Pressure again ?.

As soon as everyone finished taking the talent test, which surprisingly everyone here managed to pass with 7 points, we waited in the while a new group of people appeared, this time they were wearing red clothes.

"Congratulations to those who passed this test, without many words the second test will take place in a different place, we will also need to divide them into age groups." The new person in red also had a male voice, but more fierce compared to those who had white clothes.

"Your group will remain the same. I will leave the job to my juniors now. I wish you good luck." The man in red then disappeared as if it were just wind.

The people in red without wasting time started to come to each of the 5000 people in this place. They put their hand on wrist and began to separate each person.

One of the people in red was approaching me, I could feel the malice inside him so I gave him a cold look. I hate these things, I learned to hate after leaving so many times outside the house and always being received by some idiot who said things that discouraged my day.

And that person in red looks exactly like those people. Li Xue inside me started wanting to leave, I also understand that this person in red clothes is not weak and that if I want to face him I will need Li Xue's help.

The person in red who understood that I was dangerous stopped moving while looking at me with those disgusting looks.

I just stared at him coldly, Li Xue and the seed of life felt that something serious is about to happen so they started sending me some energy.

Li Xue's energy is cold, very cold, but after all the temper that I went through this cold was comfortable instead of harmful.

The seed of life also sent its energy to me. Even though the seed of life has not entered the Elemental Realm, I can still feel that its energy contains a trace of the wood element as good as Li Xue's ice element.

I can only imagine how strong it will be after learning more about the wood element.

Anyway, that energy went towards my fists, leaving one of my hands a little greenish in color and the other with an almost blue-white setting.

The face of the person in the red clothes is less than a few meters away from me and his disgusting eyes closer and closer. Before I can make an attack move, a new person in red appeared beside this man in red and said something to him, something I couldn't hear.

Soon the man in red left almost running and this new person approached me. Unlike the previous one, this new person in red did not show me anything malicious or bad about me.

I looked deeply into the dark eyes of the person dressed in red who stopped in his place. Then a small, soft voice came out of the person in red.

"Women examine women and men for men, so don't worry, it's rare to have idiots like that." I heard the woman's voice in red which made me a little relieved.

The energy in both my hands started to disappear before I returned to normal, Li Xue and the seed of life also stopped releasing energy for me.

Thanks to my excellent tracking skills I was able to find out where the man in red was, whom I looked at him coldly. The man in red seems to have felt it when he looked around.

Anyway, I gave my wrist to the girl, who didn't have the disgusting eyes of the last one and she took my wrist and squeezed it gently. I felt a little energy enter my skin before it was expelled back to the girl.

"This ..." I heard a murmur in the girl's voice.

"It's all right ?." I ask the girl, who she looked at me with a little amazement before shaking her head and picking up a small needle from what I supposed to be a hidden space ring.

She nudged me with that needle and a small drop of blood fell on a piece of completely white paper. The drop of blood strangely did not stain the paper, but was swallowed by it, before a number 10 appeared on the paper.

"It's okay, we're done here." The girl in the red clothes was slightly excited. When the number 10 appeared on the paper, I understood what this separation is.

Soon I was put together with my group, which strangely has the least people ... In fact, children ...

Everyone in my group is 10 years old, which is kind of disturbing. Fortunately, all the children here are more mature than normal, although not as much as Hui'er, is still better than nothing.

Taking any other thoughts out of my head, I watched as they were all separated. Our group was what I assumed to be a group with 10 year old children, three other groups seemed to have slightly older children than I assumed to be the group of 11, 12 and 13, lastly there were three groups with some young people who were probably from 14 and 15 years.

But what confused me was the last group, some clearly looked older than young people and children, I don't think they are 15 years old.

But the floor of the salon started to shine and soon I lost sight of everyone.

Again we appeared in a different room, this room is totally had its walls made in red and strangely does not have a wall, only a ceiling and the floor.

Around me were children, many children. I thought about trying to look for Hui'er, but before I can do that a person in red appeared sitting on a floating chair.

"Some of you may have noticed what is going on, yes you were divided based on your bone age. This is because this test is special, the older you are the more complicated this test will be." The person sitting in the floating chair that looked more like a throne, explained in a thin and soft voice, showing that she is a woman.

"This is a simple test, each of you in this room received a small paper bracelet, this bracelet will help you tear it up if you can't take it anymore. You must be asking yourself, "What should I endure ?". Well, you must withstand the pressure that is going to happen in this room. This room has 33 pressure waves, for you to pass this test it is necessary to withstand at least 7 rounds. The test will start as soon as this fireball goes out. I wish you all good luck."

Looking at my wrist, I realized that I really had something like a bracelet made of paper, but that was not what worried me, but the pressures.

They remind me of when I did temperament training, which reminds me of some of the greatest suffering I went through. Not that I'm afraid or phobic, it's just that pressure is something I don't want Hui'er to pass. Unfortunately this test is exactly that, so I can't stop it, all I can do is hope that this pressure is not the same as the ones I went through.

The woman who sat on the throne disappeared in a few seconds, was swallowed by the ceiling leaving only a ball of fire floating in the air.

I again thought I would have time to look for Hui'er, but I was wrong the fireball went out and a slight pressure came on my body.

That pressure did nothing to me, but I noticed that the children around me looked strangely uncomfortable, some even tasted like sweat.

And in the sky again a fireball was there and a few seconds went out again and I saw that each of the children got a little worse.

I didn't really feel anything. Another fireball was in the air. I understood that every time a fireball appears it is a round, these children must hold on until 7, which seems very easy.

The fireball went out again and the children's complexion is even more pallid.

And in the fourth ball of fire one of the children could not stand it and tore his bracelet, she disappeared from the hall. What she did seemed to make all the kids who were barely hanging on tearing up their bracelets as well.

This test is done based on bone age and not on cultivation, is this any other test of talent?

Not long afterwards the fireballs finally reached number 7 and again a wave of children tore their bracelets. At least they were still wise and held on until the 7th round.

The rounds continued one after the other 8,9,10 ... It was only when the 27th round came that I understood that each round of pressure seems to have around 1 ATM.

Looking around, there were barely more children, thanks to this I was able to locate Hui'er easily.

"Hui'er are you okay?." I approached her quickly, Hui'er seemed to have a few drops of sweat, showing that she is not used to these pressures. It seems that your temper training does not dealt with pressures.

Although Hui'er has some taste in sweat she still looked good, as if she was going through something nice.

"Ohhh ... Yuyu, I finally found you again, I missed you." Hui'er hugged me lightly, to which I responded in the same way.

"Didn't anything bad happen to you?." I asked worriedly, but Hui'er shook his head with a smile.

"I gave a lesson to everyone who approached 10 meters from me." A little bit of sweat runs off my forehead as I think of the scene of Hui'er doing this, she was even more fierce than me.

"I am proud of you." But I still stroked Hui'er's head with a happy smile.

"Are these pressures too difficult for you, Hui'er?" Although these pressures are not as complicated to handle as cold water, 27 atm of pressure is no joke.

The first time I entered that lake I only reached 30 meters, which is something about 3 atm. I wonder why I had so much difficulty, while the children here managed to hold up to the 12th round on average ...

I feel a little defeated because of that.

"No, although it is a little painful, it is not something unbearable." Hui'er gave me a happy smile, which I gently stroked his back.

Looking around I realize that there are almost no more children, most of them are almost kneeling from the pressure they are feeling, but they are still fiercely still without surrendering.

The rounds continued, and in the 32nd round there was only me, Hui'er and 4 boys left.

Hui'er was sweating a lot now, so I wiped his sweat with the sleeve of my shirt, I was worried about her. I know she can do it, yet I don't want her to suffer from this pressure.

Me? ... Well, I can handle 100 atm of sea pressure, which is something that this hall will not make me suffer.

As I am taking care of Hui'er, I did not watched the remaining 4 people in the room.

The 33rd pressure came and Hui'er was able to successfully endure it. I felt that this last pressure was stronger than the others, but luckily Hui'er passed successfully.