
The cries of the child rang out though the house; curling around hallways like a serpent until reaching the closed door. As on cue the child's Mum shot up from bed and like lighting she was there soothing the child trying to calm him down. "there there my sweet child no one can hurt you now I'm here" She sang in a almost lullaby like way. She swayed gracefully around the cot at the centre of the dark room. Pictures on the wall told a story of the child's first birthday and Christmas the mother took the now sleeping child to the edge of the cot and engraved in the cot was the name Dorima. " This name means Dreamer though you may get bullied for this I want you to remember never stop dreaming I'll always protect you from the nightmares."

A hooded man then entered the room and stood beside her you "know he would make an excellent hunter,"

"No, I already told the light the same thing you just stay away from my family," She said clearly frustrated "I want Dorima to never fight for the world of dark or light I want him to live by the world of dreams," a tear rolled down her face and landed on Dorimas now asleep face.

"His farther is a fool and you are too sooner rather than later the dark will come, you will die and Dorima will be the strongest hunter of the dark the world has ever seen the goddess of the Dark told me this herself," with that he turned left echo's of his words rang through the mums head but she ignored them "I don't care I love him," she muttered as she lay lying on the floor cradling Dorima.