a rainy day

"sigh..." a young man sighed as he left school late and found that it was raining heavily outside. He got in trouble and had detention, but since he walks to school there was no car or anything to pick him up. So, he had to run home.

His name was Sora, a man who had no motivation in life but to just sit back and watch anime. He tried to find it so he try in school, but he lost motivation in finding the motivation to try in school. Sora was not some fool or anything, he was quite smart once he put his mind to something. he had always just had trouble staying forced on something.

His favorite subject was a match, he thought it was easy. It came naturally for him to solve problems, but once it came to doing work outside school, or trying to force on world problems. that was where he just found it hard, although he found alcohol helped him to force on such things, of course, they would not allow stuff like that in school

just moments in, he was wet from head to toes. the rain seems to only get heavier and heavier by the second.

seeing how wet he was already, he gave up on running, he was already yet, was it possible to get wetter than wet?

while walking past an alley, Sora says a blonde-haired girl was swept up by the heavy water on the ground, leading to her falling and hitting her head, where she fainted. she was quickly swept into the street, where at his moment a truck was heading towards.

Sora seeing the truck not slowing down instantly realized the truck couldn't see where it was going. He jumped onto the street and rushed towards her. but by now, the woman was stuck within a sewer with her heading lying just where the truck would run her over.

Sora quickly quicked over the woman, seeing she was stuck, he didn't try and remove her but instead get her out of the way of the truck.

"damn she is heavy..." Sora said softly, the woman slowly woke up and instantly panicked upon seeing a stranger trying to pick her up. She instantly panic, as she pushed Sora who was pushed off balance by her sudden action.

with her action, Sora lost balance in that heavy river which was on the street, the woman's eyes widened as she realized what was on, and she quickly sat up and she tried to grab Sora who was falling towards the street.

But she was stuck in the sewer, Sora watched with wide eyes as his face was slowly about to make contact with the truck, he was not falling straight down but towards where the truck was coming from. He didn't need to think twice as he knew he was a goner

'damn... to think I almost lived long enough to finish one piece.' these were his final thoughts as the truck slammed into his head,

Sora found himself in a dream-like state within a dark space, his eyes grew heavy as he fell asleep, only to open them once more and find himself standing before a huge desk which had a man as large as a mountain sitting behind it doing paperwork

"what's this? it seems like that truck picked up the wrong person again... no, you got in the way and tried to help her leading to your death." He said with a frown as he looked at Sora's paper. after a few minutes of him going through Sora's whole life story, he sighed in annoyance

"if he goes and tries and pick her again it will only lead to more trouble, your good deed causes me a huge pain in the ass. but since you were killed by a deity, and you are quite pure, I can't simply ignore you, or I will be punished." He said calmly as he looked at what he should do for Sora before he found something

"you should go to the door of gambling, if you get yourself something good, then good for you. but after which, you're are to go to a world and help it from whatever evil befalls it. after you do this task, you are free to do as you wish. as for the world... I send you to the world ruled by those gods." He said calmly as he held his little hammer thing, and hit the table. Sora instantly disappeared and found himself standing before a wheel.

"Yama finally sent someone over," an old man smelling of alcohol said with a smile as he stepped forward to look at the newcomer. He looked Sora up and down and smiled slightly

"you have good karma, plus truck-kun has given you some extra karma for your good deeds. you might get something good. come, come, stand before the wheel and place her palm in that circle in the middle." He said happily, Sora was confused but he still did as he asked, suddenly many words began appearing all over the wheel tingles slots.

"as you see, once your spine the wheel you will get one of the abilities listed on there. the rare and stronger a skill is, the harder it is to get. the weakest skill here is 360-degree vision, as it says it will give you 360 degrees, the range of said vision will improve with your strength." He said calmly as he pointed at the words which said 360 depress vision.

"and the most power... haha, Ultimate Knight. this will make you a perfect knight, mastery in form forms of combat, from weaponry, hand to hand, and so on. there is also all slot you can land on which will give you all listed abilities on there..." He said in shock seeing the small words which had these words.

"but it's less than a 0.005% chance of getting that... well, go ahead to spin it. whatever you get is all your doing, this is your karma, your doing over a countless lifetime of building up. So no one, not even me affects what you will get. once you get it, you will gain your power. think of it as something that goes deeper than bloodlines. remember, what appears on this wheel came from within, so it was somewhere deep inside you." He said with a smile, Sora nodded as he thought he understood what he was trying to say.

"calm your heart down... drink this, since you're the first one here, I want you to get something good. this will reflect well on me, and the more people that come here, the more of this wine I could buy" He said as he have Sora a wine jar. Sora was confused, was he not some kind of god?

"yes i'm the god, the god of gambling, even we gods have our way of wealth. although we gods are above life and death, we do seek strength. as the god of gambling, I grow the more gambling is done... anyways, drink, this will calm you down. focus on what's there and go for it. ignore everything else, and aim for that target." He said to which Sora nodded as he took the wine jar and took a drink, Sora's face instantly twist as he began making some weird notices.

"mortals." the old man said with a shake of his head, but his eyebrow raised slightly as Sora seemed to change. Sora seemed to grow force on the task in front of him, his eyes narrowed as he saw Sora force on all slot

there was 14 slot, a total of 13 of which were abilities, and 1 which was all slot which will give Sora all 13 abilities. his heart skilled a beat as he watched Sora spin the slot, if Sora could get all 12 abilities, Sora will become as overpowered as possible.

But he quickly sighed in disappointment as Sora couldn't land on that small slot for all the abilities, but he did land on the Ultimate Knight. but this was over overpowered, this was a 0.1% chance to get this ability and Sora got it, so you can see how rare it was.

With that, he went on to tell Sora the abilities of the Ultimate Knight.

Unperceivable Attacks- Sora's attacks will be harder to read and comprehend, this means a simple attack he throws out will mean it harder for people to read his attacks. Sora could add this ability to any attacks or even a movement if he masters it.

Metabolic Regulation- The user can regulate their body functions (heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, brain activity, etc.), to cancel them out or accelerate them, or vice versa.

Overclocking- Users are able to accelerate mental processes to facilitate accelerated motions and perceptions. Enabling the processing and actuation of biophysical activities at extreme speeds,

A process accomplished by stimulating neurochemical activity and blood pressure, speeding up sensory awareness and thought process enabling vastly hyper-active movement at speeds many times faster than other individuals.

As well as seeing, hearing, and thinking at approximately several times faster than average. Such an effect also speeds up cardiovascular activity for the purpose of augmenting strength, toughness, endurance, and otherwise. Making the user more physically able in the process.

in other words, this is a power-up that can strengthen Sora but has a side effect of pushing the body into overdrive.

Maximum Bodily Capacity- Users are able to use 100% of all their bodily systems and functions, making them smarter, stronger, faster, more agile, durable, etc. in every way in regards to what the body is capable of. This includes the neural system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the brain, etc. this will allow make them countless times stronger than others

Enhanced Bodily Capacity- Users can use more than 100% of all their systems and bodily functions, making them smarter, stronger, faster, more agile, durable, etc.

Sense Focusing- The user can focus their senses to look for a particular sight/sound/smell/taste/feel and block out all others.

Enhanced Concentration Capacity- Users can use their concentration far above the maximum level, allowing them to do better in doing different kinds of tasks. This also allows for pushing their abilities, physical or mental, far more than they could normally achieve, beyond even 100 percent capacity. The user is never distracted and overcomes obstacles very easily, which makes achieving things much easier. this has the sub-skill Flawless Coordination

Flawless Coordination- The user's physical abilities are heightened to the point where they can flawlessly perform any physical act without difficulty. The user can imagine themselves doing the act in their mind, then they're able to perform it without any problem. Users can perfectly and without a single flaw or mistake perform or replicate any and every type of movement whenever they want with perfect precision and zero effort, instantly. This could range from free-running to juggling swords while walking on a tightrope, to doing multiple back-flips.

Enlightenment (in the way of the warrior)- the user has reached enlightenment, allowing them full comprehension of any situation. They are able to understand the meaning of everything by communicating with or understanding the mind of God, Universal Consciousness, or a similar source,

Fighting Instinct- The user possesses an innate aptitude for fighting in any combat by overcoming limitations and adapting to techniques or methods to ensure victory. They adapt perfectly to all factors, achieving maximum efficiency in an offense, defense, evasion, and countering, ensuring optimal success as long as there is the slightest chance. This enables a user to resist fear and pain, maximize and surpass physical boundaries, utilize all of their skills in the most efficient manner, and continuously fight while unconscious. The user's instinct for battle allows them to pick out the strongest opponent, letting them know who exactly they need to fight.

Prescient Reflexes- The user possesses automatic reflexes, which perceive the future without the user's brain or other powers. This allows their body to react to/plan out reactions/movements to future events and attacks even before other people know about, or have decided them, attacking, blocking, evading, and countering enemies, and responding to events.

Indomitable Will- The user has unnaturally strong willpower, enabling them to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Control, and Subliminal Seduction. Through their will, the user can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against them, possibly up to the point of cheating death, fate, and pushing themselves past their own limitations.

Instant Learning- when the user reads, sees, or hears almost any concept they will understand it completely, whether it is natural or supernatural. If the user comes into contact with any piece of "information" that is wrong, they intuitively know this and can discern what is correct and what is wrong.

Combative Transcendence (not instant or early)- Users can transcend their physical, mental, spiritual, and existential limitations through combat. Achieving an even higher state of being as long as their locked in the heat of battle. This could lead to the user transcending from being a mere mortal to becoming a unique being of unparalleled might. Surpassing their entire species as a whole, reaching godlike territory and beyond through combative means.

Combat Perception-The user can instantly understand an opponent's method of thinking and fighting, allowing them to anticipate the moves of the opponent. Once they understand their enemies' strategy, they are able to find their flaws and weakness and take them down with little effort. This has a few sub-skills.

Attack Prediction- The user can interpret and predict enemy attacks and react to the incoming attack, brush off or avoid the incoming attacks even from a dead angle. If they possess defensive powers and the attack is coming from behind, the defense power can activate on its own to block the attack.

Defense Prediction- The user can interpret and predict enemy defenses and react to the incoming defenses, brush off or totally avoid the upcoming defenses. this means before you even block, Sora already knows how you will do it and will use it against you.

Tactical Analysis- The user is an extremely skilled strategic genius and applies this skill to several objectives, able to intuitively create strategies and plans several steps ahead of the opponent. They can elaborate complex plans/strategies and apply them not only in battle but in all activities that involve cunning intellect, e.g. strategic games. They can instinctively anticipate all of the possible obstacles/opportunities and know what the best actions to take in any situation, allowing them to adapt and prepare for future events in advance by considering a large number of scenarios/outcomes/options/paths, and plan ahead for them, to be ready for any situation that may occur and handle it effectively.

Battlefield Adaptation- The user automatically adapts in/to any field of battle, allowing them to fight on equal or superior grounds to their opponents. Each battle fought strengthens the user physically, mentally, and tactically, slowly turning them into a One-Man Army.

Combat Adaptation- The user's fighting style, tactics, and abilities automatically adapt to be equal or superior to the opponent's style of fighting, whether armed or unarmed, making an opponent's attacks useless after the first few strikes.

Strategy Adaptation- The user is able to automatically adapt to different tactics and strategies and formulate the most optimal course of action. With this power, one could adapt to a strategy or trick used against them, so that the same strategy and trick does not work on them twice. Some users might also be able to gain new powers in response to each strategy in order to develop a means to not fall for such a trick next time, like becoming stronger or smarter.

Ability Intuition (this is not instant for everything ability)- The user can, by seeing an ability at work, intuitively understand how it works, how to control it, and how to master it. The user can teach others how to control their abilities once seeing their power. Alternatively, the user can also be able to develop a countermeasure if they understand an ability long enough to figure out its weaknesses. If the user can intuitively know about a power, they can learn how to control and master it. They can also learn all about said power's potential weaknesses.

Ability Mastering (this is not instant)- The user can master any ability, not just by being proficient in its usage, but also by understanding every concept and possibility available. Those who mastered the one ability may be able to even create concepts of such power that normal users are not capable of, as well as become resistant to having their power negated, among many other possibilities.

Ability Transcendence (not instant for every ability)- Users can learn abilities, and push them beyond their limits by creating new and more advanced ways to use them, improving their capabilities to unprecedented heights of power and efficiency. Freezing abilities could be applied to space-time itself, burning abilities could consume anything without a trace, summoning abilities could permanently enslave any kind of entity, absorbing abilities could steal the powers of godly beings, and more generally, any ability could be mastered and amplified way beyond its normal limits. The users could even combine learned abilities to create superior hybrid ones.

Blocking Mastery- The user innately is a master of witnessing any physical attacks and performing blocking moves to stop or deflect an opponent's attack for the purpose of preventing harmful contact with the body. They can use their limbs or their weapons to block attacks. The user's body will automatically block danger no matter the scale. This is the ultimate defense mechanism that is almost impossible to hit the user with any attack since they will automatically block it. This ability deals with just physical attacks like weapons and opponents so it does not include telepathic attacks.

perfect Defense (this is a defense technique)- this ability gives Sora perfect defense from any attack, giving them protection from all attacks, regardless of power, type, magnitude, and directions. can only be used with an item, best a shield. this also perfects against time.

Countering Mastery- The user innately is a master of countering any physical attacks, able to use the opponent's momentum, strength, and size against them. The user's body will automatically counter any attack no matter the scale. This is the ultimate counterattack mechanism that is almost impossible to hit the user with any attack since they will automatically counter it. this ability deals with just physical attacks like weapons and opponents so it does not include telepathic attacks.

Ultimate Counter (this is a counter technique)- The user can perform a counter-attack that not only protects them from all forms of attack but also, at the same time, return to their enemy an unblockable attack, and in some cases, can instantly kill the enemy. this can only be used with an item, needs time to perform the skill, if an attack is too fast this skill is useless. the time needed is how fast you can wave your hand

Efficient Combat- The user can fight intensively with less energy/ than what is usually required. this allows the user to "free" their body from the mind in order to control it and move much more efficiently. this means Sora could control the energy used in his actions so it isn't wasted, letting him draw out the full potential of his speed and offensive power.

Evading Mastery- The user innately for evading any physical attacks. The user's body will automatically avoid danger no matter the scale. This is the ultimate defense mechanism that is almost impossible to hit the user with any attack since they will automatically dodge it.

Absolute Evasion (this is an Evasion technique)- The user can dodge/evade everything/anything, including physical attacks, powers that manipulate the mind, space, time, gravity, physics, spiritual, biological, probability, motion, reality, etc on any level, Omni, Meta, Absolute, etc. They can dodge multiple attacks that leave little or no room to get around or through or dodge many attacks such as thousands, perhaps millions of attacks attacking the user at once. The technique only stays active for 5 minutes and will need 10 minutes to cool down. cool down could be lowered with Ability Transcendence

Martial Arts Mastery- The user innately is a master of all martial arts. Users can perform any and every type of martial art there is and was with great ease. Users also have an intuitive mastery of the associated martial skills, techniques, body language, and choice of words subtly sending all the signals to others, granting them major leverage in any martial situation.

Ultimate Armed Proficiency- Users have reached the pinnacle of armed fighting prowess. They know everything about fighting with a weapon and can surpass any and all masters of armed combat of any form, having complete knowledge of their wielded weapon whether they be unknown, nigh-impossible to master, or forbidden, and can also create their own forms of armed combat to throw off their enemies.

Combat Merging- Users can learn to infuse any and all combat styles with their abilities, including but not limited to hand-to-hand combat, martial arts, mixed martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, and even simply just violence as a whole.

Mixed Martial Arts Mastery- The user innately is a master of combining and utilizing multiple forms of martial arts at once, allowing them to effectively create a new fighting style unique to them and flawlessly move from one form of martial arts to the other, improvise new attacks and more. These users are forced to be reckoned with in battle due to Their exceptional martial arts skills and are very difficult to predict and counter.

Absolute Unarmed Combat- Users have reached the pinnacle of hand-to-hand fighting prowess. They know everything about bare-hand fighting and surpass any and all masters of combat of any form, having complete knowledge of the forms whether they be unknown, nigh-impossible to master, or forbidden, and can also create their own forms of combat to throw off their enemies. Users excel in melee attacks without weapons on absolute levels. Users are able to perform counters, techniques, and combination strikes with such skill, speed, and prowess that absolutely surpasses all other counterparts. Since the user's combative prowess are absolute, they are able to pull off hand-to-hand feats that are seemingly impossible for even the most skilled fighters that try to comprehend the user's foreign skill.

Combat Mixture- The user can merge separate fighting styles into a single whole and combine/merge fighting styles together to create new ones or even to create a new force. The resulting fighting style is often stronger than either of the originating fighting styles alone.

Combat Creation- Users can create new fighting styles and methods of combat unique to them, allowing you to prevent opponents from adapting, defending, or countering their style by constantly creating new ways to attack fight and brand new techniques that may have no defense. Since the fighting styles made by this power are completely new, they may be impossible to learn, master, or replicate. the user isn't simply modifying or combining new fighting styles to form new ones, but instead is creating entirely new fighting styles either from scratch or a previous working foundation of attack ideas.

Pressure Point Mastery- The user innately is a master of pressure points and nerve clusters of anything, and can instantly produce a variety of effects by striking said pressure points in just the right way, ranging from but not limited to instantly inducing; augmentation, healing, pleasure, orgasms, relaxation, unconsciousness, paralysis, and even death.

Striking Mastery- The user innately is a master of landing strikes and physical attacks, able to automatically strike where their opponents are at their most vulnerable and either inflict maximum damage or disable them non-lethally, either with their limbs or weapons, with perfect accuracy and precision. This is the ultimate defense mechanism that makes the user virtually unbeatable in direct combat.

Limitation Inducement (Only on oneself)- Users can induce various limits/limitations or blocks into themselves or others' capabilities, powers, and abilities, this could allow them to hide their powers,

Menacing Presence (pressure of the ultimate knight)- The user has an overwhelming and intense presence that induces fear, respect, or insanity upon the those within range; instantly triggering awe, despair, terror, and respect toward the user on an instinctual and unconscious level, so that they are left too mentally shattered to challenge the user or resist the user's commands.

Mental Pressure (pressure of the ultimate knight)- The user can generate and/or apply pressure to the minds of others through supernatural means or through words and presence alone, causing stress, panic, mistakes, inefficiency, etc., making it harder for others to think, process information, recall memories, etc. Greater pressure can make it difficult for the brain/mind to utilize unconscious processes such as moving, breathing, and nervous impulses throughout the body, etc, cause pain, destroy mental barriers, lead to permanent memory loss and brain damage, cause powers to become unstable/unusable, cause loss of consciousness, and even lead to death.

Submission (pressure of the ultimate knight)- The user can cause any opponent to yield to them or admit defeat due to the pressure they give off, although those with stronger wills could resist.

One-Man Army- The user is able to fight against seemingly overwhelming odds with ease. They are a capable warrior on the battlefield, decimating the enemy single-handedly and with a near-supernatural finesse that pars with the skill of more experienced fighters. the users being a military force in themselves. Users of this ability are as deadly at long-range combat as they are in close quarters.

????- a secret, up to Sora to gain this one is only for the gods.

Weakness Detection- The user can sense the weakness of almost anything, including people and objects, possibly including more insubstantial targets such as relationships, societies, organizations, or laws of nature.