Talent Test.

All 5000 people in this closed room formed 10 groups for each of the examiners.

I was in the third group. Some men looked at me greedily, but a simple look from me made them shudder back, I'm not in the mood to deal with shitty people.

People went one after the other towards the crystal and the examiner. Just by placing your hand on the crystal will it shine the number of talent you are.

As I watched people go one after the other towards the crystals, I thought of one of the things my Mom said when I was a kid.

"What is talent?

Is talent just a person who can do things better than others? If so, why do people only call talented those who can do something tangible?

Isn't someone who can overcome their fear or have a good personality considered a talent too?

A talent is nothing more than a person who has the gift for something and that something is not always noticeable to others. "

After she said that it took a long time for me to finally understand what she meant.

A talent will not necessarily necessarily show itself visibly to everyone. That is why this talent test is nothing more than a shame for me.

A talent doesn't have to show itself to everyone, that's why I despise what the sect is doing now, measuring talent through this crystal is not always the best way.

I watched as a boy walked a little anxiously and put his hand on the crystal by order of someone dressed in white, the small holes in it started to glow yellow.

Soon 7 of the 10 holes shone. I saw how the boy looked at his wrist anxiously, I realized that there was a small mark on it, which made me assume that the boy passed this test. The boy also seemed to notice this and lightly rubbed the mark before being sent back to the place.

This small test happened to each of the 10 people in white.

Sometimes I saw some people who managed to make the crystal shine at 8, 9 and sometimes 10. That was until a girl made the crystal shine more than 10 holes, her crystal shone for a few seconds before it started to crack.

This was the first time that something different happened, everyone here is talented people but they were unable to make the crystal shine more than 10 points.

I looked at the girl curiously, she seems to have a good background since she wore rich noble clothes and her aura is strangely noble.

Even though this girl managed to break the crystal she doesn't seem to be that talented as Hui'er and those two I met, I felt danger from these three, but with this girl I can barely feel anything.

The examiner who had his crystal broken said nothing and just asked the girl to come back, which showed that they seem to be used to it.

Time continued to pass but no one else was able to do that girl's feat, which gradually made me lose my patience.

I tried to keep my head calm as long as possible through meditation.

Soon my turn came and I walked gracefully as I was taught by that sadistic instructor, she made this walk unconsciously done by my head and instinctively by my body ... She is terrible ...

Voices of people murmuring were heard behind me, even the other groups started to have murmurs which left the atmosphere a little bad for me.

As soon as I arrived in front of the person in white who takes care of the examination of our group, I observed the crystal a little.

Despite being large and floating he still manages to maintain his beauty.

So I changed my vision to the person in white, I saw them shake a little.

"Y .... You ... You have to put your hand on the crystal, it will speak your talent." The person in white had a very childlike male voice, but I didn't laugh because it wasn't that strange.

He also stuttered a little, but I didn't pay any attention to him anymore, he didn't interest me enough to keep my eyes on him for more than a few seconds.

I looked at the crystal and slowly reached my hand towards it. As soon as I touched an extraordinary situation, the crystal exploded to pieces leaving nothing left.

And I just touched it lightly ....

"What happened?." I ask the person in white curiously. The person in white froze completely while looking at the shattered crystal.

"Eh ... Well ... Yo ... Are you talented enough for that?" The person in white murmured under the last part, I was able to hear that murmur thanks to my strong listening ability.

"Strong enough? ... Um ... So did I pass this test?." I asked him curiously.

"CLEAR, if you didn't pass this test then who would pass?." The man in white even gave a shout which left me a little perplexed about what I did to make him so anxious. At lest to what he said allowed me to find out a little more about this Sect.

After he said that I passed the test, I felt a small burning on my wrist and looking at him I noticed that a small star appeared on the wrist.

It practically showed that I passed this test, so without another unnecessary word I went back.

People kept looking at me weirdly, greedy, lustful, curious, admiring, fearful, repganate and angry looks were the most common. Anyway, I didn't pay any attention to them anymore and just stayed quiet in my corner, cold as ice.

I just looked at the tests waiting for everyone to finish, which didn't take long. No other group was able to break the crystal apart from me and that girl.

So the first Talent test is over.

================================================== ======

"Oh. It looks like this year we outperformed the previous ones in terms of talent." A woman with large breasts commented as she looked at the other people sitting at the table.

"..." Another white-haired woman nodded at the words of the busty woman.

"Hey, Ice Queen, how about you be more communicative?." A big, strong man commented sarcastically, which the woman ignored.

"Well, there are still a few more talents than normal. There were 100 who managed to break the crystal in 3 seconds and 9 who managed to break the crystal instantly." A man in noble clothes commented with a smile.

"Talent doesn't matter, I just need those with a strong willpower, I can turn anyone who has that into someone talented." The muscular man commented, his eyes seem to want to spit fire.

"Hey, Hey, you know it's not just us looking at this lot." The busty woman remembered the muscular man who seemed not to pay attention to what she said.

"As long as we get at least some of those 100 and at least 1 of the 9 is enough to make it into the top 10 of group competitions." The muscular man still continued the conversation, he seemed more and more excited.

"How about you calm down, hollow head." A new voice was heard. Everyone turned their heads to the new voice, even the white-haired girl.

"Tch, the idiot has arrived." Even the muscular man saying that, he still has a smile on his face, clearly recognizing the new person as a friend.

"It's good that you're getting along. Don't worry, I don't know how many of the 100 we will get, but I'm sure at least 2 of the 9 have joined our group." The new person came over and put a hand on the muscular man's shoulder.

If Li Yue and Li Hui were here, they would surely recognize this person, because he is their older brother, Li Lei.

"Brother Lei ... Are you sure your sisters are one of the nine?" A melodious voice came, that voice came from the white-haired girl. Although she is clearly cold, everyone can see a trace of affection in her eyes regarding Li Lei.

"Do you still doubt me? ... If even I can break the instantaneous crystal, I very much doubt that my sisters can't do it." Li Lei said with a smile.

"You need to have confidence in me, my sisters are geniuses, with them we will be able to be the first group of our generation to enter the top 10. " Li Lei had a confident smile on his face. His face over the years has become even more charming showing how much he has matured. His haircut is still short, but it looks perfect.

"Little Brother Lei, aren't you saying that just because you want to see your sisters?" The big-breasted woman commented with a provocative smile as she clung to Li Lei's left arm.

"Well ... I really miss my sisters ... But could you let me go?" Li Lei commented with a little red face.

"Nom, unless you kiss me." Li Lei and the busty girl seemed to have entered another world, the two other men looked at each other and sighed ...

The other woman at the table looked coldly at the busty woman and when she saw that she asked for a kiss a cold aura was released by her, which the girl stood up and walked towards Li Lei and the busty woman.

"Little Queen, how about you come later, we're busy now." The big-breasted woman's voice was heard as she stared at the white-haired woman with a seductive smile.

"Hee ... Little sister? ..." Li Lei looked with eyes asking for forgiveness for the white-haired woman, whom she ignored. A blood-chilling cry was heard from Li Lei a few moments later.

"Li Lei is really lucky to have these two beauties with him ..." The man in the noble clothes commented while having a tired face.

"Don't even tell me ..." The muscular man looked at his friend's situation and said a silent prayer.