I will not leave anything that I do not allow, touch my Hui'er.

Pov Li Yue.

As soon as everyone who will do the Sect test entered the portal inside Clan Li, I felt a great dizziness before everything in my vision changed.

We were no longer at the Clan Li, instead we were in a gigantic arena, people started to suddenly appear around us, but I showed no fear.

I let go of Hui'er's hand and took a black jade from my space ring. As soon as I released Jade it started to float before essence started to gather around us.

The essence began to build something like platforms for each of the members of Clan Li, separating and differentiating our group from the others.

The platforms are not the same, three platform models were carrying each member of Clan Li.

The best quality was me and Hui'er, our platform was so different that it resembles a chic room. The other two floating platform models were different, with one being more common compared to ours and the other being just a platform with nothing.

This is to demonstrate the person's status in the Clan. This is necessary, there are at least 1000 members of the Clan Li here and not all have received the Clan's inheritance.

The people in the arena continued to increase by the second, many groups used things similar to that of our Clan to show themselves above those of mortal, normal or weak origin. But all of this only further demonstrated the status of Clan Li among these groups.

All the people in this arena are those aged between 10 and 15 and all of these people are those who have received a pass to participate in this test.

And incredibly these more than 1 million of children and young people are only part of the continent of light. The other two continents have an arena just for them.

As soon as Hui'er and I sat on the couch made of essence, we started to feel essence around us through our spirits.

We haven't even entered the continent of Heavenly Earth and the energy here is lower than just our home. It made me even more excited about what the smallest continent in the world is like.

Before Hui'er and I could continue our conversation, a new group emerged. A golden dragon rose above all groups, standing at the same height as Clan Li's platforms.

On top of the golden dragon there were several people but the ones that attracted the most attention were the small group of 5 people at the head of the dragon that stood in front of our platform.

"Look if it's not the traitors Li." A teenager who looked like the leader of the group who was around 13 years old stayed in the face of the dragon while the other four stood behind him looking at me and Hui'er arrogantly.

"Hmm? .. I was wondering where that rotten smell came from, I finally found out where it came from." Hui'er got up from the couch and spoke arrogantly looking at the boy with contempt. Strangely to see Hui'er do something like that was charming.

I simply took a cup of my ring and filled it with tea that was prepared before leaving the Clan. I entwined my legs, I sat on the couch and drank my tea while looking at the show.

"Rotten smell?. This must be coming from you." The boy could not take Hui'er 's provocation and shouted with a red face of anger.

"Hey, how can you talk like that about a girl as beautiful and smelling as me?. No wonder your dad didn't prepare a suitor for you." Hui'er provoked him again which caused me to have a slight smile on his face, I did not imagine that Hui'er was the tough guy.

"Shut up, look at these poorly made platforms, where can this compare to the dragon my father gave us?" The boy's eyes burned with anger, but one of the people behind him managed to calm him down.

And about his speech ... I hate to be underestimated. By snapping his fingers, the platforms began to release a golden fire that connected all the platforms, creating a giant golden fire lion even bigger than the boy's dragon in front of us.

"Well ... Unlike you guys in the imperial family, we at Clan Li don't like to show off, we prefer to leave a little pride for the losers. But we don't like to look weak, so here's your answer." The gigantic lion of golden fires left everyone on the platform shaking with fear, even the golden dragon looked like it was going to disappear.

"This ..." Our platform was in the middle of the lion's forehead and we looked at them with contempt. These people on top of the dragon are people from the imperial family of the continent, they are also the enemies that Dad, Mom, Clan Li and the Allied Clans have been facing since my 1 year anniversary.

"What, did the cat eat your tongue, little prince?." Hui'er said in an even more sarcastic tone as the members of Clan Li laughed.

"This ... Things will not end like this. In this test I will show the superiority of the imperial family, wait just for you to see." The boy seemed to be quite intimidated by the lion of our Clan Li as he and his little dragon flew away from us.

With a smile I finished my tea and snapped my fingers again causing the giant lion to return to the platforms making them simple again.

The golden lion was not difficult to make, it is just a combat matrix made by placing all platforms in the right places forming the constellation of the lion, thus allowing this matrix to show its power, which was clearly superior to that used by the imperial family.

Hui'er sat back on the couch and hugged me.

"Am I smelling bad, Yuyu?." Hui'er asked me with a tearful face. Where was all the confidence of moments ago?

I bring my face close to Hui'er's neck and smell it lightly, hold Hui'er's arms so she doesn't run away and suck her neck lightly.

Hui'er ended up giving a really cute little cry.

"I don't think you smell, your smell and taste are also as usual, I like strawberries." I smile a little when I turn away from her, a small mark is left on her neck. Hui'er is looking at me with a pepper-red face.

Well ... After being attacked for so many years, I ended up learning how to fight back ... Act the same way she did ... Don't judge me, nothing I did stopped her so I could only get into that game, nor a little good.

By the Way the platform also protects us from being seen by outsiders, only when we want to be able to see each other, that's why I was so bold now.


After we scared away the mosquitoes (imperial family), we spent the rest of the time adjusting our emotions for the Heavenly Earth Sect test.

The platform was completely filled by children and teenagers, most of all these people are mortals who want to take a chance. But there are still several groups that clearly came from influential families.

I even met the group of Clan Shui, which is the Clan of Mom and Uncle Mao.

This waiting time made many people impatient, but still nobody dared to cause a confusion everyone was too tense for that.

But the wait ended when a frightening atmosphere grew in the arena, causing many mortals to tremble with fear.

"It looks like we have an interesting group here." A woman, probably in her 30s floated in the sky, around her a dark aura grew and added to the frightening atmosphere in the place.

"I am an elder of Heavenly Earth Sect, I understand that everyone is impatient to begin with so I will not speak unnecessary words. As there are many people I will be taking a simple test." Although the woman was distan, her voice rang as clear as a bell in my ears and also in the ears of many.

Thanks to the temperament stage I can see the woman's actions clearly even without using my spirit.

The woman lifted one of her arms and the shadow around her began to come together to form a black ball.

While watching the black ball, something uncomfortable happened to my body, but as I didn't feel anything, it aroused me not so much curiosity. It was only after I looked at the arena that I realized what it was all about, many mortals are sitting on the ground clutching their heads, while others stood with tired expression.

I didn't have to be a genius to understand what happened here. I looked at Hui'er and saw that she is completely fine, which made me relieved.

When I looked at the woman, I somehow felt that she was looking at our platform, but soon that impression disappeared.

I felt a slight discomfort for the second time so I looked down and again more people are sitting clutching their heads and only a few are standing up.

I didn't care what happened, but I was still curious about what the woman is doing.

I soon felt a discomfort for the third time and realized that around 90% of the people in the arena were sitting around grabbing their heads.

"Well ... It really is an interesting group. Anyway, my work here is over, I wish you good luck." The woman said before disappearing.

I looked confused around when I realized that circles appeared below us, they are bronze, silver and gold. The circles under me and Hui'er are gold.

I soon felt dizzy once more and looked around. I was again in an unknown place with Hui'er by my side and this time the people around us are clearly different from the various mortals who were in the arena.

Each of the people here demonstrated a certain aura, showing that none of them are simple.

Although not as many as there were in the arena, there are still a lot of people, which only showed how big the world of cultivation is and how many talents are still there.

The place we are in is an arena, much like our last one, but at the same time it is totally different.

The air, the energy and especially the essence are abundant, which made me very excited.

The only problem was that we were unable to summon another platform, as if something was preventing it.

Before I can continue with my thinking, a boy aged about 15 approached me and Hui'er. He had an evil smile which made me slightly irritated.

"Look what I fear here, two great beauties, I will definitely take you two as my wives today." The boy's look displeased me a lot and when those disgusting eyes dared to look at Hui'er I felt like my heart was on fire. I didn't even hear what he said, just when they held out their hand towards Hui'er did my body move.

I grabbed the boy's arm and effortlessly twisted him.

"Disgusting ..." I never knew my voice could be so cold. The boy's disgusting eyes were now tearful but that didn't stop me from looking at him like it was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

I didn't even take a second look at this thing and walked away holding Hui'er's hand, of course I used the hand I didn't use to hold the thing's arm.

By the Way, as soon as we left the boy's body started to freeze and a few moments later the boy broke into particles of ice.

I didn't care about the look around, I just took water and many other things from my ring and passed at hand that held that boy's arm.

I looked at Hui'er's face and realized that her mouth was twisting as if she wanted to smile but she didn't smile, it was a very strange face.

Anyway, I'm not going to let anything I don't like touch Hui'er.