Chapter 18: Ai

At Morning Glory High, amongst the eleventh graders, there was a gifted girl named Ai, in class C-1. She was one of the top-ranking students and came from an important family. On top of it all, she was also one of the prettiest girls in the school. Blessed with beauty and brains Ai was indeed a priceless jewel.

After school, dozens of students gathered around the entrance of the campus. Mickey, Rain and Jiang did not stay to find out what was happening. There was no time to waste, for they had to work at the market that afternoon. Within the sea of adolescents that flooded the courtyard, Ai was standing in the center of it all. Everyone was there because of her.

The reason for this eventful day was because Ai wanted to confess her feelings. The sweet and innocent girl had decided to sum up the courage to ask the boy she liked out. Rumors had been going around about who Ai fancied and many had an idea on who it was. Small droplets of moisture began to run down her pale face. Her heart palpitated wildly, unable to sync the rhythm of her breathing. Tension grew as she waited for the right person to appear.

Suddenly, that someone emerged out from the building and it was none other than the charismatic, Jungha. A loud hush came from the crowd. Shocked, Jungha did not expect any of this. Everyone made space for Ai, drawing Jungha's attention to her. He held his backpack with one strap over his shoulder and walked down the steps to her.

"Did you need something, Ai?" Jungha asked, pretending that there was not a crowd watching them.

Ai's cheeks turned a pinkish hue and blurted out, "Jungha! I really like you! I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend, but I would like to get to know you better and hope you would too. May you please go on a date with me?!"

It was like the whole city had gone completely silent. Everyone who witnessed the confession were on the edge of their seats. No one dared to breathe or make a sound, waiting for Jungha's answer. It was a match made in heaven everyone thought. Jungha and Ai were both attractive in the aspects of physical appearances and personalities. The most popular boy with the most desirable girl in school. They would be the perfect pair. Jungha was flattered by Ai's courage, but he also under the pressure to say yes, since everyone was watching.

Somewhat conflicted, Jungha answered, "Sure."

A loud cheer roared throughout the schoolgrounds. Mickey, Rain and Jiang were startled by the commotion. They were already on the other side of the wall of the campus, unable to see what was going on. The three stopped for a moment staring into the air wondering what could it have been.

"What's with all the yelling?" Rain said with a puzzled look.

With no interest to find out, Mickey responded, "Whatever it is, it must be why there were so many people gathering at the entrance. I bet we'll hear about it tomorrow."

"You're right, I won't be surprised if it's the first thing I hear about in the morning. Rain commented.

Meanwhile Jiang could care less and mindlessly stared off into space.


The next morning, Mickey, Rain and Jiang walked to school together. Right before they made it to the gates, Hao caught up to the trio from behind.

Hao reached out to Mickey, "Did you all hear about yesterday!? I didn't see you guys there when it happened."

Dumbfounded, Mickey shook his head.

"Well, tell us now, Hao!" Rain eagerly demanded.

Hao began talking, "Yesterday, Ai from class C-1, declared her love for Jungha and asked him out on a date! The whole school basically went crazy," Hao then turned to look at Mickey, "I thought Jungha would have told you by now, Mickey. Since you two are so close."

"This is the first time I am hearing about it," Mickey said in a compose manner.

"Well, I'm sure he'll tell you about it, when he sees you." Hao replied.

Rain teasingly added, "Is little Mickey upset his best friend didn't tell him?"

Mickey scoffed and jokingly said, "I'm glad that this happened! That means he won't have as much time to bother me now ha-ha."

"So, all that fuss was just about Jungha and Ai? How…dumb…" Jiang remarked.

The first bell of the day chimed throughout the grounds. They cut their conversation short and rushed to their classrooms. During each class period, Jungha did not make his usual rounds to see Mickey. It did not bother Mickey, but it did feel slightly strange not seeing him. He had become accustomed to Jungha looming over his desk during random hours of the day.

Meanwhile, every time Jungha tried to visit Mickey that day, a barrage of classmates would block him in his path. Everyone wanted to congratulate Jungha and asked about him and Ai. The whole day everyone interfered with him going to see his friend became irritating. School was almost over, and he did not get a chance to see his Mickey once.

It was the last break before the final class of the day, and Ai decided to see Jungha. Like the other times that day, Jungha was still surrounded by nosy students.

Ai politely intervened, "May I talk to Jungha alone please?" She then faced in Jungha's direction, "Can we talk somewhere more private?"

"Yeah." He replied.

They came to a secluded area in the hallways and stood in front of each other. Ai held both of her hands tightly in front of her.

"Would you like to go somewhere today, afterschool? If you are available that is." She shyly suggested.

Jungha responded with ease, "I don't have basketball practice today, so I'm free. There's an amusement park we can go to. Want to go there?"

Joyful, Ai tried to contain herself, "I've never been to an amusement park before. That sounds like a lot of fun."

"Let's meet at the city square by five." He arranged.

Ai happily agreed and left back to class. Jungha watched her from behind. Her long silky hair swayed with every step she took. The longer he stared the more uneasy he felt. A small feeling of guilt and regret began to manifest in the deepest part of his mind. Why did he agree? He wondered if it was because of the possibility that he would be interested in Ai, or was it due to the fact that he felt pressured to accept her request. Jungha's stomach began to feel weird from the whole situation, pondering why he felt like this.

The last bell rang and Jungha made sure no one got in his way. He knew Mickey always waited by the school entrance for Rain. So, Jungha sprinted through the hallways and down the stairs to get to the gates before Mickey, hoping to surprise him. Jungha ran so fast that he was actually the first person to leave the building.

Mickey walked out of the school and the first thing he saw was Jungha. His friend waved both his arms wildly in the air, trying to grab Mickey's attention. Jungha could not help but smile widely the moment he saw the boy. Mickey tried to avoid direct eye contact with him as he walked closer. His face began to feel warmer than usual from Jungha's childish outburst.

Unable to contain himself, Jungha spoke in an excited manner, "Hey, did you miss me?! Sorry I didn't get to see you today. I was really busy."

Unamused, Mickey teased, "It was nice not having you around to bother me. I actually got my work done for once."

"Don't be so heartless!" Jungha faked a frown and chuckled afterwards.

Not long after, Rain and Jiang appeared.

"There you are Jungha! You ran out of the classroom so fast. I was wondering where you were heading off to. Now I see it was all just to see Mickey before we leave. What great friendship," Rain sarcastically alleged.

Jungha answered with no shame in his voice, "That's right!"

Mickey brought his attention to Rain and Jiang, "So you two got the store covered for today then?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be too bad today. I'm driving the van back home anyway, so we won't have to walk back home tonight." Jiang said.

"Just make sure you bring back some of those pastries when you come home, since you're not going to help out," Rain added.

Confused, Jungha gazed at Mickey, "You're not working today?"

"No. My grandparents insisted I have the day off to enjoy myself. I thought I'd go to the mall or to do something relaxing." Mickey explained.

Jungha's dark brows furrowed from what he heard, "If you were off today, why didn't you tell me. I would have planned to hang out with you."

"I haven't seen you the whole day, how would I've gotten the chance to ask you? You can come if you like, I don't mind." Mickey insisted with no care in his voice.

Before Jungha could respond, he remembered his promise to Ai. Now stuck in a predicament, he had to choose between Mickey or Ai.

He took a few seconds to think about his decision, "I don't have anything important going on today, let's go."