❝that uncertain look you give once you see the person you like start to like another❞

Jehyun's word echoed in his head the entire night. he remembered staring at jehyun who shook his head before saying a small goodnight and going back to bed. he was let their, sitting on his bed while trying to decifer what the younger meant. this kept him up all night.

tiktilaok! (is that even a sound?)

flinching, Jin turned his head To the window that showed a lighter color of the sky. it was early morning he could guess. a good time for him to get up and talk a walk around. they're expected to be awake by this time anyway. of he met one of the councillors then he could just lie that he would go to the showers.

And to make the lie more believable, he got his towel as well as his sanitary bag.

jin went to the only place he knew no wild animals would go to, the dock. as he made his way there, he noticed how the campers got up later than he expected they would. he thought they would get up early to prank the councillors or something.

maybe this camp isn't like that. maybe it's different than what it advertised.

arriving at the dock, he quickly made his way to the dge where he sat down and took off his slippers. he let his feet dangle while feeling the wind on his neck. he craned it a bit before letting out a satisfied sigh.

❝it's nice here❞

❝what are you doing here? ❞

flinching he quickly looked behind him and saw hiro with a fishing rod? he raised a brow at the object which the Japanese raised.

❝this? ❞ hiro pointed at the fishing rod which earned a nod from Jin. ❝I plan on fishing❞

❝at this hour? who in their right mind would do that? ❞ he watched as the Japanese sat beside him with a big space between them. this made him unconsciously frown.

❝who in their right mind would come to the dock at this hour? ❞ hiro retorted, winding his fishing rod while giving a look at Jin who opened his mouth but quickly closed, words failed to defend him. this made hiro chuckle before turning his full attention to his fishing rod. ❝that's what I thought❞

Jin rolled his eyes, unconsciously pouting as he turned his head To look at the lake in front of them. the hands that were on his lad were perched behind him as he leaned slightly backward. ❝are there even fishes here? ❞

it was hard to believe, then again this place was full of surprises. take the tall tower they failed to notice the first time they entered.

❝depends❞ hiro placed his bait, a worm, on the hook before winding it once more before swinging it and letting the wire go forward and the hook underwater. ❝ever tried fishing? ❞

❝nope. I only watch❞

❝that's sad❞ hiro responded, winding his handle to let his hook go deeper.

The two stayed silent after that. Jin would sway his head while hiro would play with the handle of fishing rod. it was awkward but neither of the two planned to voice it out. it was weird for them to say the least. they weren't used being alone. it even made Jin realize how it was impossible to strike a conversation without Chen starting it.

the silence continued until hiro though it would be good that he started talking for the sake both of them wouldn't go crazy.

the glanced at him, ❝so—❞

❝Jin Tan! ❞


❝alright our next activity is a anonymous compliments❞

jin gave the Councillor a scank eye, tensing his jaw. if only the council didn't itterupt hiro then they would have a conversation but no, Jake just had to spot them and eagerly wave his hand. it also didn't help that hiro acted as he wanted to talk to Jin and said that he was there for the fish.

❝pst! you ok? ❞

feeling a nugdge on his hip, Jin turned to Chen who looked at him expectantly.

❝we didn't see you when we woke up❞ he whispered, glancing at Jake who started explaining the rules.

❝I went for a walk❞ I needed to clear my head. ❝why? ❞

❝oh nothing❞ a mischievous look appeared on chen's face, ❝a little birdie told me you were with hiro❞

❝does this little birdie go with the name brazen? ❞ Jin motioned Chen To turn around and look at brazen who was looking intently at Jake. a little too intent.

Chen snapped his head at Jin, ❝do you think he likes Jake? ❞

❝can you two shut up? ❞ rubbing his temples, the youngest who was in between the whispering duo, groaned. he didn't want to be in the middle but Chen was eager to sit beside some random person who he found hot. ❝I'm trying to listen here❞

❝alright for a recap since I'm sure you didn't listen to me a while ago, hiro come here and do it❞ Jake beckoned hiro to come to him.

The Japanese obviously did not like the idea with the way he rooled his eye but went to the older nevertheless. he didn't want to hear another earfull.

❝alright, on some random paper corresponding to a specific person we write some things we want to say to them. May it be a question, a compliment, or a straight insult. I like the last one. the catch here is that we don't know who writes on the paper. this activity aims to find out how much we trust, like, or hate each other. on the last day of camp we reveal the truth on who wrote which for closure. it's clear right? better because I ain't repeating shit ❞ the Japanese spat before going back to his seat in the circle of chairs.

Jake smiled tightly. he'll let hiro go off for cursing since the Japanese was able to say the important parts of the activity. ❝alright, inside are the colors. get one each. there are names to the corresponding color❞ he took a basket filled with small boxes from behind him and placed it on the floor. ❝we all write this while having our backs against each other. same pairing as before❞

❝alright I get to be with hiro! ❞ Chen cheered, hitting Jehyun on the shoulder. the younger whining at the pain.

jin the other hand felt the same pinch in his heart as he heard the cheer. he descreetly looked at hiro who was looking at Chen with an unreadable expression. the pinch this time grew more intense that he had to turn his head away. heavens what was wrong with him?

Jake smiled, looking at Jin who was deep I thought. he clasped his hands together, ❝should we start? ❞