Chapter 4

Today is Saturday so I plan to make use of all the free time I got to list my plans for the future that soon will start operating so I went to the desk open the first drawer and take out a new notebook and start writing down all the plans in my mind.

After 1 hour of writing and rising the book to see what I have written to verify the contents, I could feel it was all done. The list goes like this:

1. Master all my powers to a level where I can defeat some though monster with ease. Geomancy is at good progress, mist manipulation the make grown-up people changed their minds or alternate what they can see. Start learning how to summon undead, skeletons as part of necromancy power. Shadow travelling and shadow manipulation should have priority, if I remember correct Nico ca heal himself with darkness so should also learn darkness manipulation and thermokinesis is a must.

2 . Business Plan. When geomancy power and shadow travelling are mastered search for precious gems and also celestial bronze to make business with mortals and with immortal with the help of the Instant messaging the immortal world have.

3. Rescuing and gathering of the sons and daughters of Hades/Pluto Nico and Bianca from Lotus Hotel ad Casino and train them with me. A think this will do when I have money to let them with us. Note persuade mom- difficulty level: hell. And also with help of Nico travelling to the Underworld and resurrecting Hazel. Find more family members across the world in the future.

4. Study the helm in the collar properties. and why when I wear the monsters or other creatures can't detect me. The theory is part of the Helm of Hades himself.

5 Travelling to camp half-blood after Thalia incident. Don't want to be in a place where the strong smell of demigods gather and without any barrier.

6. Find a way to go to get the Golden Fleece to save Thalia and hiding her and making her my ally. Then return the fleece so I don't change too much history just enough to prove the gods we can play in favour with the prophecies the oracle give.

7. Learn swordsmanship, archery and other disciplines they train at the camp. Note should find a good instructor or "summon one" maybe. Train and recruit demigods for the battle between Cronos and Olympians.

8. Finding a way to save Pan if possible.

9. Traveling between camps to learn more information about this world.

Those are my plans for the near after reading them I heard the doorbell and I know who was at the door. They were my mom squad that arrived for my training. So I get down fast to open the door because I want to learn how strong and good they are, they have a crazy reputation in the army or that is what I heard in the family meetings and when mom took me to her camp when I was younger.

Good morning guys - I said while opening the door.- Thank you for coming, when can we start?

-Good Morning Alex-

-Hello there -

-HAHA You are impatient kid, I like that-

My mon's friends ad underlings greet at the same time. The four of them wear wearing workout clothes and each one of them was carrying a travel bag and a backpack

- I see you arrive on time guys, Good Morning- my moms greet them while she went down the stairs also wearing workout exercise.

One -"Hello Sir"- and three " Good morning leader"- were hear instantly. the one who salutes her with a military salute was Jack. He is 25 years old young man and he is the youngest of the group and for some reason, he treated mom with hi respect.

-Everyone just call me Emily this week, I asked you to come ad help me with this stubborn son of mine in your free time, Jack please don't salute me like you are at the academy. - She said while giving a hug to everyone.

- EHHHH? A week?- I was shocked by the news that they will stay for the whole week and because my thoughts were that they were going to teach me some basics from time to time.

- Yes Alex, the whole week we five will give you intense training this week and then every Sunday from here you will give some points.- my mom explain to me her plan.

- Five you said?- with my jaw almost at the floor from the shock I just heard.

- Yes I will help you too, or you think I cant, come on in guys I will show you where you will be sleeping.- She said with a smile, I knew what was the meaning behind that smile.

While they enter the house, I stood there frozen while my back was cover in a cold sweat, whit my heart pouncing at is maximum because for some reason my instincts were telling me to run from my house my body couldn't move and my brain was yelling " you're screwed". When suddenly a sweet voice brought me back to reality.

- You know what was her nickname when people train with her- Ava's voice said to me in the ear in a whisper- The Mad demon. she finally said while whispering and following them upstairs.

Half an hour later we all were at the garage. with the size where 2 cars could be parked there, but now all you can see where blue mats all over the floor those you the usually use in the gym class.

Okay Alex here's the plan each one of us will teach you one of our specialities for fighting for 30 or 45 min each and see which one suits you better ad after that we will make a plan- My mom quickly give me the explanation of their idea

-Okay!- I replied while stretching my arms and then bending down and touching the floor following by a few jumps. -I'm ready wich one is first.

I go first -Ava raised her hand and standing in front of me. I didn´t understand how she could be single and also a special forces soldier whit her looks and body. She is a 29 years old woman with a white skin tone, red hair with blue eyes and a stunning smile, I will say only by the look she is gorgeous and not only she is beautiful she has a fit body and I will tell her measures should be around 80-60-90. ---Are you ready? I will teach you about jiu-jitsu.-

After half hour of teaching me, some movements add locks, it was Max turn he taught me some boxing and kickboxing moves, following him was Jack with some karate then Olivia whos speciality was aikido and judo and finally my mother with some krav maga teachings.

After 3 hours of learning some basics, we went for having some refreshments and food. ad during that time all of them were whispering between them and making some points about the training and that escalated to some big argument. The reason was that all of them want me to specialize in their martial arts and teachings. This could have continued for hours if I haven't suggested that I could learn all of them, I trusted that with my abilities I could learn easily everything related to how to fight and survive. After being a few minutes silent and exchanging glances with each other they finally nod and then they went to another room to discuss more the methods they will use to train me.

I thought it will be a great idea to learn everything I could that will give me more ways of fighting humans ad also I was wishing to learn to use swords ad other weapons and the half-blood camp. But how wrong I was because after they come back after their agreement and the look they were giving me with predatory eyes. I realized something was odd and that I will regret to choice to be trained by this madmen.