My mind was wandering in the past while looking through the window of the car, in the driver's seat is my mother Emily King, a 32 years old woman with blonde hair blue eyes, with a slim and athletic body of 1.7 m tall she was wearing a cameo shirt, jacket jeans and boots. She is one of the youngest captains in special forces of the army with a high record of 32 successful missions and zero fails, we were driving to my grandparents' house, The King fortress all my family called that way were because the King family has been in the army for many years and almost every member has been involved in it. We are going to y fifth birthday party.
It´s been five years since I arrived here in this world or should I said reincarnated in it because I have the memories of my past life. In the beginning, I was very confused because I thought I have travelled to the past because of the year we are, 1993 now but when I was 3 years old some strange things started to happen as a very strong and tall man in the mall said to me
- You look delicious, small demigod always taste better- showing his fangs with a wicked smile. And stretching his thick arms to grab me, I could see how he salivated as they approached me and luckily my mother was close and hold my hand to take me with her thus frustrating his attempt to kidnap me and have a feast with me although I think I probably wouldn't taste that good.
That's when I realized that this wasn't my previous world or the past I was in the Percy Jackson universe, and the bad luck of my previous life came with me. Why I said my bad luck came with me you ask, that´s because in my previous life I had almost everyday bad luck since the beginning, having been diagnosed with a strange disease from a young age, being bullied throughout the school by my fragile constitution, at work always having the bad luck of having bosses who abused their power to make me work overtime without promotion options, even when I try to publish a book was rejected several times by the publishers. And the last day that I remember from my previous life had not been one of the best, although I was used to that happening, I just got fired from my last job because of a pandemic that had attacked the world and my position was unnecessary or that's what the human resources manager said. Later when I was entering my apartment and the building manager demanded the rent for the month even though it was a couple of days before the payment date and I turned on my computer to play my favourite game Final Fantasy XIV for a while to distract my mind a short circuit occurred and being electrocuted and the last thing I could feel is how my muscles were tense and a smell of burned skin reaches my nose and then everything went black. And now I am a demigod one of the most dangerous things in this universe since I am a dish for all the monsters that inhabit this world.
While I was thinking about my previous life and distracted watching the clouds go by and the houses passed one after another, my mother's voice brought me back to reality.
-Alexander King! - Her scream a little angry made me turn around.- Are you thinking of getting out of the car or you're going to stay here all day.- Apparently, we had reached our destination a couple of minutes ago and I hadn't noticed one downside of being a demigod is dyslexia and ADHD that come with you for being one. Also, I don't know who my olympian father like most of the demigods in this universe I had to cross my fingers it is not one of the big three or everything will be more complicated than just try to survive here.
- I'm sorry mom.- I answered while seeing that the door was already open and my mom saw me with a concerned look.
- No worries honey, where you daydreaming again? - she casually said being already being used to this happening.
- Noooo!- I yelled while blushing. I swear I don't understand this mother intuition she can read my mind anytime it's scary
Then after getting out of the car and following my mother to the front door I was getting ready to get in the character of a 5 year old ready for his birthday party. Hopefully, it will be alright but knowing my luck something will happen for sure.