Chapter 6

I wake up with an extreme headache and dizziness in my body. I was trying to recall the last thing I did, it was the ritual.

I couldn't be dead again, right?- I said out loud unconsciously. All was blurry and I was slowly recovering my sight when my hands touch the floor to help me support to sit down I feel that the cold and smooth texture of it, and I could feel something different of it, but one thing I'm sure is that I wasn´t at home.

As everything was getting clear I could hear some voices around me but couldn't recognize them, as my sight was completely recovered I scan the place. I was now in a huge room all of it was made of stones like an old castle. In the 4 walls were torches burning in blue flames at the middle of it a huge black wooden table stand it with a dozen of chairs most of them were empty except five.

In the chair, a very tall, imposing, and very muscular man with albino white skin, intense black eyes was sitting there, at his right an incredibly beautiful young goddess with tender expression her eyes were sky blue and her hair was blond floating and curling as if it were weightless. To his left were 3 men in the following order: first a very tall and imposing man in white robes, with a thin royal circlet of gold on his head. His beard was pointed like a spear blade, while his eyes glittered cruelly. Next to him, a thin man with hazel eyes pointed nose and grey hair was sitting, and finally, a man with dark brown hair with a carefully trimmed mustache was sitting there. Next to the woman was a second one was sitting there this woman have long blond hair the color of ripe wheat and wore a bright green dress with a dark cap.

- Ehhhm Hi?- I said when all felt all their gaze lay on me.

-Who are you? - The old man in a white robe asked me. - And how did you enter this room?- And a pressure fell over me that almost make me faint.

- Easy there Minos- The guy sitting in the center appease him.- He is my son, Welcome Alexander.

-WHAT? Your Son?- The beautiful young woman suddenly shouted out loud.

- Can you explain this to us brother? - the other woman asked

- Calm down everyone I will explain all of it later. But First Alex come sit here and tell me how fuck did you arrive here?-

-So you're Hades? I'm dead?- I said while standing up and walking to one of the empty chairs that were closest to me and the farthest of them. I was trying to be calm and making a serious face. But my mind was panicking " How the hell did I arrive at the Underworld, the fucking Hell. I'm pretty sure I died again. But I can feel my body is alright, wait no I'm feeling great".

- You seem pretty calm Youngman do you know where you are right now or who we are-

- I think I know Madam if I´m right this is the underworld- I said calmly. - About the second part you should be the goddess Demeter, next to you is the Goddes Persophone.

- Insolent! Show some respect kid- yelled the furious Minos

- Did I said something wrong- I replied to him right away. I don't like this guy, he deserves some beating.

- HAHAHA nothing wrong about that- Hades laughed - Please explain to us how did you arrive here.

-I'm not pretty sure I was trying to summon Achilles souls to teach me how to fight monsters and then I was here- I start telling them my story " what the hell!!! why did I tell him everything".- You know being your son and trying to learn to use my powers - I continued. "Please shut up ".

- That's pretty risky you know and how did you know how to do it? And how did you know that cold bastard is your father?- with a melodious voice goddess Persephone

- I just know how to do it- I said- because I have this- I showed them my necklace with the helm.

- Just with that you figure it out- Hades replied I could sense some surprise in his tone.

- Mom, Always tell me that I'm pretty smart, and this is was too simple and easy to figure out after some monsters attacked me and tell me I was a son of a god.-

- So you are a Genius now?- said Minos

- Jealous of something old man, want a beating? I'm feeling great right now - I just want to kick his ass this old bastard. He thinks I'm nobody.

- Take it easy you two, Alexander we are in an important meeting right now so could you spare us some time and then the two of us will have a talk one on one there are some serious matters I have to tell you. - Hades intervene and then yell .- Alecto!!

Suddenly a middle-aged woman appears through the gate that was at the east of the room wearing a black suit.

- Yes my lord - she said while bowing

- Take my son to the leaving room-

- Yes your Highness, please follow me, young master- then she extended her hand showing me the way.

I stand up from the chair and went to the other, just before leaving the room I turned around and say my goodbyes to the people in there.

After following Alecto through the leave I arrived at the leaving room where a Fireplace was light on the moment we arrived, there were two red couches in there and some other pieces of furniture like normal living rooms. Just in front of the fireplace, two huge black mastiffs with glowing red eyes were lying down looking at me like a was prey.

- Stand down- Alecto yelled at them- Don't worry they will not attack you unless someone tells them to do it they are trained well- She said to me. Please wait here for the master to arrive for you, and take a sit.

After I sit on one of the couches and the dogs wet back to their sleep the woman just disappears and I was alone feeling very uncomfortable to be in front of two huge beasts. After a time I couldn't tell how much it was and walking several times around the room and I even play with the dogs because I couldn't stay in one place without doing anything. Someone opened the door and I turned around to see who was it, and then the person was my father.

So Alex let's have a nice chat- He said to me while closing the doors- I can call you Alex right?