*Y/n POV*
Yoongi: No petrol left?
Jin: We have but that will last only for a maximum of 12 or 15 mins!
That means we will only reach the half of our journey in that time. Because we have been travelling for 15 mins and including the left time it will be 30 mins and the lab is a 1 hour travel.
Hobi: Then let's travel for that time and look out for any gas stations in our path.
Namjoon: Yes we can simultaneously travel and also look for the gas station.
Jin: Okey the car Is starting!
When he started the car it suddenly stopped causing me to again to hit my head on the seat in front.
Jin: Ah sorry my mistake.
Jin again started the car and drove off. But soon enough, Taehyung wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me nearer. Before I could say anything he replied to me.
Taehyung: Don't move.
He removed his seat belt and pulled it long enough for me and him and he wore it like I was a part of him. Now the seatbelt was against my chest. It was not tight enough to hurt me so I kept quite and sat like that.
It has been nearly 10 mins and were almost out of petrol. We have not seen a gas station yet.
Y/n: Oppa are we gonna be out of petrol soon?
Jin: Yes and I think we are gonna be in trouble because even in the navigation system it shows there are no gas station in the route.
Jungkook: I guess now there's only one option.
We all except Jin turned towards Jungkook with a curious expression. Little did I know when I turned to my left all of my hair was brushing onto Taehyung's face making him to push my face to front. I was tying a ponytail and my long hair was reaching till my chest.
Jimin: Kookie what is that?
Jungkook: We have low petrol and there's no gas station nearby and look at Y/n its difficult for her to sit like that so let us drive to a vehicle shop and use a van or let's try to find a big vehicle which is laying in the road abandoned.
Taehyung: Mm Kookie has a point.
Jin: I see a vehicle shop ahead let's stop there?
Jin said without looking at us and focusing on his driving.
Namjoon: Yes I see it too. And there are less zombies in this area so let's go there. Everyone wear your backpacks and get hold of your weapons.
Hobi: But this food bag is too heavy to wear and fight.
Namjoon: Then everyone will cover Hobi.
Jin parked the car near the building of vehicle. We started walking towards the entrance of the shop with Hobi in our middle also having a small weapon in hand for a back up.
We slowly opened the door and entered making sure we made no noise. After getting inside Yoongi slowly and carefully went towards the switches and on the lights. After making sure we saw no zombies near us I slowly closed the door so that no zombies can come in.
We walked in groups. I and Taehyung went to the left, Jin and yoongi went to the right. While others guarded us and Hobi was sitting near the door because of the weight of the bag.
I was walking around with Taehyung checking for a good vehicle for us. I felt we could talk a bit so I started speaking very lightly.
Y/n: Taehyung, can I call you Tae?
Taehyung: Hmm
I was surprised him hum in response and not rejecting me or starting a fight.
Y/n: Then Tae, yesterday when I fainted how long did I faint?
I know I asked a dumb question but nothing was coming to my mind that time.
Tae: How should I know? I was barely conscious that time.
Y/n: mm
We wandered there for some mins. But suddenly Taehyung pulled me towards the corner of the room and we both bent down inside a table.
Y/n: wha-
He kept his hand covering my mouth and he used his other hand to form a "Shh" symbol.
I looked where he was looking after that and saw a zombie infront of us. Tae started showing hand symbols. He said that we cannot shoot him and make noise attracting more zombies. So we had to fight it. Taehyung slowly started walking out of the table and hit the zombies head before it turned towards Taehyung.
I walked out and we both started going towards others to check them. We saw Namjoon had already found a van which was very good looking and modern.
Y/n: Woow this looks like a luxury van!
I whisper yelled.
Taehyung: Hyung did you choose this? I think there's another way inside this shop cuz a zombie just came to us but we killed it.
Yoongi: Yes it is also well equipped inside, 8 passenger seats and one long seat in the back including the 2 drivers seat. And it is so spacious inside that a person can sleep in the area between the 2 pairs of passenger seat (where people can walk). It also got navigation system.
Namjoon: Tae go call others. Y/n let's get inside. In a matter of seconds Hobi oppa came and we started loading our bags inside then everyone started getting inside one by one.
Jin: Is everyone in?
Everyone except Jin: Yes!
Jin: We have full petrol in this. Should I break the glass door and go out?
Y/n: Yes lets have some fun with the ride!
Saying that Jin drove the van out of the buildings big glass doors by breaking through it. Even Though It made a big noise our van just ran over some zombies.
Now as the seatings are paired, Jungkook and Yoongi sat together. Hobi laid down in the back seat which is the long one. I sat alone in a seat with Taehyung and Jimin infront of my seat. Namjoon and Jin sat in the drivers area.
Namjoon: Everyone are you hungry? We didn't have our breakfast yet right?
Jimin: Ah that was the reason my stomach was feeling low!
We all started laughing meanwhile Jungkook went to the food bag and opened it.
Jungkook: I am taking my fav foods ok?
Jin: Take anything except the canned ones we want them for future.
Jungkook took the bag and kept it in middle and everyone came and took their food. I went and knelt down to take my fave chips, pringles. But before I took it someone else took it. I looked up and saw Tae had took it.
Y/n: Tae I was gonna take it!
Taehyung: Well I took it first.
He said simply.
Y/n: But I saw It and was gonna take it first!
Taehyung: Then take any other food.
Y/n: B-but I love Pringles the most!
I started making a cute face even though I know it won't work.
Jin: Aish Tae share it with her! Princess don't worry he'll share it.
He said looking through the mirror.
Y/n: Thank you oppa!
Taehyung: Okay Okay i'll share it!
He went and sat in an empty seat so I went and sat next to him. We took chips alternatively.
Jimin: Y/n do you want some chocolate as dessert?
Y/n: Is there enough for all? If then I want one.
I stood up and started walking towards Jimin who was next to Jungkook who were both munching on their food.
Jimin: Which one do you want vanilla filled one or strawberry filled?
Y/n: Uhh....
I was making my choice when Jimin gave me both and told to give the one i'm not choosing to Taehyung. I went back to my seat and chose the strawberry chocolate and gave the vanilla one to Taehyung.
Y/n: You know, since this mess started you have been more caring and cuter than normal.
I said while looking at my half bit chocolate. Little did I know he was staring at me with his big doe eyes.
After I finished my chocolate I wiped my hand with a tissue I had packed and passes the tissue box to others.
Y/n: Oppa, are we near?
Namjoon: Uhh we have nearly half an hour because after we left the vehicle shp we took a long route seeing less zombies there.
Y/n: So we have lot of time left.
Suga: Jin, I will drive now, you eat and rest.
Jin: Yes I feel hungry, gotta eat something to maintain my energy.
Jin stopped the van and Suga oppa took over. Jin went and laid down in the back seat while eating some snacks.
Jungkook: Hyung's you didn't forget about our dress right?
Namjoon: Ah yes I almost forgot that! If we need to fight comfortably then we need some perfect dress first. I think we can stop at any men's shop nearby.
After a few mins journey we found a shop and planned to buy the boy's dresses there.
Namjoon: So who will go in and will stay in the van?
Suga: We all need our perfect size dress so I guess all boys should go in. So can Y/n stay here alone?
Y/n: Yes you all can go i'll stay in the van with the stuffs.
Taehyung: Are you sure?
Y/n: Yes yes don't mind me..y'all go and take your clothes.Byee
One by one all the boys took their weapon and left the van. I stood by the door holding it and not locking it. Because any time the boys may have to encounter a zombies and run back here so I can open the door fast.
*Jungkook POV*
I went inside the shop and went through all the corners and made sure there is no way for a zombie to enter other than the front door because this shop has only 1 floor. I went back to close the front door and saw Namjoon hyung had encountered a zombie and Yoongi was hitting his head with the back of his long gun. Probably because he didn't want to make a loud noise and attract more zombies. I went to help him but the zombie had already died. I closed the door.
Jungkook: Good job hyung!
He showed his gummy smile and went to choose a dress. I went to the left side and saw that no hyungs were there. I saw 9 dummies dressed with a very fancy dress. It was more like the dress worn at adventure movies. Looked at the material and was a comfortable one which covers the whole body. It was more like mafia's dress.
Jungkook: This must be used to be worn at the show off section.
I muttered. Someone tapped my shoulder, I looked and and saw Hobi hyung.
Hobi: Kook did you choose your dress? We all didn't get a dress which is suitable for our situation.
Jungkook: Hyung I was thinking if we all can wear this. All sizes are available.
I told him all the advantages of the dress. By the time all hyungs came near us and thought these dress would be a good choice.
Jimin: Good choice kookie.
I nodded in agreement.
Jin: This is full black and it is similar like a boys version of Y/n's dress. We will look like the characters in a movie.
We all wore the dress of our matchings size and came out and stood in a circle.
Taehyung: We all look like wearing uniforms. ahhahahah
We all laughed because all our dress are same just the size difference. When we get in the van Y/n will also be stunned seeing all 8 of us in black dress.
Jin: Hey I saw some black shoes here. Let's choose some shoes for us also it'll help us prevent getting bit in our legs and will help us run faster.
We all went and choose some high quality shoes for us.
Suga: Wow this feels so good even if we wear it tight. Everyone ready? Y/n will be waiting.
We all nodded but before we took a step ahead, we heard a gunshot and Y/n's scream.