Chapter 19: Unspoken Bonds

The gang parted ways from school. Mickey and Jungha left to the mall, while Rain and Jiang headed south to the market district. As Jungha walked by Mickey's side, his face was glued to the screen of his phone. He was contemplating on what to tell Ai. He ultimately ended up texting her that an unexpected family event occurred, and had to cancel their date. Once he clicked sent, he turned off his phone and shoved it in his pocket. Little did he notice that Mickey observed the whole ordeal.

Jungha looked at Mickey with a smile, "Something's wrong?"

Mickey shook his head and the two continued walking. For some reasons, the air between them seemed a bit off today. Mickey wondered why Jungha had yet to tell him about Ai. They were friends now, and Mickey assumed Jungha would have brought it up. The awkwardness that lingered between them was too obvious and Mickey wanted to break it.

"Hao told me what happened yesterday. I'm guessing you and Ai are together now?" Mickey genuinely asked in a soft tone.

Immediately, Jungha's blank face was painted in red, "N…No! It's not what you think," he waved his hands around, "Ai just asked me out on a date, and I agreed. That's all."

Mickey chuckled to see Jungha so flustered, "Aha I see. You're lucky that a girl like her decided to chase a guy like you. I've only seen her a couple times but, Ai seems very sweet and talented. Not to mention she is a natural beauty like Rainie."

"Hmmm…Ai is as pretty as your cousin, but that would be the only thing they have in common. Actually, she reminds me more of you!"

Dumbfounded, Mickey did not understand what Jungha meant.

Jungha could see the confused look on the boy's face and smirked.

"Personality-wise, Ai is a lot more like you Mickey. You both are reserved and more on the quiet side, but you two have caring and thoughtful hearts," he said with all honesty.

Mickey was secretly flattered by his compliment.

The two teenagers did not know where to begin when they arrived at the mall, because of it immense size. No matter how many times they gone to this place, they were always amazed by its grand sight. They decided to go look at some videogames and bookstores first. Then they went along and tried on some outfits. After an hour of leisure, Mickey and Jungha headed to the main center of the building, where the arcade was.

Without a second thought, Mickey casually brought up Ai again, "So Jungha, what do you like about Ai? When do you plan to take her out on a date?"

Jungha upsettingly furrowed his brows, "Why do you keep talking about Ai for? She's not here right now. We're supposed to enjoy your day off, we don't have to talk about her."

Mickey shamefully lowered his head. He did not think that a simple question would cause Jungha to be so irritated, "I'm sorry… I thought that was what guys usually talk about, when they hang out together. Aren't we supposed to talk about things like girls and relationships…?" Mickey spoke in a confused and honest tone.

Jungha felt bad for overreacting and walked in front of Mickey, stopping in the middle of the mall.

"Hey, don't be like that, I should be the one to apologize. There's no reason for me to lose my cool like that. I've been confronted by so many people today, asking about her and I'm just a bit exhausted from it all. Can't I spend some time with you without having to think about her? She's not important right now," He explained.

Suddenly, a voice called out from behind them, "Jungha?"

Jungha turned around and his heart sank the instant he locked eyes with Ai. She was standing next to her female friend. All the blood drained down from Jungha's face, leaving him with a ghostly expression. He was unable to make out the slightest sound or word. Mickey witnessed everything and felt an overwhelming tension. Before Jungha could make a move, Ai immediately ran off. She looked like she was about to cry.

"A…Ai!" Jungha hollered with one hand reaching out.

The girl did not dare look back and disappeared within the crowd, along with her friend.

Puzzled and worried, Mickey scolded him, "Jungha! What are you doing, standing there? Go after her!"

Filled with so much guilt, Jungha let out a burst of frustration. Then he buried his hands into his face and crouched down, not knowing what to do next. All eyes were on the two boys.

Now feeling uncomfortable, Mickey leaned over to Jungha, "Jungha, get up! Everyone is looking at us."

Jungha stayed silent and did not budge.

"We need to get out of here at least. We're drawing too much attention," Mickey firmly demanded.

Just like before, there was no reaction from Jungha.

Unbelievable… what a baby. Do I have to take matters into my own hands? Mickey dreaded to himself.

With no time to lose, Mickey clenched one of Jungha's wrist and yanked him up. Jungha did not resist, and Mickey began leading them out the building. Mickey felt embarrassed pulling Jungha around like a child. He knew if he were to let go of Jungha's arm, Jungha would surely cease to follow him. They maneuvered around countless of shoppers before making it to the exit. Now outside, they were wandering down a paved sidewalk. Mickey was still dragging his friend with one hand. At this point, he decided to let go and turn towards Jungha.

"Why did you not go after Ai? Why would she even run away from you like that?" Mickey questioned, the tone in his voice was serious.

Jungha's head was still down and refused to talk.

After looking back at everything that had happened, Mickey connected the dots.

"Did you promise to take her out today?" Mickey asked.

Jungha slightly nodded his head, staring down at his feet.

Mickey upsettingly sighed, "Why do you never think about the consequences for the decisions you make?"

Mickey did not understand the reason for Jungha's actions, but he did feel sorry for him. He knew Jungha was rash when making choices. Mickey looked back at the direction of where they were heading, and gazed back at his friend. He walked behind Jungha and started to push him off the path. They were now going uphill and into the edge of the forest.

Upon entering the dense woods, Jungha finally spoke, "Where are we going?"

With a determined look on his handsome face, Mickey answered, "To a special place where I used to go when I was younger."

As they ventured deeper, Mickey was still pushing Jungha from behind. Jungha stepped aside and halted their movement, "You can lead the way and I'll follow. It must be tiring pushing me around."

The area was lightly forested with vegetation. Jungha could tell they were still going uphill. The ground became steeper the further they traveled, while following a small dirt path made by someone before. Soon, soft beams of light penetrated from an opening between a wall of trees. Upon reaching the light, they were led to a small cliff that overlooked the city. The grass was lush with many adorned flowers there. Jungha was struck in awe. Never had he seen something so breath taking.

Mickey went ahead to sit down by the edge of the cliff and gestured Jungha to do the same. They watched the sunset perfectly wedged between the two large mountains that formed the valley, framing the gold horizon like a beautiful painting. The two boys did not speak to each other during the time they were there. Their presence was all that they needed from each other. It was an unspoken bond that the two had. Jungha wished that this could have lasted forever. Nightfall came and the valley was soon illuminated by a sea of lights from the city, competing with the stars above.

Mickey saw the peace that held in Jungha's face as he stared out into the endless view. After hours of silence, Mickey began to speak in a warm and assuring manner.

"You know back then, my mom used to tell me that sometimes staying by someone's side is all they need. We don't have to talk or do anything. We can sit like this and enjoy each other's company. I know it's hard to express or talk about how you are feelings, but just remember I will be here for you no matter what."

"Thank you, Mickey," Jungha replied.

"Ai seemed really upset today. You should apologize and make up for what you did, Jungha," Mickey whole heartly encouraged.

Is that what you really want me to do, Mickey…? Jungha sadly thought to himself.

Jungha's heart was conflicted. Mickey took him to a wonderful place and was willing to stay by his side. By now, is it not obvious, that there was something special between them. However, in the end, Mickey did not seem to comprehend Jungha's intentions.

Jungha looked up one last time into the sky and exhaled, "It's getting late. We should head back home. Thanks Mickey, for taking me here."


The morning after Jungha called Ai and she did not pick up. Jungha left a message, knowing Ai would not answer if he called again.

"Hello, Ai? I'm sorry about Friday. I was under a lot pressure from everyone, and I didn't know what I was thinking. Can you please meet me at the city square, so I can clear things up? I will be waiting there for you if you decide to come."

Jungha wore a casual t-shirt with a logo and a long sports pants. He waited at the square, not knowing if Ai would show up. Jungha paced back and forth, wondering about what he would say or do. Bored, he took out his phone to pass the time.

"I got your message." Ai shyly said in front of Jungha.

Jungha was startled, surprised by her voice, "Oh Ai! You're here!"

Jungha clarified how he felt about the situation. He apologized to Ai and asked for her forgiveness. Though he had told her everything, one factor he had left out was Mickey. He did not reveal to Ai that Mickey was the reason he canceled their date, nor that Mickey advise him to reconcile with her.

"I still want to take you out, Ai. How about we go to that amusement park today? If you're not busy that is." Jungha insisted, forcing out a charming demeanor.

Ai was understanding and open-minded to what Jungha had told her and agreed.

"Thank you for being honest with me. I'm sorry too… I did not know you felt that much burden on you. It was immature of me to ask in such a public space with all our classmates around, it wasn't fair. I have nothing scheduled for today, so I can go." Ai stated in a gentle voice.

To others, he should have felt like the luckiest guy on earth, but his heart had never felt emptier.