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The test of "17 again" will be very successful. Whether it is the top of the 20th century Fox or the representative of the cinema, he is optimistic about this youth campus comedy. During the Thanksgiving-Christmas period, if Eric did not appear, 20th century Fox originally released a comedy "Working Girl" by Harrison Ford and Sigourney Weaver, two superstars, during the Christmas season on December 23.

    Now with "17 again", the November Thanksgiving schedule, which was not originally planned, is also filled by this movie. After discussion, "17 again" was confirmed to be released on November 18th. Eric was very satisfied with the release time. From the movie schedule data seen by 20th century Fox, Eric found the entire box in November. There are no movies in Office, which is simply tailored for the "17 again" quietly into the village. In the movie released in December, only the previous life squeezed into the top ten of the 1988 North America Box Office list, including Rain Man, Twins and The Naked Gun.

    Near noon, James Brooks finally led Eric to a 40-year-old middle-aged man with eyes. This is Carr Tower Hunt, director of the distribution department of 20th century Fox. They introduced each other. James Brooks left the space to two people. Although he is very good sense to Eric, after all, they are not relatives. It won't waste people's love for Eric's small-cost movie story.

    "Hello, Mr. Carr Tower."Eric shook hands with the Carr Tower, and the other person politely praised Eric's acting in "17 again."

    However, after Eric explained his intentions, Carr Tower refused to think without thinking: "Sorry, Eric, the company's release plan is full this year, it is impossible to temporarily put in a small cost movie, so I I can only be sorry."

    The reason for this evasion is far-fetched. If SpInternet Explorer lberg recommends his own movie, it is estimated that Carr Tower Hunter cried and shouted and hugged his thigh.

    Although the Carr Tower refused, Eric was still fighting: "Mr. Carr Tower, can we look at my movie first, I just brought the copy, you only need to spend more than an hour to look at it, I swear This is a great movie."

    The Carr Tower shook his head again, and many of the small companies that sold him their films were almost always the same, especially recently, because of the proximity of popular schedules, film studios, which did not have their own distribution channels, tried to sell him the films he had made, and he watched several of them, Basically, there's not much commercial value, so now it's not even possible to waste time on a 18-year-old's small-cost comedy: "Eric, you know, I'm very busy now, and I'm going to arrange for the release of again, and I have to go to the headquarters in the afternoon, so I'm sorry." "

    Eric wasn't so easy to give up, asked a few words with a cheeky face, and Carr Tower finally found an excuse to turn around and leave.

    "Eric, what is the result?"Going back to the crowd I know, Penny Marshall asked.

    Eric shook his head with a wry smile, and Penny Marshall patted Eric's shoulder comfortably: "Don't be discouraged, Eric. Film distribution also costs. The cost of issuing a lot of movies is even higher than the cost of production. Once Box Office is not ideal, the person in charge is responsible, so you should understand the Carr Tower. You should spend a lot of money on making your own movies. After waiting for this time, I can help you introduce the home video distribution company. After the release of "17 again", with your fame, directly release the video tape more or less. Withdraw some funds. And I think you should use your energy on screenwriters and Actors. Your talent is good, and you can go on the ground and always have something to do. "

    "Thank you, Penny."Eric thanked her, but her heart was slightly bitter. Everyone seemed to regard "Home Alone" as the experimental movie of her rookie. He really wanted to tie all the people present to his seat and forcibly put "Home Alone". Put it again. Unfortunately, this idea requires God to help him.

    I am home to some frustrations. Since the 20th century Fox is no longer here, I can only try it out from other Film Studios.

    Aniston cats curled up in the living room sofa, boredly watching the BBC soap opera, seeing Eric open the door and asking for a small head and asking, "Eric, how is the situation?"

    Eric came over and took Aniston into her arms, rubbing her back: "20th century Fox refused, but it doesn't matter, I will try other Film Studio."

    Aniston felt Eric's tone with a touch of sorrow, hugged her boyfriend's waist and raised her face and said: "It's okay, Eric, "Home Alone" is so good, they refused to be their loss, I believe that "Home Alone" After the release, they will regret what they did today."

    "Oh, baby, your words are really warm."Eric pinched Aniston's face.

    The two couldn't help but kiss together. After a while, the phone rang, and after a few clicks, Eric was reluctant to let go of the girl under Aniston's push.

    "Hey, here is the Williams home."


    "Jeffrey, hello, is there anything?"


    Eric listened to the voice on the phone and suddenly raised an eyebrow. Aniston knew it was the action that the boyfriend had when he was happy. He curiously came over, but he didn't hear what Jeffrey Hanson said on the phone.

    Eric nodded a few words, hung up the phone, and turned Aniston a few turns in his arms.

    "Oh, Eric, I am a little dizzy, let me down, what good news?"

    Eric put Aniston back on the couch and said: "Jeffrey just met a friend of Columbia Film Studio in the morning and talked about "Home Alone," and his friend was very interested in the film. Jeffrey said that if I didn't sign an agreement with 20th Century Fox, I could try it. "

    "Columbia Film Studio? That's the one..."Aniston made a free Statue of Liberty pose.

    "Yes, that's it."Eric nodded.


    "Amy is a good friend of my wife. I am very capable. I was already a senior executive at Columbia when I was in my early 30s. My wife has two movies that she helped to invest and distribute. Yesterday I met her, just talked about you, she seems to know you, then I told her about Home Alone. "In a coffee shop, Jeffrey Hanson said the story.

    Sitting opposite Eric, curiously said: "Amy, are you saying that the other person is a woman?"

    "of course."

    Eric said that it wouldn't be so smart. Reminiscent of Columbia Film Studio, Eric couldn't help but ask, "What is Amy's full name?"

    "Amy Pascal."

    Sure enough, she, perhaps the previous life, in the 1990s, Paramount once again brought the peak from the trough to the peak of Hollywood's first female head Shirley Lansing's exposure is higher, but Amy Pascal's achievement is no better than Shirley Lan How much is the difference, this woman has ruled Columbia Film Studio longer than Shirley Lansing.

    Eric talked to Jeffrey again. When the time difference was two minutes, Amy Pascal hurried, one meter six or six feet tall, wearing a small black suit, long brown hair, delicate facial features, very temperament.

    I greeted each other and the three men sat down together.