Jin was green

Chen was blue

Jehyun was red

hiro was white

Jake was yellow

brazen was orange

Jin stared at the green paper, hesitating to write a question, a compliment, or even an insult. he wished it could be all three but sadly they could only pick one. he looked at hiro who was writing on blue paper as well. the lobster was deeply engrossed at what he was writing to even ignore Chen who was happily humming.


again with the pinch. it made his head hurt that this feeling started once again. only this time, he didn't know why. he couldn't just say it was hiro because that couldn't be possible. Jin doesn't feel that way and he shouldn't. not when it was the same reason why he lost his cousin.

his cousin... how he wish she could see her gummy and bunny smile while watching her short curly hair get blown by the wind while she gives him her eye smile. he missed that. sadly he could only miss it.

❝when finished, unfasten the papers and put it in the box that we'll pass around❞

Jake's loud and authoritive voice made him snap out. he went back at staring at the colored paper. waited for a few seconds before picking up his pen, once realizing something he could possibly write.

hiro paused, his pen halfway on the green paper. he looked up to stare at the Chinese across him who was busy writing on something on the yellow paper. it made him growl.

❝are you a dog or something? ❞

snapping his head to the voice, he watched as Chen started to unfasten the stapled papers. he was surprise that Chen was finished that quick. Chen must have thought of the things beforehand.

❝no❞ he answered him.

❝of course you're not. you're a lobster ❞ Chen chuckled at the nickname, ❝actually you're a hero❞

hiro furrowed his brows at the statement, debating if he should fully turn his upper body to face Chen. ❝and why is that? ❞

Chen giggled while picking up his green paper,❝you'll see❞


Jin stared at the papers he held. he found himself at the dock once more. he didn't realize he was walking to this direction until he heard the sounds of the motors boats. he feet must have gone autopilot after they were dismissed from the activity.

back to the papers, he stared at one that had a peculiar question. peculiar as he didn't have a certain answer which he could later on justify. instead, the answer was all jumbled in his head. he bit his lip, something he would do if he found something hard before heaving out a defeated sigh. it was times like this he needed his noona.

his noona who he dearly missed.

❝hey jin❞

❝ah shoot! ❞

nearly letting go of the papers and almost letting them fly away with the wind, Jin hesitantly turned behind him, letting out a relieved sigh after seeing Jehyun with his own papers. he was about to scold the younger for scaring him but stopped himself as he saw the troubled look of the younger.

❝come here❞ he sat near the edge of the dock, tapping the space beside him for Jehyun to sit. the younger didn't say no and eagerly followed before letting out a whine. Jin waited for the younger to finish before asking, ❝what's wrong? ❞

❝it's one of the papers. it said that I needed to grow up and start standing up for myself❞ Jehyun cried, visibly upset. he felt insulted it wasn't his fault he couldn't stand up for himself.

Jin frowned before letting out a scoff. ❝who would say that when you didn't even flinch while doing that trust exercise❞

❝that's the thing Jin, who? it was only the six of us. it couldn't be Chen as it's far from his hand writing. it can't be you since well... you're you... ❞ Jehyun trailed off before shrugging his shoulders, ❝I guess❞

Jin rolled his eyes at Jehyun's failed attempt to describe him. ❝but who do you think write that? brazen? ❞

Jehyun shook his head. ❝the words were deep. brazen is an idiot❞ he then clicked his tongue. ❝ I think—❞

❝there you guys are! ❞

turning around, they saw Chen but unlike them who hd their papers, Chen's were no where in sight. they're biggest guess was Chen threw it away after giving each one a glance.

Chen ran up to the two before sitting down beside Jehyun and throwing an arm over his shoulder. ❝I've been looking for the two of you? ❞

❝and why is that? ❞ Jin asked, leaning forward so that he could see Chen.

❝well, I was bored❞ Chen nonchalantly shrugged his shoulder before laying his head on Jehyun's own shoulders. ❝I miss the city❞

Jin rolled his eyes with sass, scoffing in belief at what the butterfly said. ❝and you realized this now? ❞

❝no~❞ Chen whined, flailing His arms everywhere and hitting Jehyun in the face in the process, ❝what I mean, the actives are all boring. like where's the thrill? ❞

❝it's under the water❞ Jin deadpaned, now finding no reason to listen to the butterfly.

Chen pouted, hurt that neither of his friends took him seriously. ❝I'm serious here jin❞

❝and I am too❞

Chen clicked his tongue, pulling his head away and crossed his arms. ❝what's wrong with you? you've been acting as if I did something wrong to you❞

cause you did, Jin wanted to voice out but kept his mouth shut as Chen started to ramble.

❝I know you didn't want to come here but for hades' sake Jin you needed to. I don't want to see you crying in your room everytime I go to your mansion❞ Chen cried.

❝I never asked you to go there anyway❞ Jin retorted, narrowing his eyes at Chen, ❝I never asked both of you to visit me. you know I hate it. ❞

❝of course you do❞ Chen snarled, ❝you hate it when people touch you, you hate it when people try to reach out to you, you hate it when you are forced to do it❞

❝what do you know about being forced!? ❞ Jin exclaimed, ❝you live in a care-free life Chen. your family doesn't push you to do things you don't want. your family is complete as well while mine is already broken. you don't know anything chen❞

❝that's because you never tell me, us! ❞ Chen exclaimed back, ❝you never tell us what you're feeling despite being friends. me and jehyun—❞

❝yes you and Jehyun. it's always been you and Jehyun and Joshua before I came to the picture. I'm the extra one right!? ❞ Jin interrupted, now standing up. ❝I'm the one who decided to put myself into the picture and turn your tight duo into whatever it is right now! ❞

❝what? no! ❞ Chen shook his head, ❝Jin, we asked you to join us❞

❝and I didn't want to❞ Jin could clearly remember how he was forced to hang out with the three (with Joshua) , curtesy to Chen who would drag him. he could even remember how his first goal was to go through high school without being noticed. a lone wolf to say The least. sadly it didn't happen as the same butterfly he is arguing today had to walk right up to him and say "hi I'm Chen! want to be friends? I won't take no for an answer"

❝well you-you could have left at that time❞ Chen countered. ❝you were free to go and yet you didn't ❞

❝that was because you would drag me to your table chen❞ Jin was already tired with their pointless barter. ❝I said no but you chose to ignore it. do you know how much I wanted to change schools after that? ❞

❝you... what? ❞

Jin closed his eyes for a moment before letting them land on Chen who looked betrayed. ❝yes Jin, I wanted to transfer schools❞

❝b-but.. ❞

❝but I didn't because... m-my n-noona... ❞

❝Jin! ❞