Chapter 17: Truths under the Moonlight

The following day, Mickey recovered from his fever. He resumed his normal routine of going back to school. Nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, besides a few visits from Jungha between lectures. Once school was over, Mickey and Rain went to the market district to run their family's store. The place was extremely busy after the downpour in the past few days. Citizens were eager to get outside and enjoy the nice weather.

It was so hectic that Mickey and Rain did not close the shop until dusk. When walking home, they took some shortcuts along the alleyways and streets. The sun was setting, and the mahogany sky grew darker. Streetlights instantaneously lit up like stars, paving the way with its subtle glow. The two teenagers were in awe at the sight. The city was beautiful at night, from afar it was a brilliant beacon that illuminated the land.

Their house was a corner away. By the time they got close, Mickey and Rain could see flashing police lights coming from their street. The two rushed to see what was going on. A police car parked at the foot of Mickey's home. Two policemen came out from the house and walked back into their car. Mickey and Rain made way and greeted the officers, waiting for them to leave before entering the house.

They could hear someone yelling from inside. Eager to know what was happening, Rain went ahead to open the door. When propping it open, Rain saw Goh furiously shouting at Jiang. Everyone was home, Mickey's grandparents were siting in the living room with Nanami while Jiang sat at the dining table with his head was down. He had an angry dark look stuck on his face the whole time Goh spoke to him.

"Do you know that I am a police officer as well, Jiang? You don't know how much face I've lost, to see my colleagues come here with you in custody? You're lucky they didn't arrest you if not for me! What will the department think when they figure out that my brother was linked to a crime?!" Goh exclaimed.

Confused, Rain spoke out, "What is going on? What happened?"

Goh turned his attention to his niece and nephew, "Jiang was at a warehouse with some gang members, smuggling illegal substances. Once the police got there, they were able to catch some of the members. Jiang was one of the people they caught."

Mickey's stomach began to turn as he saw his grandparents in disappointment, "Jiang, you really didn't do it on purpose right? Maybe Jiang was forced into it, or was there by mistake..."

"Don't defend this loser!" Goh interrupted while pointing at Jiang, "We all have been turning a blind eye to your misbehavior for too long, Jiang! How ungrateful can you be? You come home to a family who feeds you and a place to sleep, yet you treat us like garbage. You are good for nothing! Look at Mickey and Rain, practically the same age as you and they can tell from what's right and wrong. Why can't you be like them?"

Suddenly, Jiang flung the wooden chair he sat on. A loud bang sounded across the room. The amount of force Jiang used caused the chair to make a dent in the wall. Without a word, Jiang stormed out of the house.

"Oi Jiang!" Mickey yelled out, trying to go after him.

"Forget him! He has it too good, Mickey. Grandma and Grandpa won't say anything, so I have to teach him a lesson."

Nanami saw how heated Goh was and tried to calm him down, "Dear... stop it! The officers didn't even find any drugs or other substances on him. They just returned him home, you don't need to be so harsh."

"He's my brother, Nanami. I have the right to discipline him when it's needed," he said in a low tone.

Nanami looked up at Mickey and Rain with worry, "Can you two please go find Jiang and bring him back?"

Mickey and Rain both nodded and headed off into the night. The two assumed Jiang would not have gotten far.

While running together, Rain inquired, "I have no idea where to look! If I were troubled teenager, where would I go to be alone?"

Mickey repeatedly huffed as he replied, "I think I have an idea. We should try the park. He might be there."

"A park? That's such a kid-ish place to be for a guy like him," she retorted.

"Trust me, I seen enough animated shows to know that when the characters are sad, they go to a playground." Mickey said somewhat comically.

Rain gave him a weird stare, "If you say so."

The two made their way to the local playground a few blocks away from their neighborhood. Upon reaching there, Mickey's intuition was correct.

Unbelievable... Mickey was right. Maybe I should start watching animated shows too. Rain thought to herself.

Jiang was sitting on a swing set, slowly pushing his feet back and forth in the sand. He stopped his movements once he heard someone approaching. Jiang saw the two watching him from afar. He got up and tried to make his way out of the area. Rain quickly stopped Jiang, blocking his path with her arms wide open.

"You're not going anywhere. You need to come home now," Rain demanded. The way she spoke was quite serious.

Jiang could not stand to see the sight of the girl and pushed her down. Rain fell onto the coarse playground sand. No sense of remorse could be seen on Jiang's face from his distasteful action. Mickey watched in disbelief at everything he had witnessed.

"Uncle is right. You are nothing and that all you will be!" Rain's word spat like venom to Jiang.

Jiang angrily arched his brows and looked like he was going to throw a kick at her. Without hesitation Mickey burst to shove Jiang, causing Jiang to lose his balance. Mickey was now between the two, acting as a guard for his cousin.

"Jiang! Stop this!" Mickey cried out.

Jiang wiped off the excess moisture from his lips, as he walked near Mickey. Mickey firmly stood his ground, but his body was trembling in adrenaline. Jiang ceased his steps once he got close enough to the boy. Jiang smiled wickedly, staring Mickey down with vicious intent.

"You know Mickey, out of the two of you, I despise you the most. You put on this good boy act for everyone to see, just so you can be the favorite. Everything you do is only to better your self-image and make people like me look bad. It just pisses me off." Jiang then paused to enjoy the fear in Mickey's eyes, "You think because you follow the rules and listen, that means you deserve to be here? Both of you are nothing but nuisances!"

Before Jiang could continue, Rain clenched her fist and got up from the ground. She stomped towards Jiang and slapped him hard on the face. It all happened so fast, it left Jiang frozen in shock.

Rain raised her voice, "You speak ill of me all you want, but don't you dare blame Mickey for being here!

"Rainie..." Mickey said under his breath, his eyes somewhat watery.

"Yes, I'm here due to my own faults, but Mickey had no choice! Yet you treat him like he did something wrong. I don't get it Jiang! What did we ever do to you? Why do you hate us so much?!" Rain's enduring words echoed deep into Jiang's ears.

Jiang looked up at the moonlit sky with his hands burying his face, "You two did everything!"

Mickey and Rain stayed silent, not knowing how to react to his answer.

"Both of you took everything from me. My parents, my siblings, my childhood, all of it..." Jiang solemnly confronted.

Taken back, Rain irritably reasoned, "We did nothing of the sort! What are you even talking about?"

Jiang scoffed, "I don't expect you to understand, since you both were born with privilege. You don't know what it's like to be born far apart from your siblings and to have old feeble parents. In my family's eyes, I'm just another son, but you two were a blessing, the birth of the first grandchildren. Both of you were showered with love and attention whereas I was left alone with no one to look up to."

"Jiang, I'm sorry I didn't realize you felt like this, honestly." Mickey reservedly apologized.

At this point Jiang was in a vulnerable state, "It feels like my entire life have been nothing but unfair. You two had the luxury of growing up with parents who took you out to do things and played with you. My mom and dad were already pass that part of their life when they had me. Maybe I'm just jealous... You don't know how much it sucks to be outshined by others, when you didn't even have a chance from the start..."

Jiang could not hold back tears when expressing his most inner thoughts for the very first time.

"Stop crying, it's out of character even for you. I'm sorry you felt this way for a very long time, but no one ever told you to be the way you are now. If we knew you held this grudge, we would have done something about it a long time ago." Rain stated.

Mickey tried to consoled Jiang, "Jiang, please don't be like this. Can't you see that your resentment for everyone is what's ruining your life. It's not too late to make the right choices. We will be there to back you up no matter what."

"Were family, we won't give up on you easily, Jiang." Rain added.

Jiang did not understand how effortlessly they forgave him, for all his wrong doings. He had been so used to being talked down on, he forgotten how it felt to be comforted. Their heartfelt words incased Jiang in a warm and soft embrace. At that moment under the starry skies, Jiang's view on life changed.

His tears had ceased, and he deeply inhaled, "Let's go..."

The three walked together in the dark, with only the city lights to guide them back home. Their shadows casting closely together.


Mickey and Rain returned along with Jiang. When they arrived, everyone at home was waiting for them. Rain's clothes were dirtied, and Jiang's right cheek was slightly swollen.

Nanami rushed to their side, "Your all back, thank goodness!" She examined them from head to toe, "What happened to your clothes, Rainie?!"

Rainie casually replied, "It's nothing. It's dark outside, and I tripped while looking for Jiang."

Nanami looked at the fresh red markings on Jiang's face and decided not to ask more questions. She was happy that the three came back safe and sound. At least not entirely injured she thought to herself.

Jiang then walked to the center of the living room to his brother and parents. Jiang dropped down on all fours, resting the palms of his hands on the ground. His knees and elbows tightly pressed against the wooden floor, kowtowing in submission.

"I'm sorry for everything. For being a bad son and for all the trouble I have caused. I promise that I will try to be a better person." Jiang sincerely apologized. His voice was shaky as ever.

The family was taken back by Jiang's unexpected gesture.

Deeply moved, Goh pulled Jiang up from the ground, "It's okay, get up. We all just want the best for you, that's all," Goh proceeded to embrace Jiang, "I'm sorry for being so hard on you. I know I haven't been the best brother to you as well, and I'll work on that. I promise."

Jiang's father and mother got up and placed their hand on Jiang's head, caressing him slowly.

For the first time in a very long time, Jiang felt completed.