"(damn these guys are pretty fast, really fast I should say. They've got some good coordinated attacks as well, it really is a surprise that they can keep up with me, heh but not for long) you guys are pretty amusing and for that I commend you, I'll be taking this a tad bit more seriously now."
"Sure sure, say what you want but we'll be getting outta here in no time."
"(Very amusing indeed) oh it's such a shame that you're thinking that way, after all who said I won't be stopping you from doing so hmm."
"Well it's true, you won't be stopping us from doing so."
"You still have the balls to tell jokes huh."
"Well it's not like you chopped them off or anything."
"(as amusing as they may be, they're still annoying) tch stone fist's."
"That's way too slow buddy what did you expect, did you think we'll be taking that head on."
"Way too slow huh, well if that's what you say I guess I'll have to change it up a bit then. Scatter shot pebbles."
"Watch out mark … Damn that attack really caught us off guard, he really did switch it up."
"Now's not the time for that, now that we got some distance on him let's think up of some strategies that we could use against him."
"Hmmmm … I got nothing."
"Oh … I see."
"Wait, never mind I do, the guy's slower now than before. Ever since he fought elizabeth and charlotte he's been pretty worn out meaning that he's not in pristine condition to fight."
"Thanks for the thought but I already knew that myself, I was kinda hoping for something new that you might've noticed yourself while fighting him head on."
"Oh I see, damn this might be a lot more harder than we expected."
"Yeah it definitely is, for now let's just try to focus on a way to escape this place, you got anything in mind park."
"No ... not really, only way I can really picture us escaping is by breaking the wa- (breaking, would we be able to do that)"
'Hey dude you stopped mid way while you were talking, you okay."
"I'm fine but something came to mind when i thought about brea-"
"Oh that's right, you punched a metal ability user in the face right."
"Yeah but that could've just been a lucky shot, I don't think I've got enough stren-"
"What are we talking about here."
"(shit it's adrian) wait how did you sneak up on us."
"Don't know, you guys were probably just way too absorbed into your little chat. Thinking about it kinda makes me sad, sad that you would forget all about me."
"Ironically enough this whole convo we just had was about you, take that as you will."
"Oh that's surprising, anyways let's get back to our fight. Scatter shot."
"Ahh why this move again (if he keeps this up eventually we won't have any cover left, we'll be out in the open facing him head on)"
"Well it's because I feel like it, what other reason would I have."
"(terrible liar) shit we gotta find a way to stop him, what should we do parker … parker where are y- (he's heading towards adrian just like that) what are you doing man"
"Sorry dude but we have no time left for thinking, I figured I'd be able to stop him from using that move if I just attack him head on."
"(these guys really are something else huh) it's not like you're closing in on me so good luck with that."
"(damn he's really not making this easy for me is he, I mean he is my enemy but come on dude lets have some fun. He's right though, with this approach I'll never be able to close in on him) thanks for believing in me."
"(heh these guys play too much, i'm having a bit of fun here heh)"
"(damn in order to stop this guy ima have to use this. Concentrate parker concentrate, your limbs are getting lighter, lighter than ever. Your body's feeling weightless, more weightless than before. With these new found powers learn … learn to fly) Swift feet."
"Huh what did you say just no- (damn his speeds increasing by the second, what the hell even is this power) just wait a damn minute here, even if you attain such incredible speeds it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be able to beat me."
"Who said my goal was to beat you, sorry but that's not the case man. My goal is a very simple one, that being to stall you."
"Wait what do you mean by stall (wait where's) where's your teammate."
"Oh markus, well he's just collecting data on the walls as we speak, no big deal right."
"Heh you're pretty smart aren't you."
"Well I don't consider myself to be smart but thanks for the compliment."
"I'm gonna make you regret tricking me."
"You can go ahead and do that then, but I'll be fighting back too. Swift hands."
"Nice moves but these attacks can be easily defended agai- hmm that was a pretty good hit you got in but it won't be nearly enough to take me down."
"Feisty, very feisty from what I can tell, well then let's keep it coming."
"So he wouldn't be able to stand a chance right."
"Yeah, and he still wouldn't. Adrian's already tired out from the fight between him and the duo from earlier and parker just happened to be lucky enough to find him in this state, that's literally all there is to it."
"(There's some truth in that) well what you're saying i-"
"I bet that if parker and adrian were to have fought both being in pristine condition then adrian would totally be the victor."
"(Honestly sometimes why do i even bother) you know at first i was gonna agree with you but no you never let me talk you brat."
"Says the old man."
"I'm not even that old you bum, I'm still in my 30s."
"Yeah, very late 30s. You're on the last step until you're onto 40."
"And you wonder why you can't get along with your seniors at times."
"Who would want to get along with a bunch of old farts anyways."
"You seriously do annoy me at times, well I give, just promise me you'll be quiet now."
"No guarantees."
"(you bum)"
"(Damn it looks like he's adjusting to my moves and memorizing my style) it's about time i switch things up don't you think, Rapid strikes."
"(heh I got you right where I wanted you) stone wall."
"(shit this is just like last time, I'm moving way too fast to stop myself from punching it. Damn i got cocky and for that i'll be losing my ha-)"
"Have a nice time breaking through tha- (he broke that thick ass wal, what)"
"(What in the hell just happened)"
"We definitely know it ain't a fluke now, right parker."
"Oh there you are, and yeah i guess you're right."
"Don't you dare turn your back on me."
"Well I've had my fun now but it looks to be getting late, and on that note we're out see ya."
"Alright now punch it with all your might."
"Way ahead of you mark, rapid fist."
"Damn you broke through it man."
"I guess i did, now we better hurry before-"
"Before what."
"Nothing, before nothing at all. And with that me and markus are out, right mark."
"Yeah definitely, all right man we'll be seeing you adrian, bye now."
"Yeah bye no-"
"Don't try to pull that shit on me, get back here."
"I knew we should've just hauled ass as soon as I broke through the wall."
"Yeah, you're right. But it's not like we can do anything about it, so let's just focus on the running for now shall we."
"Yeah, let's just focus on running."