Bring It


"Oh really, well let's see. Who's gonna save you now."


"That would be me."


"(some dumbass actually came to help out, but why)"


"Parker what are you doing here."


"I'm here to help out, and now that I'm here I'll save you guys so leave it to me."










"Hey what's with the silent treatment."


"That was honestly kinda lame."


"Yeah that was pretty cringy."


"What type of reaction did you expect, this isn't some book or story where you're the hero."


"Cruel, that was just cruel."


"It's alright park, but just a quick tip. Never do something like that again, it seriously was cringy."


"You too mark."


"Yes, me too."


"Damn that sucks. Ahem, anyways did you collect enough data on him mark."


"I sure did, now should we start."


"Oh you bet your ass we should."


"Well ain't this getting interesting, don't you think sai."


"It really is getting interesting, I wonder what'll happen next."


"Yeah, like it's not clear enough what will happen next."


"Still being like that aren't we."


"Just shut up already, let's just wait and see what happens next."


"Alright, I'll stay quiet, for now."


"Alright then off we go."


"(damn this guys fast, if i would have to compare then he's probably faster than that liz girl, and he's decently strong too. Damn what a pain)"


"wow they're actually helping us."


"Yeah, and he's holding his own against him too. And to think that these were the same guys who ran away from us, that's honestly pretty weird."


"What are you guys still doing here, just go, run away before he isn't distracted by park anymore."


"Wait but wouldn't you guys be disqualified by helping us."


"We're technically not helping you, and just hurry on outta here. I gotta support park or else he might be overwhelmed by him."


"But wa-"


"You heard him, if we stay any longer we'll be a nuisance to them so let's just get on outta here."


"(wait they're trying to get away) where the hell do you think you're going."


"I should be asking you that instead, our fight's only just begun, don't bail on me now."


"(damn this bum is starting to piss me off, ima have to trap him) encassing."


"That's some bullshit, let me out."


"No (i gotta get them before it's too late)"


"Shit he's heading this way, alright then we'll be leaving now, bye."


"Thanks for everything, good luck."


"Don't run away from me now."


"You know, I was gonna say the same thing."


"(This little shit actually hurt me) dammit, get outta my way."


"Alright this was fun and all but we'll be leaving now (I can't believe we actually pulled this off and let charlotte and liz escape safely)"


"No no no, i think you're mistaken. You won't be leaving anytime soon, not until I'm through with you."


"That's pretty scary and all man but like he said before we'll be leaving now, so good day."


"Where the fuck do you little shits think you're going huuuuuh."


"Well ain't that obvious enough, we're getting away from you."


"Well aren't you guys quite the jokesters, stone fist's."


"well we thought you liked jokes, looks like we thought wrong."


"(these little shits, I'll show them, I'll fucking show them, I'll show them why people call me a zeffer) full concentration."


"Oh sorry did you say somethi-"


"Stone enclosure."


"What the hell (we're trapped, there are walls in every direction. shit)"


"Fuck there's no way out by normal means."


"What does that mean."


"It means we won't be able to escape normally, if we're to escape then we gotta think outside the box."


"You know this is pretty funny, seeing insects trapped with no way out. It just puts a big ol smile on your face, doesn't it."


"(I'm getting some weird psychopath and sadist's vibes from Adrian and I'm not liking it. Fuck there's gotta be some way outta here there's gotta. Oh wait i know the ceiling, we might be able to climb the wall and…)"


"You look a bit down, what's the matter. Oh i see now, you know when i meant trapped i meant trapped, why would i leave a means of escape for the both of you, just doesn't seem smart you know."


"Markus, you got any ideas man."


"Honestly man, I'm just at a loss for words, I don't know what to do."


"Dammit even you too, huh."


"Yeah, even me too. You know not gonna lie man i knew we shouldn't have come here, this was just a big mistake."


"(Quite amusing indeed)"


"I'm sorry for dragging you into this man but I promise we'll get outta here, no matter what we'll get outta this mess."


"Welp I'll be counting on you, so any ideas."


"Just one, and it's as simple as it gets. We're gonna fight."


"Heh, I wouldn't have it any other way."


"Yeah this is starting to get boring, let's just end this already."


"You betcha."


"Well i'll be damned, that kid just keeps on surprising me (to think he'll be able to learn full concentration is astounding, he really is a monster)"


"Well it looks like it's finally happening."


"Yeah after about 30 something minutes they've finally decided to fight."


"Well now there's only one thing left to do."


"Well what would that be now."


"It's simple, now we just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show."


"I like that idea."


"Obviously a lazy guy like you would."


" you really never change huh, oh well not like that matters, like you said before let's just enjoy the show (damn this feels kinda nostalgic in a way, it really does remind me of the good old days, before the incident. now lets see what you got parker, lets see the birth of a legend)"




