Awakening pt2

Dorima shot up as if someone had run an electric current through him, the blurred outline of the hospital room slowly came into focus. A small hunched over figure in a new straightened deep blue suit with a pristine navy blue tie awoke from his slumber as if he were a robot and Dorimas awakening flipped on a switch. "Dorima I am Zaogzox and I believe you can see the Hoshi too, small creatures that resided in the daytime like 'Trixe' I believe you called it" Zaogzox. Dorimas eyes went wide "what you believe that they exist," exclaimed Dorima "Why I am special, why can I see them?" Zaogzox bursts out laughing "that's what you think, what did you dream about being chosen, special Ha don't make me laugh, most people can see them at a young age about 75% of people reject the Hoshi and wonder of day and the terror of the night, the remaining 25% they come and join my many institutes, around the world"

"wait what," interrupted Dorima "what are you talking about I don't understand?"

"Too bad, all we explained during Mythos class at Rukworth, oh and you are welcome to join my school" Zaogzox replied in a hoarse raspy voice. At that moment too big black suited people enter the hospital "And don't think you can refuse"

In a confused tone Dorima replied "I don't really get anything, but I don't understand why'd any one refuse your offering a free scholarship to the best most notorious private school in the world with the mysterious legends of the hunters surrounding it."

"Excellent," exclaimed Zaogzox seemingly producing a contract out of nowhere "just sign here boy," holding out red pen which Dorima hesitantly took the contract and read 'the school wasn't responsible for any injury or death students might face when becoming hunters if you sign this you have no right to refuse any and all treatment the school may give you or any lessons the school requires you to take or the hunter program initiative' "What are is the hunter program?"

"Well not that I'm admitting to anything but they deal with the same kind of thing that Marco boy got infected with"

"Alright I'll sign," answered Dorima

good, good rest while you can in three days well return to take you to campus" And with that Zaogzox and the two people he had with him left the hospital room.

Later that day the helper nurse in Dorimas room explained how lucky he was as an anonymous benefactor has paid off all your medical bills as per some form of contract. This caused a cold sweat to break out on Dorima face as he realized that he should have read the contract before signing it this could hurt him further down the road.

During that night Dorima was stricken with vivid nightmares forced to listen to the mangled mutated deformed form of Marco laugh manically as he decapitates Dorima's mum's head. Powerful headaches with Dorima curled up into a ball forced the nightmare to shift to the school with hyper realistic, horrific eyes protruding from the walls. Dorima woke up in a cold sweat "I wish the pain would go away" he muttered.

After three Dorima was all healed up and he was released where Zaogzox was waiting for him in an old rusty dilapidated limo and with a bony hand invited him inside. Inside, the cushions were torn as if they were attacked by a feral animal. "What happened to sea- "

"It doesn't matter," interrupted Zaogzox who sat opposite Dorima. The awkward silence that followed was deafening. After the awkward journey, the limo turned a corner to reveal a sparling city on an island the central building rose like a coliseum of learning "beautiful isn't it" Zaogzox said "The lodging is on the island with the central building the main school, you'll be taking classes and living in the dorm room," as Dorima left the limo he was told to go to orientation.

The hall where the hunter orientation was held was a grand hall, unlike the drive here the creatures of light that Dorima had always seen were strangely absent, with a central stage and thousands of seating's a tall man with small glasses and a suit walked up to the lectern "welcome to Rukworth school, I am the vice principle Leon, here we expect nothing but the best, as you might know here, we believe in the ancient religion of the stars. When a star dies it plummets to the ground creating a corporal body out of stardust which can't interact with physically and only exists in the day, the decayed corpse of the star remains emotionless gently feeding on the natural life force of the world unless they feed on negative emotions, where they'll become addicted and only be able to feed of negative emotions this is usually harmless though we prepare for the eventuality when one of the corpses become a Nightjyg they attach to the back of human skulls once they create a small whole to feed on the person it is too late to save them after a set time the skull will implode killing the human and the Nightjyg will be forced to find more dark places to feed off humans and could get a host ",That means Marco is already dead thought Dorima as a tear ran down his face, "We will train you in normal classes and train you to fight and control the infected and a Nightjyg wielding powers fuelled by stardust released from tomes we implant around your hearts you will become Hunters of the Dark more information will be available in your first lesson on this for now please head to your already assigned dorm rooms, I hope you enjoy your roommate because they'll be with you for the remaining year." Everyone slowly moved out of the hall.

The dorm rooms were flat like buildings each flat had two beds one opposite each other a small kitchen. When Dorima entered his room, a knife flew at his and embedded itself into the door frame the sharp blade glinted in the sun. "hey roomy be careful if you're not you'll die, my name is Shoiea," he was wearing a black t-shirt with blonde hair and black shorts his deep red eyes were like daggers while he was staring at Dorma it felt like the grim reapers scythe rested on his neck. Dorima took a long deep breath ripped out the knife in the doorway and throw it at Shoiea "my names Dorima I don't want be friends lets be mutual allies instead,"

"sounds interesting I can tell you're in pain," replied Shoiea "alright you got your self a deal," Dorima and Shoiea shook hands forming the first team at Rukworth. After the first day and the information dumb Dorima hit the beds. Once again plagued with nightmarish visions of past events.

This time Dorima had to leap through an obstacle course made from knives while the decapitated head wielding Monstrous Marco hungry for Dorimas skin. His claws swiped tore away the blood tinted knives swung centimetres away from his face. Small dark fetus like creatures surrounded Dorima biting at his legs until he was completely consumed by them, bit by bit he slowly lost parts of himself to them he tried to scream but one crawled out of his until he awoke in cold sweat with Shoiea staring at "Dude what's your damage?"

Dorima glared "Liked I'd get all personal and tell my secrets to someone I just met"

"Fare but I got a feeling whatever landed any one to signing that shady contract no will be able to get a good nights sleep first try," said Shoiea as they slept this time a dreamless sleep in a void of darkness as the sun rose and a Nightjyg that had latched onto a person in alley behind a club way was vaporised as it tried to claw towards the shadow. The hallowing scream it let out went unnoticed by anyone at the club excepted for a shadowy onlooker who smiled a devilish gin.

As the morning bell rang Dorima awoke, his dark black hair all messed up, he shot out of bed where Shoiea was waiting for him at the door come on we need to get to first lesson, or we'll be late on the first day. They both ran as fast as they could leaping out the dorm room and down the stairs "Our first lesson is in G-8," yelled Shoiea Dorima nodded as they ran around the main campus and crashed into the classroom with a thunderous boom" Glad you could join us, "sneered an older, tall sliver haired man "I'll be your teacher, Now take your seats, with the late comers barely making it," he glared at Dorima and Shoiea who shrank into their seats, "I'll start with the register, answer only when I call your name if there is any funny business I will kill you;

Ameroon are you here,"

"Here," replied a small slightly chubby boy with glasses


"Here," replied a tall muscular boy with scars that run down his face and body to the top of his leg, his hair was dark purple, and he had a spade tattoo on his forearm,


"Yes," replied a girl in a dark cloak, long dark hair slid down her face except for one red strand,


A squeaky yes sir was replied by a short timid looking girl desperately holding onto an umbrella

"Christine, Christine,"

"Yeah whatever," said a trashy looking girl with green hair torn jeans and piercing eyes


"Yes sir," exclaimed a tall blue haired stern looking boy with perfect posture as he rose to attention unlike everyone else,


Dorima replied with a yes hoping to not draw any more unwanted attention,

"Fronrobos Uvumo the third," who the hell has that stuck up name the teacher thought to himself

"HOW DARE YOU, NO ONE MAN SHOULD EVER SPEAK MY NAME" yelled a pompous, rich looking, stuck up brat "I WILL ONE DAY BE THE BEST AUGMENTOR IN THE HUNTING WORLD SHOW SOME RESPECT," At that moment a piece of chalk flew past his face at such high speed it peeled of the epidermis layer of skin blood ran down his face. Clearly in shock and stunned at how close to death he just was Fronrobos sat down and shut up. The Teacher continued:


"Here," replied the kid dressed in all black which contrasted awfully with his blonde hair but now as Dorima looked at him he noticed burn marks all over his skin.

"And finally, Sylthie"

"Here, "said a bright green haired girl with a plant pot and sparkling eyes

"Good all ten of you are here I'm Glenn and let the lesson start"