After half an hour in my bed thinking about what just happened, when my mom arrived from work.
-Alex are you here- was the first thing she yelled after she arrived.
My mother's voice took me out of the trance I was in and slowly getting up I got up from the bed and went out of my room to receive her.
- Here I am mom, how was work? - I asked.
- All good but we have to talk today at dinner if you think we can order pizza - he told me in a serious tone.
- Everything is alright? Did I do something wrong? - I asked him this had never happened and when he wanted to talk he did it in my room when he was going to sleep so I was worried that he wanted us to talk. "Someone I know will have seen me today after school," was the first thing that came to mind.
"It's all good, I just want to spend some time with you, apart from when we train and you always end up on the floor," I answer.
- Hey! Today is going to be different, I'm going to beat you- I answered him after listening to what he said. I can not deny that I have never won something that hits my pride directly, I had already defeated the members of her squad on several occasions but not once had I been able to defeat her.
- Let me get ready and we will have a small spar, be ready to get on your ass again hahaha- she laughed
Forty minutes later I was laying on the floor looking at the ceiling for the fifth time today each time was different from a judo throw to a leg sweep I always ended on the floor. In the last spar, I was even tempted to use my powers to blink within the shadows behind her and kicked her but there were two reasons I didn't the first one was my pride, how could I take advantage of my power against my own mother ad she is just a common person and the second one was that my war and fighting instincts telling me that it will be impossible like she was prepared for a sneak attack.
- That's it for today, good job Alex, you're a better fighter now I don't think anyone at your school could beat you now-
- Thanks mother- I answered and then whispered- Did someone has ever beat you? Are you a monster or something?.
- Did you said something- a cold glared mom just turned around and looked at me.
-No, No Nothing- I stammer, while that look creeps me out - Let's get Pepperoni Pizza!
The both of us went to change and get in more comfortable clothes and wait for the pizza to arrive when it arrived we went to the living room and turned on the tv and start watching a movie, it was Star Wars Episode IV after we finished the pizza and the movie Emily turned her head and said to me
- Alex I have to leave for work after the weekend-
- No problem mom, how long will be this time?-
- This time it's gonna be a long time honey, I will be away almost 2 or 3 months -
- Ohh I will be staying with grandma and grandpa? Where are you going?-
-Yes you are staying there they already ko about it, and this time I can't tell you I don't even know where I'm being sent, but don't worry about that you know how strong we are-
After talking about my mom's new assignment we spent the weekend the two of us doing outside activities like going to the park or the movies it was kind of a ritual we do when she went overseas for more than 5 days. Then she took me to my grandparent's house and we said our goodbyes. and I wished her good luck.
- See you soon kiddo- she said - Mom, dad, take care of him.-
- Just come back dear- my grandma said. she always worries about my mom when she leaves.
-No problem Emily he will help me with my guns and I'm planning to go hunting with him I think he is old enough- my grandpa reveals what was the plans he already made for me while I crash at their house. While helping my mom carrying her bag to the cab ad closing the door after she got inside and didn't give her time to reply about the hunting plan he had in mind. I could see my mom yelling ad swearing at my grandfather and he was just laughing and taking out a bill and giving it to the taxi driver.
I hurried up to my room and throwing my bag over the bed, and then running downstairs so I could leave the house.
I will go to play at the park, I will arrive just before dinners- I lied to my grandparents saying I will go to a small playground in the neighborhood where most of the minors went to play. After arriving at the park I went to hide between some trees and then after checking no one could see me I used vanished from there in the shadows. I had to meet with Alecto or one of her sisters who sometimes will take her place in my training when she is too busy managing the underwolrds affairs to asked about how could the cyclops saw me and why did he blame me for doing something to him after one slash to his knee.