse and worse. I accelerated my plans I didn't have much time, I needed to get this herb.

It was at that time that my mother gave me something, she seemed to understand that she couldn't take it much longer. What she gave me was my father's compensation for what she went through, mother got it before she ran away from the Chu family.

When I received these items my chances of getting the green heart herb increased.

I don't know how many times I would have died if it weren't for those items. They were the ones who allowed me to steal that herb.

I just didn't anticipate that I would be pursued by cultivators. I used all the items my mother received from my father in order to survive.

But I was just a mortal and a child on top of that. When I was chased I knew I was going to die. When I found the cave I thought it was my salvation. Who would have guessed that a damn giant tiger would show up and kill everyone.

I was your last target, I was ready to die. I still had regrets, I wish I had saved my mother before I died ...

Maybe my prayer were heard. The giant tiger somehow seemed intimidated when he fled this place. I didn't want to wait for him to come back for me to turn over his dinner, so I ran to the opposite side of him.

That's when I found a tree, it was an old tree, it is cracked and seems to be falling apart. Below his shells there was something red. I couldn't overcome my curiosity and I touched that red something.

When I did that I felt tremendous pain, blood dripped from my skin and my heart was pierced by something ... I knew that I was dead now.


I don't know how much time has passed, but I managed to regain my consciousness, I looked around in despair and realized that the tree was completely dry.

And then I recovered my last memory and searched desperately for my body. Maybe it was kind of funny to see a child checking his whole body.

When I checked my chest I discovered a giant cut in it and I was even more shocked to find that my heart was no longer beating.

I was in despair, until I looked at the herb in my hands ... The green heart herb ... Mother ...

I no longer cared about the condition of my body and I got up, used the remaining things that my father left and ran away from the forest.

I ran home and found my mother ... She was lying and bleeding from the mouth. She was so pale that I was desperate.

I took the grass from the green heart and crushed it and gave it to my mother with a glass of water. She was unconsius so I had to do everything myself.

That was the most desperate night I have ever had in my life. Fortunately the green heart herb is true, my mother's condition started to improve little by little and 1 month later she completely improved.

I didn't tell mother that what I gave her was a green heart herb, I'm sure she would ask where I got it from and if she knows that I stole something she would definitely punish me.

But I am willing to lie, steal and anything else to protect my mother.


The days passed and my heart didn't beat again. Fortunately I did not feel strange and in fact I felt stronger and healthier every day, because of that I did not give more importance.

Mother got better and better and our lives continued passive. I continued my training to become a powerful cultivator, training all day more and more fiercely.

But peace did not continue for long, a few months after the mother recovered a group of cultivators appeared in the city and began to research some people ... These people were the same group from whom I stole the grass from the green heart.

From that day on, I lived in hiding and watching this group of cultivators. I found out why they are so obsessed with this herb.

Green heart herb not only manages to help cure any deadly disease, it can also help a grower advance an entire Realm.

The group from whom I stole the herb was taking this herb to a certain family and that is why they are madly looking for them.

Fortunately they all died for the giant tiger.


The months continued to pass, although there are still cultivators in this city they have decreased over time. At least I was unconcerned and continued my training.

One day I found out that these cultivators found out what happened. I was scared and I hid again.

A few days later all the cultivators left the city. From what I heard, they found out that all the limbs had been killed by the giant tiger. Fortunately, they didn't find out anything about me or my mother.

Since then, time has gone through another period of tranquility and training.


The city I live in is not a gigantic city, at least that's what my mother says, I don't know the outside world. Still, there are many things and many other children besides me.

As my ambition is to be a cultivator, I face all the children in this city and I must say that I am very strong ... But not the strongest.

That's why I'm here today, in front of the city's most famous blacksmithing. A muscular man is hitting a metal, his muscles are big and strong showing that he is not a simple person.

This is what I want, an overwhelming force that no one can take.

"Please accept me as a disciple." I screamed with all my might as I knelt in front of this man.

I remember he threw me out of his store, but I wasn't simple I wanted to become stronger anyway. All day I went to him and all day I was thrown out, but I continued until he finally passed me a test.

Although difficult I managed to pass this test and the shocked face that my master had on this day was sensational.


Mother recovered her cultivation ... I didn't even know she was a cultivator ...

She explained to me that being an maid of an influential family requires good cultivation and my mother was at Realm YinYang. Because of her illness, her cultivation gradually decreased.

The only question I had in mind was ... Why the heck did green heart grass heal a cultivator? Shouldn't she just cure mortals?

Well, I let go of any other thoughts and celebrated with the mother.


As the mother recovered her cultivation, I felt it was time to introduce her to the master. For some reason, I felt a strange atmosphere in the air when the two met.

Mom was strangely red, while my master was stuttering. What would those two be if it weren't for me?

By the Way, I'm the strongest kid in town now that I'm training with the master, he doesn't just teach me how to hammer, he teaches me even how to fight.


When I turned 9 years old something strange happened. My heart, which has never beat since that accident, beat and unlimited energy went through my entire body.

The pain of having this energy running through my body was devastating, if it weren't for my willpower I would actually scream in pain.

This pain happened every morning and whenever they stopped a strange smelly stain stayed on my skin, as I was afraid of the mother fighting with me I always washed and cleaned my room in secret.


I found Mother and Master kissing ... I was shocked when I saw this. Mother and teacher started to talk a lot of nonsense bullshit while I kept my mouth open.

But after thinking about it, I don't hate the master and my mother seems to like him, so there's no reason for me to be against it.

So I gave them a bright smile and my mother hugged me crying and the master gave me a huge smile of relief.


When I turned 10 my heart beat faster than ever and released an abnormal amount of energy.

This energy was even more painful than any that I received, the dirt that my body released was so great that even my mother and master (who now lives together with us) felt it.

From what I understand of cultivation, my body is gradually being tempered ... My heart is making me stronger.

Despite the look of doubt of the mother and the master, they still left me alone when I said that everything was fine.


After being tempered by my heart, the blacksmith's apprenticeship with the master became so simple that the master even said that he had nothing more to teach me.

I completed the master's training ...

But before I can get any sadder, the master gave me a new mission. Join the Heavenly Earth Sect ... After he explained everything to me, I accepted this mission with a serious face.

This sect will be my next step in being a cultivator.


As the master gave me a pass, I didn't have to pass tests to get one, so I only trained until the Sect test day. No child in the city can match my strength now.

And only these days did I discover that the master is so strong that no one dares to mess with me ...

Even more surprising is that the mother is also an extremely strong cultivator in this city.


When the day came to go to the Sect test, mother and teacher gave me extremely happy news.

My mother is pregnant.

This was the best gift I could receive. Mestre promised me that he will take care of my mother and that he will love her for the rest of his life, Mestre even swore by his soul.

It relieved me from the bottom of my heart. This means that I can follow the road of cultivation in peace.

I hugged my mother and my master. Finally I asked my sister or brother's name.

When it was time to go to the Sect I said goodbye to them smiling. This will be my precious memory of my peace.