
King Yama's face twitched madly as he looked at Sora's information, before looking back at Sora who had a completely different air from when he first arrived. He stood straight up, calmly eyes with seemed to understand all before him.

"you had good karma, but even so, this shouldn't be possible for an ability like this to be gained... nothing about your past life shows anything worth noting, you never even collected a good amount of karma to ascend to heaven. Your soul was born 5 a lifetime ago, so you're quite young. ultimate knight... you not normal," He said softly, Sora was stunned slightly but didn't say anything

"There is a world ruled by a special race created by a god, he thought it was a good idea to try and find a way to have mortals and gods exist together on the same plane. your task is simple, slaughter them all... I would say thats all, but since your set of skills is so high, I will give you another world to go to. I understand i'm being unfear, so think of yourself as a knight for hire. you clean up worlds for me, and I pay you with each world. once to ascend and become i god, you will be free. you will even have my protection from other gods, and even my blessing." He said calmly as he looked at Sora seriously. who was stunned

"your skills are even shocking to gods, I want to cultivate you into becoming my knight. of course, if you don't want to, I will not force you. you will still have my blessing and protection." He said making Sora think deeply about it for some time

"Alright, I will accept. as for being your knight, sounds like a pain in the ass. but I swear upon my name to be forever grateful sir Yama." Sora said with a respectful bow before he froze. when did he ever start talking like this?

"it seems the side effect is taking in. you will become a knight, this will not change who you are, but you will slowly start to act more and more like an act. you will have the heart of a warrior, so no tricky and stuff... making you someone trustworthy." He said with a node. Sora nodded slightly as

Yama pulled out a book that had the story of the world to which he was going. as the god of life and death, he knew everything from when a person will be born and how they will die, he controlled a person's fate.

"I will have you go and be reborn into a family of warriors, mankind can not unite together. also, the humans just recently began learning magic. Humans always find a way to survive, they are like the main character of a story." He said calmly

"but something has gotten in the way of humans and is trying to take that rule away. I honestly don't care which race places MC, you see how much work i'm getting from all of these deaths all over the world." He asked as he pointed at the endless line, Sora nodded slightly in understanding

"good, just restore the peace. you might catch the eye of some gods, but don't worry gods are too powerful to appear in a mortal plane, so we need avatars if we wish to appear. if our true body appears, it's like trying to put a run into a water bottle. we would end up destroying that mortal plane if we thought too hard." He said calmly as he wrote a few things down.

"just because gods can't appear doesn't mean they can't send their avatar down or appear before someone and bless them to come to kill you. so train hard, and keep to yourself... I should also tell you about my blessing." He said calmly as he began telling him what Sora gained from his blessing

the blessing Sora gained made Sora nearly unkillable. Sora long as Sora's heart and brain were not destroyed around the same time, Sora would regrow his body. if Someone stabs Sora in the heart, it will heart but since his bain was around he was good. but if they do stab the brain before his heart could reform, Sora was dead.

This also boosts Sora's healing speed, allowing Sora to regrow body parts over time. the speed of recovery can go anywhere from a week to a year for stuff to regrow depending on how serious it was.

If Sora's head was cut off, and his body was destroyed, it will take around a year for his body to regrow. most of that time, Sora will be walking around with a child's body, with a grown man's head.

this also of course had other boosts, like higher talent, resistance towards death, and darkness-type abilities. of course, Sora will become immortal and never age once he is around his 20s or 30s, as that is when one is physically at their peak

of course, King Yama held back or else Sora will become unable to die. death will just never calm him, it would give him the ability to cover all injuries without a problem. his body is destroyed? as long as his soul is around he will reform. his soul is gone? as long as his body is around that soul will reform, and regain its memory. the only way to kill him at that point was to day both soul and mind.

Yama didn't do this because he didn't want to, simple as that.

As everyone has been told, Sora was sent off to the other world to be reborn. Sora found himself in a dark world, he closed his eyes as he fell asleep. he didn't know how long passed, but he was awakened by a bright light, opening his eyes he suddenly felt something pushing him towards the light.

Sora closed his eyes as the light was blinding, Sora felt like crying all of the sudden. but he had perfect control of his body and easily stopped, looking around Sora saw a white-haired old woman looking at him with a smile, she had a battle scar she was no normal woman. but she quickly frowned as Sora was just looking at him, he should be crying right?

His hand clashed as she slapped Sora's butt, Sora was annoyed, but she still cried as to be low eye. this humiliation will be paid back 10 times over, if she was not so scary looking he would have peed on her on the spot.

The woman sighed in relief, although she didn't know why it seemed like a child should cry when they are born.

"mother!" A blue woman said in shock seeing her mom slap her child, the woman laughed it off as she walked over to the side of the bed as and gave Sora to a woman who held Sora tightly

"what's wrong?" a blonde-haired man said as he ran in, but was stunned at the sight of his wife holding his newborn child. a few other children walked it, along with his other wives who congratulation Sora's mother. Sora's mother nodded with a smile as she thought of a name for Sora

"i will name him Sora Skievidra." She said with a smile, the father nodded as he improved the name. they were of the royal family, the Skievidra family, under the protection of a mightily dragon named Skievidra, Sora's great-great-grandfather built this family and went on to serve under the royal family as one of its most powerful families.

Skievidra had left a long ago after repaying this family, allowing them to raise to what they were today was its way of replaying its grandfather. but this was more than enough,

anyways, the Skievidra household is known to be knight powerful knights, everyone from their hoses holds didn't hold much talent for many other forms of magic, but their skill with the sword made up for it.

Sora found he didn't understand a thing they were speaking, these people were speaking a new language never heard of, but by looking at their mouths, and reading their body knowledge, Sora was about to slowly understand this new language. but after understanding the first world, it got hundreds of times easier for than next, and than the next, and before Sora knew it he could already understand this world's language

Sora found he truly understood everything much clearer, he seemed to learn and comprehend everything thing almost instantly. Everyone went on to take time to hold him while his mother fell asleep, Sora got to find out a few people around here

He had 2 elder brothers and 2 elder sisters. his eldest brother was called Joey Skievidra, he was powerful and was known as the quick sword among the people of the Skievidra household. His sword magic worked on quick attacks before his opponent even know it, they would have been cut into thousands of pieces

the second oldest was his sister, Jenny. know for her Ice Sword magic, she freezes her target, th longer the battle the colder and slower her enemy got, meanwhile she remained at her peak,

the second brother was called Blaze Skievidra, known for his special fire sword magic, he combined fire with his sword to add the burning effect to his every attack, he and Jenny were twins,

The youngest among them was Lulu Skievidra, she was only 5 years old, and she had unique sword magic called leaf sword magic which allowed her to take control of nearby leaves or create them with her energy to attack her dragon. the countless leaves are of course strength, allowing them to withstand attacks, and with their numbers, they could overwhelm a target.

this world magic was still in its devolvement stage, so humans were getting by on instant and copying from other races.

Sora was able to get all of this from just their body language he just felt this magic they had was not complete.

after getting to know everyone, Sora was placed near his mother to sleep. Sora was slightly unconfinable with this new face, but he shrugged and went to sleep.

but he was awakened a few hours later as he felt hungry, although he was immortal, he needed the energy to grow up big and strong. frowning he looked at his mother who was sleeping in displeasure. Unwillingly, he began crying to wake her up.

She quickly woke up and realized Sora was hungry, she quickly tried to breastfeed him. Sora happily eat the meal before him, His mother smiled slightly seeing how hungry Sora was. after feeling full, Sora guessed he had a few days before he felt hungry once more, Sora could control how much energy his body used. if he needed he could go into a deep sleep for years and only wake up to feed.

Sora returned to sleep, his mother was wide awake, she was speechless at how quickly Sora just went back to sleep. At least stay awake so she could play with you.

days went by and she quickly began being worried for her soon. He rarely cried, but when he did it was when he was asleep, needed to use the bathroom, or was too bored sleeping and wanted to see what the household was doing.

Sora liked being in the armies of others, mostly when they are talking about the world, and didn't seem to get bored of such a thing. this was not normal for his energy,

4 months after his birth, Sora was already up and crawling, he would disappear leading the maids along with the guards to search high and low. She was worried sick, but she found him in the library trying to reach for books.

This led to special gates being placed in Sora's room so he couldn't get out, Sora was of course displeased, he only was reading books. what made him even more annoyed was the fact his mother would not let him out of his sight.

a month later, Sora began to walk. Sora disappeared once more which lead to the whole place panicking once more, this time his mother was not the one to find him but his father.

"what are you doing in my office?" His father asked with a smile seeing Sora who had climbed on top of his desk, holding papers in his hands.

He picked Sora up and looked at the paper Sora held, He frowned slightly as this was paper having to do with the god race. the god race was a race that even the dragons feared, lucky for the humans the dragon race disdained them, seeing them as less than ants.

but many kingdoms have been destroyed by a passing member of the god race or even a dragon. humans just didn't have the power to stand up to these beings, so they had to team up with many races, such as lizardmen, giants, elves, and others to stand a chance for survival against these powerful beings.

the paper noted studies of magic that could kill these gods. all races, even dragons were lending a hand as the gods were just too powerful to be left alone. they lived even longer than humans, but the humans along with many races were coming up with a way to take them down. they were so powerful that most races put aside race to face them,

"well, you shouldn't be interested in this just yet. you're still too young... not even 6 months" He said softly as he looked at Sora closely.

time went by, So, Sora don't run off his mother began sleeping in the same bed as him. the second Sora moved, she will sense it.

soon, Sora was 1 year old and began speaking. although he could have spoken sooner, he didn't want to stand out too much.

"outside," Sora said as he pointed outside, his mother snorted at his words. she will be a fool to take Sora outside, with how good he was at disappearing, she might lose him for good outside. where did she go wrong as a mother to have a child who wanted to run away all the time?

"go take a bath, today is your first birthday, we will be holding a birthday party." She said seriously as she looked at the pouting Sora

"Ok," Sora said softly as he walked off to the bath with a maid, sighing helplessly as she watched her son leave. Sora was smart for his age, as soon as he began crawling he was capable to understand human speech, but the time he was talking he was bathing himself, and the current 1-year-old was up talking to this level.

She of course was proud, she gave birth to a genius, but this genius could not sit still. Anyways, Sora went on to have a beautiful maid bath him. after which, he got dressed in nice clothing,

Looking at his appearance in a mirror he nodded slightly, he was nice blonde hair, with sky blue eyes. he was extremely adorable,

"Young Master, your father asks you not to be late or else you will experience your first beating." a maid said softly seeing sora just looking at himself, Sora had chills running down his spine as he remember the scene of his father beating Blaze for almost burning down the house.

He nodded slightly, to which the main picked him up and rested Sora against her chest. Sora was like a doll, she couldn't help herself. she enjoyed dressing Sora the most, it was like dressing a doll. But this doll blushed and had cute reactions from time to time, she of course enjoyed her job.

Although Sora was displeased about being harassed, he was a gentle soul who couldn't bring himself to have her fired...

the two soon arrived before the place where the party was being held, countless people were heard, and once the birthday boy arrived the party could begin. the maid was not allowed to put Sora down, so she had to hold on to him the whole time.

people of this period had a special tradition for a person's first birthday. a line of birthday presents was placed before Sora, the rare the gift Sora will pick up, it will show his good fortune and how smart he was for his age. but if he picked a bad gift, it only showed how stupid and hard one's path would be.

Sora looked at the gifts laid out, gold down to a simple rock. Sora looked at his father who was telling him to hurry and pick something. smiling, he stood up from the table and walked towards the sword. everyone was stunned slightly, the sword was not a part of this. yet Sora tried to pick it, but the sword was too heavy for a 1-year-old.

meanwhile, Sora had his reason for this, he never touched a sword. as soon as his hand came into contact with the sword, his pupils shrank as information on the sword filled his mind. her fully mastered the sword to the limit, a level which even many gods will struggle to reach.

with this, Sora found himself with new abilities from reaching the peak in the path of the sword.

Omnislayer- The user can kill/destroy any being and slaughter entire races of even the most powerful entities. You are capable of killing any being that can be killed/destroyed

Weapon Proficiency Touch (using anything as a sword)- The user is able to turn objects, beings, things, weapons into a usable, durable, and advanced personal weapon for combat, defense, offense, and fighting purposes. Whatever the user touches (in the case of objects and things without powers and those beings without abilities), instantly gains an extraordinary skill or enhancements for fighting and battle.

Sword Mimicry- transform into a powerful sword, you can also use this to shape your blood into the perfect sword.