Chapter 8

It's been two weeks after my unplanned trip to the realm of the dead, after my return I checked the contents of the leather pouch Hades gave, there's was quite a fortune inside, there were hundreds of dracmas, some diamonds, rubies, gold, and silver bars, and jades, that bastard is quite a millionaire for precious stones. We spend Christmas at the King Fortress with the whole family. You know typical Christmas dinner and opening gifts in the morning, the ones that I liked the most were my grandfather it was an old revolver gun for collection, my mother's squad gift was a survival backpack with many survival tools, including a tactical knife. They really stand for their reputation as a crazy squad why will they gift a 10-year-old a knife, it came with a note that has written " don't let your demon mom know you have this, we want to live" my mom's gift, it was an old book of greek mythology. And finally, the one was Hades' gift it was a black spartan sword with a sheath. According to Alecto, the sheath came with magic runes that made it enter my shadow and I could summon it when I needed it.

Alecto start coming after New Years, at midnight in the back yard and start explaining to me the concepts of darkness, souls, and other terms that helped me with my training, the results were outstanding I could now summon a full-body skeleton, travel in a radius of 5 m through the shadows or shadow realm, Alecto's definition, and could summon the will of a recently departed soul, without form or it having full conscious. So for my wish to have some ancient demigod to train me in art wars, I'm far away but now I can understand better what is needed to the process and most of it is because of lack of mental concentration and energy reserves.

Now with the help of Alecto, I started some business plans, the first thing I did was opening a bank account, I had to use the mist to deceived the account manager of the bank that I was already an 18 young man and using an alias Alex Johnson, I don't want the mortal world come investigating my mother or my family, fortunately, Alectos has quite a knowledge about the laws because she had been a lawyer many times to help my father in some mortal related stuff. After having an account created I went to some shady business and the black market to sell to gold and silver bars, then went to an auction house to sell the jades that have been reform with my power making some greek sculptures of Persephone and Demeter, the diamonds and precious stones were used for other sculptures I did of both of them, If I win their good side they could help me if something happens in the Olympus or Underworld.

I make quite the fortune with them but that money was just for funding my company for I have been a fan of Magic the Gathering in my previous life I started making a game based on cards about gods and monsters of Greek mythology. The game is called Mitomagic and I have plans for it to have Roman, Egyptian and Norse expansions in the future. It will take some months to start printing the game on a great scale but I start to introduce the game at my school and using the mist for people to like it. I start to like to use the mist it helps a lot and if I have the power to help me I will use it I'm no saint, but I use it moderately not want someone to notice the excessive changes in the mist, or causing brain damage to people so I used it a little bit.

I did quite a lot of things these days and when I thought I could relax sometime, a huge guy stood in front of me and when I looked up at his face I only see One eye and some eerie smile showing some sharp teeth. It was in an alley full of boxes and trash I turn around to see if another person was around, but there wasn't, so I intend to avoid it like I always do when this happens with other monsters because they can't see thanks to the necklace.

- I haven't eaten in days, can you help little one - he said and I froze in that place and my body stood on high alert.

- Are you talking to me?- I asked him and start moving my shadow

- Is there anyone here apart from you, little godling- he said and start laughing- you look tasteful.

I jumped 1 m backward and summoned my sword from the shadows and draw it from its sheath and getting in battle position.

- We have a fighter, those are rare ones and more tasteful- he said throwing himself at me and unleashing a punch to my left side. For its size, one would expect it to be slow and clumsy but it was faster than expected. Luckily I was ready for his attack and I rolled on the ground to evade his attack and get behind him. And then swinging my blade to his leg.

Arhgg, stay still you fucking bastard- He yelled when he got wounded and turning around while swinging his right arm hitting me and blasting me to one of the walls of the ally- What the hell did you do to me ?- he roared

-Cough, cough,- I started coughing while standing from the ground when a taste of iron reached my mouth, I cleaned up with my sleeve and the thing that the iron taste was from the blood. - That hurt you know- when I raised my sight I see how much enraged he was but also I could see him that he has lost color and was already tired.

"That's weird it was only one attack and he is already that tired, if I remember correct cyclops are natural fighters, immeasurable strong, and had a lot of stamina one of the deadliest monsters that hunt us, I was planning to run when I could see I gap for it, but now I think I have an opportunity to kill it, let's try it if it fails I have to run", I said to myself while getting some air and start making a strategy to win or flee depending on the situation.

After a few seconds, neither of us attack, I was regaining some strength and focusing on my strategy, and for why he didn't attack I didn't know why but for my strategy to work I need him to try attacking me again so I taunted him.

- You said you wanted to eat me, but you get afraid after a little cut - I yelled at him- They say cyclops are scary and deadly all I see is a coward -

- ROARRR- he roared- You're a dead kid I was thinking to trap you and cooking you alive but now I will just smash you to be a pool of blood- He again jumped to attack me. Just as I planned I quickly make a hole in the ground just below his right foot and making him trip and falling down. When he hit the floor I quickly run for it and stabbing him in his head.

- AHHHH he yelled- and I quickly stab him again - and then he turned to dust and ashes.

- Pfff that was easy- I said after it vanished - let's go home, but how could that cyclops see me and me, I still have the necklace and Hades said its effect will be at least for a couple of years, also I'm sure he was a young one so it wasn't me getting stronger in just 2 weeks or that the cyclops was a strong one.-

I quickly run to my home and sneak into my room to change my clothes so my mom doesn't freak out about the rags and the blood on them. I then take a shower and after I get clean I lay on my bed to think about what just happened my heart was still pounding really fast, and some doubts started to form in my mind.