Chapter 2

We had parked in front of the house, La Fortaleza King was a 2-story house, its facade was white and a grey tile roof on one side seemed to have a tower at the entrance two steps led to the main door and his right there was a porch overlooking the garden which faced the street and the only thing that separated the garden from the sidewalk was a small iron fence. The garden was a bit spacious but enough to accommodate today's guests. They had placed about 4 round tables where people were going to sit and then a table where they had put the gifts. In the background was a conventional grill and standing in front was an older man of about 60 or 70 years, completely white hair would measure approximately 1.80 or a little more, only his back was seen but it was quite wide as if it were a tank or like If you saw The Rock, he was my grandfather Graham King, a former army general who was already enjoying his retirement, but a serious man and took the rules very seriously.

In the garden there were about 20 people, it was a small family, of those people there were my relatives which included my grandfather Graham, my grandmother Mary, my Uncle Joseph and his wife along with their 3 children Zach, George and Mason their Ages ranged from 10 years old with Mason the youngest to George the oldest at 18. Zach and Mason attended a school where the children of the military attended and which I would start attending after the summer. George this year had enlisted in the navy and at the end of the weekend he is leaving to start his training, my three cousins ​​looked a lot like they had blonde hair like my uncle's, a hallmark of the family but their eyes were a mixture of green and grey like his mother's. There were also friends of the family invited by my grandparents and some neighbours from the area and other relatives.

Finally, you can see 4 people who were in a corner of the garden were 2 men and two women I recognized them because they were the members of the squad that worked under the orders of my mother Jack, Max Olivia and Ava unlike my family who are very strict and all they talk about is the army and politics, they talk about everything and when they go to our house to visit Olivia and Ava they always play with me and Max and Jack bring me gifts or sweets although the latter always give them to me. hidden to avoid being scolded by Emily.

After greeting all the guests and receiving their congratulations and kisses from most of the women, I sat next to my mother waiting for the food to be ready. My grandfather was cooking barbecue ribs and hamburgers, I couldn't wait to eat and I felt like the My mouth filled with saliva just because of the smell that came from the ribs and just when they arrived I have to admit the taste was better than I imagined, during the meal people chatted and laughed until the cake arrived.

-Happy Birthday dear Alex!- People started singing with Emily carrying my favourite chocolate brownie cake. My mother spoils me too much when I am with her, for some reason she feels guilty when she has to leave me for several days for her missions. But I don't blame her. It's hard being a single mother and then having a job as special as hers, so I try to make her feel good when I'm with her.

Thanks, Mom! My favourite - I told him after blowing out the candles and giving him a sincere smile, it was nice to receive affection after spending the last few years alone in my previous life.

Just enjoy it- she answered me - but not only am I here, you know what you have to say - she told me changing her tone and giving me a small smile with her eyes slightly closed and emitting a dangerous aura, that look made a shiver run down my back

Thank you all !!!! - I hurried to scream while some cold beads of sweat still ran down my forehead. And several laughs could be heard from the guests. But I was not going to fall into this alone while I was blushing, I quickly turned my head to see who would suffer for this and quickly locate my objectives.

-Jack, Max- I called my mom's subordinates while looking at them they turn around to my shout and they realized that I had a plan for them because their faces changed to worried ones.- I'm already 5 you two promised me that you while start training me in martial arts and to use the knife, but know I will open my presents.- I jumped down my chaired after telling them and running to the table with the presents without forgetting to turn around to see how their face went pale and drops of sweat form on their fronts.

-WHAATTTTT?!- my grandfather and mother yelled at the same time, but I was already opening my presents.

when I was opening my presents most of them where toys going from water guns, football, cars and other things, finally one package in the back called my attention it was a small box all black with just one tag with some weird letters "Αλέξανδρος" but somehow I could read them and understand. It said Alexandros my name, that put me on high alert no one here knew I was a demigod my mom never talk about my father no matter how many time o who asked she will only answer " It was a special person and we only meet one time ". So seeing your name in greek and in a box make my mind going wild.

When I opened the box there was a leather lace with an iron figure attached to it, the figure was a greek helm and all black. Then it came to me who my father was.

-HAHAHA!!- I started laughing out loud.

-Are you okay?- my mother asked.

-Yeah- I replied - and going quiet and start coursing my life. I was the son of Hades this will get some mess up things. But now that wasn't the time to think about that. Now I was planning how to survive and train my body and learn about my powers.