Chapter 5

After that unfortunate decision, I made my days were exhausting by going to school, training with my mother and her squad, and training my powers that most of the days when night arrived, and I was mentally and physically exhausted. When I was learning fighting teachings my body and brain were like a sponge absorbing all the information that they teach me and after a few practices of the movements, I could make them perfect with almost not needing to think about them, after they notice that I was a fast learner they start making me spar with them. and all the time I will end on the floor or being on the losing side.

During the night I will practice my powers, like shadow manipulation and darkness. At first, the only thing I could do was making my shadow wave a little bit because I was too tired to concentrate and the energy needed was too much because of the lack of control, after a few days I could make it shrink or expand, I felt like I was Shikamaru but without doing the hinds signs. When I mastered that the next step was trying to rising the shadows from the and solidifying them, the first time I make it raise only 5 cm of the floor I fainted and fell asleep.

Mom almost freaked out when she found me in the middle of the room as soon as she arrived home when the principal notified her I wasn´t at school and no one answered the phone when she called at the house. She started to let me go to the bus stop alone a while ago because I showed her I am responsible enough to do it and also because she most of the time was late to work, so when she found me unconscious, she tried to take me to hospital.

-Mom, I´m okay just a little tired, I didn´t sleep enough because I had tons of homework.- I lied to her.

- Are you sure?- she said to me with a worried tone.- Just rest for the day in your bed I will call your grandmother to come here to take care of you.

After that, I trained and being conscious of wich my limits were, I fainted a couple more times but I was prepared those time by being on my bed in case, every time I fainted my time to regain my energy and be awake reduces every time. After a couple of months, I could solidify my shadows and change their form to any form I want.

I also discovered during this period that when I was awake and in complete darkness I will regain strength at a faster rate and any bruises I got during the spars with those crazy madmen and madwomen, they will disappear in the morning.

Now that the end of the year is coming and Christmas and new year are almost here, I´m planning to use my holiday time to summon some skeletons and souls. Because some research I did in the public library is that winter is when more cold and negative energy is around and it is easier to do some rituals, or that's what history books and novels tell. So I will give it a try.

Today is December 18th, and I will focus these days to summon some undead and during the winter solstice, December 21st will be my attempt to summon one soul.

So when the night arrived I sneak out from the window and went to the backyard ad start practicing.

- Everything it's ready now let's wait for it to be midnight to start - I said while looking at the time.

I closed my eyes and start focusing on the image of a skeleton in my mind when it was a really clear image, I got the sensation of gathering all the energy in my hand, I felt that all my movements were natural, the energy start flowing from the earth and going up through my body until it arrived at the tips of my left hand's fingers.

" Raise " - I shouted and quickly open my eyes when the energy gathered left my hand. When I realized that nothing happened.- Pfff, I thought I could make in my first attempt, I have to practice more - I said after letting out a breath of air and turning around to write some notes about what I felt so I can learn better and also try figuring out what when wrong.

Just when I was to reach my notebook the earth trembles a little bit, and I quickly turn around to look at what's happening. Thee at the middle of a backyard a tiny hole appears, I could feel how my mouth starts raising as a smile and excitement start growing inside of me, but then all of it disappear in one instant.

HAHAHA!- Started laughing.- Really? I can only do this much?. I said at loud while looking at the floor and where the hole appeared now a small finger was there. Okay yes, I was excited that I have success in my first attempt after all my expectations of it was around 70% that I will fail. But to it just one finger it was a direct hit to my confidence, I don't know how many times did Nico tried until he could summon one skeleton or if my talent is really low compared to him, I will know in the future when I meet him.

-Come here!- I ordered the finger, to see what will happen, to my surprise it started crawling in my direction. - Stop- It stopped after my order. 5 minutes later I have the finger follow simple orders and it followed them perfectly, I didn't want to miss anything so all that time I was taking notes. Then I unsummon it and start repeating the process 10 more times until my energy and mental strength were depleted and went to my room to rest.

The next two days I did the same training and didn't know if it was slow or fast progress but in the final summon I could make half a skeleton appear from the ground. I was going to continue this method but time wasn´t on my side if I will be trying to summon soul. And the solstice of December arrived pretty quick so tonight was the day to try it out.

I gathered everything I need to perform the ritual, some food, make a pit in the ground, fresh animal blood I had to kill a bird just a few hours before using a stone that I shaped like a needle at throwing at it, after killing it I drained its blood in a little jar a stole from the kitchen before burying it and make it as an offering to Hades.

I pour everything in the pit and start reciting in ancient greek some words that I looked at in an English-Greek dictionary. I had to memorize the chant and practice during all my time these 3 last days so I didn´t make a critical mistake. After I said the last word the pit set on fire with a blue fire and then it started burning intensely that I had to close my eyes when suddenly I heard a big bang and that was the last thing that I could recall before my mind went blank.