Before the tests.

Hui'er and I were alone in a corner, because of what I did with the boy, other people avoid being close to me or Hui'er.

It was not my touch that froze the boy, but Li Xue. When I twisted the boy's arm I sent some of Li Xue's energy which made him freeze to death.

And to tell you the truth, that was not my intention, I sent only a little bit of Li Xue's energy but it was enough to freeze someone to death, it showed me how strong Li Xue became after spending all these years learning about the ice element.

By the Way, the boy's death didn't affect me. It was not my intention to kill him, but death was also an acceptable payment for the disgusting look he gave me and Hui'er.

I just didn't think Hui'er wouldn't be upset, I have no problem killing other people because of my previous life but Hui'er is still only 10 years old and she hasn't been affected by it, or maybe she is and is just hiding.

Anyway, I owe a lot to my sister.

Now that I had time to breathe and calm the anger I felt, I looked around. Everyone who continues to appear has extraordinary auras.

I spreading the energy like an invisible sphere, this energy sphere is a special technique that has the same effect as the divine sense, it is only worse. Thanks to this I was able to feel some members of the Clan Li, the ones I found are the ones who received the Clan's inheritance and whenever I found someone from the Clan Li I sent a small intention that is also something I can do with those who are in the reach of my ball. I made them notice me through that intention.

I not only met the members of the Clan Li, but also some members of the imperial family, only that they were much smaller in number compared to before.

While thinking about these things, I felt something inside me react something inside my sphere. Without wasting time I looked around to find out what made my divine body react.

What I saw was two boys, one about 10 years old and by the clothes you can see that he is just a mortal. And the other also seems to be the same age as the first, but he wore a noble outfit and showed a noble presence.

I saw that they, too, were looking at me. For some reason I felt that these two are not simple, especially the mortal boy, I felt something in him that made my divine body react slightly.

After watching them for a few seconds, I removed my eyes from them and went back to stand beside Hui'er, thinking deeply.

This Arena is very large, my sphere does not reach even a third of it, even so the talents I saw here are more than a single empire can have.

It made me open my mind, here are all the talents of the three great continents. Everyone here has a certain talent, which made me smile.

I will show them all who is the strongest here.

================================================== ======

"Is that a spirit?." A boy with blue hair whispered to himself as he looked at a place, the place is the same where Li Yue and Li Hui meet.

"It was very weak, but I'm sure I felt a trace of spirit energy." The boy put his hand on his chin and started to think deeply, but it wasn't long before his thoughts were interrupted by an orange-haired boy.

"So you really came. And you're talented enough to be able to get into that part ... But it doesn't matter, I'm going to defeat you and show your true face you better be prepared." The orange-haired boy looked at the blue-haired boy and said with extreme rage to the point that his eyes turned red.

"Ah ... I already said I don't know how many times, you are mistaking me for someone else. I have nothing against you and I don't understand what you mean by that either." The blue-haired boy sighed in dismay, he really looked helpless against the orange-haired boy.

"If you want an opponent or rival, I think it's best to look for someone else I really don't want a relationship like that with you." The blue-haired boy said again and walked away, joining a group.

The orange-haired boy continued to look at the blue-haired boy's back while his eyes continued to shine in a red light. The boy tightened his fists to the point of bleeding and walked in the opposite direction of the blue-haired boy.

"You won't be hiding for much longer, I promise I will unmask you and when that happens I will be there to defeat you." The orange-haired boy murmured still in anger, but did not look for the blue-haired boy again.

These two boys are actually two of the protagonists. They also came for the Heavenly Earth Sect test, but unlike Yang Qi and Chu Long who are close to Li Yue and Li Hui, these two are some distance away.

================================================== ======

As we were unable to summon the platforms at this location, perhaps because of the runes that remain throughout the arena, Hui'er and I decided to lean on a column until the test begins.

Since we had nothing to do, we spent the remaining time meditating.

Not long after, a group of 5 people appeared in heaven. Each of them had a different colored garment. The one in the middle of White, the one on the right side to him Green, the one on the left side Blue, while the one in the right corner is red and the one in the left corner is black.

"I am the examiner for this year at Heavenly Earth Sect. I hope you are all prepared. To enter the Sect you have to do 5 tests and must pass at least 3 of them to enter the Sect." The one in the white robes took a step forward, by his voice could see that behind the robe was a man, he briefly explained the conditions of entering the sect.

That little explanation made the people around him take a deep breath. This is one of the special years and that is why different from the others, which are only 3 tests where you only need to pass one, this year there are 5 tests and you need to pass at least 3 of them to enter the Sect.

This did not discourage me, in fact it increased my enthusiasm.

"The first test will be done by those in white robes, you will be teleported in groups to different places, the people in the group will be random. As soon as you are there they explained the test to you. I wish you all good luck, little cultivators." The man spoke slowly allowing everyone to understand what he said.

Most of the people in that arena were tense. In a way, I know that everyone here has the ability to enter the Sect, but what everyone wants is to be above others and to show themselves superior. This is not an ambition, but something that we instinctively want because it makes us proud.

It is strange when thousands of people are standing without saying anything, but fortunately this strange silence did not last, the runes on the floor of the arena began to shine and groups began to disappear, including mine and Hui'er's.

How many of these teleports will the sect still use? I'm getting tired of teleporting everywhere ...

Instead of an arena and thousands of people, the place where I am now has only a small group, with around 1000 to 5000 people.

Hui'er is no longer by my side, in fact I can't feel her presence in the surroundings. This means that she was probably teleported to another place.

Despite knowing that we can't be together all the time, I am still worried about Hui'er, so I use our little trick to see if she is okay.

This trick has been useful since childhood, if it weren't for him we might not even be alive anymore.

A group of 10 people wearing the same type of clothing as the man who spoke recently appeared in front of us.

"... Good morning, young people, the test that you will do will be related to talent. The talent test is one of the tests that most of those who come for the test do not pass, it is a test that will show you the reality that you do not are geniuses. " The voice of the man in white is strangely childlike, one of the people around me dared to laugh and what happened next was frightening, the boy started to melt little by little and scream for help.

I think dying frozen is more pleasant than dying melted.

The men in white didn't say a word about it, but none of the 5,000 people dared to laugh again. Only when the test started did people start talking again and the men in white allowed it.

The test is actually quite simple, there are 10 giant crystal balls above each person in white. For this test of talent the individual must touch one of these crystals.

Each crystal ball has 10 holes that represent your level of talent. The holes are numbered from 1 to 10, from the bottom which is numbered 1 to the top which is named 10.

To pass this test, the individual must have a talent numbered at least 7. Which is enough for any place other than Heavenly Earth.

As stated before, you don't need to pass this test, you need to pass only at least 3 of the 5 tests to be accepted into the Heavenly Earth Sect.

The first test is recognized as the talent test, so what will the next tests be like? I look forward to it.