*Y/n POV*
I was waiting for the boys near the door holding it tight so it won't be open to any zombies. I suddenly felt a strong headache hit me. I used one hand to hold my head while I used the other the massage my temple.
Y/n: Ahh
I didn't know why I had a sudden headache when I remembered.. I was on a diet for sweet food for a week and I have studied in my classes if we do not consume sugar for a while, then it will cause a heavy headache. And when I suddenly ate a very sugary substance after a long period, it might have got me this headache.
My eyes was closely shut due to the sudden pain. The pain caused me to loosen the grip on the door and sit on the bare walk path of the van with both of my hand on my head.
I didn't know when I straightened my leg causing the van door to open wide. I started wincing due to the pain. Little did I know that there were some zombies near me wandering around.
I was still holding my head and wincing when I felt something on my leg. I looked around and saw 2-3 zombies just behind my leg while one successfully grabbed my leg. I pulled my leg and tried pushing it away but It's groans made some more zombies attracted. I pushed the zombies hand and suddenly stood up trying to close the door but before I could another zombie came from the side and put its hand inside the small gap of the door. I tried to push it away and close the door but some other zombies put their hands in the gap and opened the door. Now I took my gun from the seat and backed away. Now 4 zombies had entered the van and some more were outside the van. I started panicking and the headache grew stronger and not helping me at all. Now there's no option. I have to shoot. I aimed my gun at the first zombies head and shot but it missed and now the same zombie caught my gun's other end. I started screaming pushing it away and backing off. I lost all my hope now. But I again shot and it hit the zombies head because it was near me. It fell down to the ground. But soon the zombies behind it approached and tripped onto the dead zombie. Making them all to fall very close to my leg. Now when I backed off I already hit the last seat. I stood on the seat and started aiming for others head.
I hit a zombie but not on its head. I again tried but wait! the bullets! I trembled in fear seeing that I am in lack of bullets. I remembered that I kept some in my pocket. I panickingly, but fastly put my hand in my pocket. I took some but it fell down. I agai dug my pocket and found 2 bullets. I successfully loaded my gun and hit the zombie who was almost gonna bit me. The bullet pierced through the zombies head. Same happened to the the 2nd bullet but, theres still zombies inside the van nearing me, some crawling on top of the dead zombies while some looking and walking into the other seats.
I am now done. DONE FOR! I lost every single hope I had. But my inner dangerous girl told me to keep fighting. I took a iron bar which was just on the same seat as I was in. I took it and started hitting the zombies while screaming to them to back their blo*dy a** off.
That's when I heard some gun shots from outside the van. THE BOYS! It's when I heard a voice near me. I looked down to my pocket remembering the walky talky. Taehyung was speaking through it.
Taehyung: Y-Y/n? Are you there??
I replied as soon as possible still hitting the zombies near me.
Y/n: Y-yes! T-theres a lot zombies here. C-come fast! I am out of bullets!
Taehyung: We are coming! Hang on ok?
I was stuttering because of panic and also the pain was increasing. I started hitting the zombies more. Now there are 5 dead and only 3 more near me but I guess there's more outside. Soon I saw Yoongi , Jimin and Jungkook come in and shoot each zombies.
I sighed in relief but it didn't last long my headache was unbearable now. I sat down on the seat where I stood up more like laying down. My eyelids started to feel heavy. But I could hear muffled voice where Jin saying that it was not safe anymore to safy here after all those bullet noises. I saw Taehyung and others except Namjoon and Jin come near me. They came near me feeling worried. I felt Taehyung slightly shake me.
Taehyung: Y/n? Y/n? What happened?
Jungkook: *gasp* Did you get bit? Are you okay?
Yoongi: Yah Kook do you think she looks okay? huh? Sweetie what happened?
Jimin: H-hey no way she got bitten right Y/n?
Suddenly after hearing their statement of worries I felt my headache lessen. I sat up and smiled and nodded.
Y/n: I'm not bitten. See
I removed my leather jacket and rolled the sleeves of my cotton top to show them. Then lifted my ponytail up showed my neck.
Jungkook: Good little sis! You fought well!
I chuckled at his statement still in a weak state.
Y/n: Yah I am 1 year older than you! That means you should call me noona not little sis!
After a while everyone went to their seats. I went and sat in a window seat, opening the window lettin the fresh air get in as my head still hurt but not like before. Soon Taehyung came and sat next to me. Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi started playing even though I knew that Yoongi is just trying to sleep while wearing a random sunglass. Maybe from the store they went in?
Hobi oppa was now cleaning the seats which had blood. But WAIT! I never looked properly at their dress! THEY ALL LOOK SOOO HANDSOME AND COOL! They looked more like my dress's male version. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a deep voice next to me.
Taehyung: You fought well.
He suddenly started laughing
Taehyung: I saw you through the window. Haahaha. I forgot to teach you about the gun right? Others know how to use it.
Y/n: D-don't laugh you handsome looking jerk!
I said I slightly slapped his hand. *gasp* AISH! those words! it was just a slip of tongue! I hope he won't think much.
Y/n: You better teach me soon! Arasso?
I said in a bossy tone.
Taehyung: Yes Yes, little kitty.
Y/n: Little kitty who?
Taehyung: You! Small in size but dangerous like a cat's nails.
Y/n: Yah!
I lifted my hand to act like I am going to punch him but suddenly the strong headache again hit me. I caught my head suddenly and slunched down on the seat.
Taehyung: Y/n? What happened?
I shook my head as a 'no' but he was not giving up on asking me. Wait. Is. He. Worrying. About. Me??
Taehyung: Did you fall while fighting? is it?
I slightly smirked and looked at him.
Y/n: Why? Are you worried? About me?
He looked away and said in a stuttering voice.
Taehyung: Me?? Worry? Tch. dream on!
I smiled and looked at the window and thought that if I eat some more sugar and make it normal then maybe my headache will lessen.
I looked towards the boys who were playing a while ago but was now deep asleep. Really? Why are they so sleepy? Specially Suga oppa?
I looked towards Hobi oppa who was standing behind Jin and Namjoon's seat while holding onto the pole next to him.
I thought not to disturb Hobi oppa and stood up to go to the place where the food was kept. Our bags were safe from zombies earlier because I had kept all the bags on the small space on top where bags are kept.
I asked Taehyung to move but he looked at me.
Taehyung: Where?
Y/n: Why do you want to know?
I mumbled but he asked me in a cold and deep voice which sent shivers down my spine.
Taehyung: Eh?
Y/n: N-nothing just to get some sweets.
Then he nodded and made way for me to go. I went towards the bags. I didn't want to stain the seats Hobi oppa just cleaned so I removed my shoes and stood on the seat to take the bag.
I took the heavy bag and kept it down then took some sweets like M&M and snickers. I took some and went towards oppa's to ask if they want. I gave them the M&M pack and took the long sicker bar which probably melted. But who doesn't love chocolates. I went back to the foods and took one more snicker bar for Tae.I closed the bag and kept in its place and wore my shoes. I went and sat near Tae.
Y/n: You want one?
He nodded his head as a 'no' so I happily took one bar and took one bite. I was enjoying the melted chocolate and the nuts while closing my head and smiling when I suddenly felt a small force in my hand. I opened my eyes and looked down to see that there was a big half of the bar missing. I looked at Taehyung who was eating the long bar while half of the bar was outside his mouth and he was slowly pulling each parts into his mouth more like slurping it.
Y/n: Y-you m-my bar!!
I sighed annoyed and gave the remaining of the bar to him and shove it in his mouth including the cover.
Taehyung: Yah!
I smiled proudly and took the other bar in my hand and ate it.
*Time -Skip*
During this time other's did something fun and others slept while Taehyung taught me about how to shoot by showing how to aim, hold the gun etc.. with the types of guns we had.
Namjoon: GUYS! wake up!!
I looked at him.
Jungkook: Ahh what happened hyung?
Hobi: We reached our destination!
Y/n: Mom's lab?
He nodded.
Jin: But we cannot go now, let's leave tomorrow because it's getting dark now. If we leave now it will be 2x risky.
Taehyung: So are we spending the night in the van?
Yoongi: But any time a zombie may come?
Jin: That's why we are going to park the van somewhere safe where less zombies are there. And we will take shifts to make sure if any zombie pack comes near us.
Soon enough we took 1 hour shifts for each and slept. A person almost did 2 shifts so it was not that bad.