
Amy Pascal showed a direct interest in Eric: "Oh, Eric, you are younger than I thought, I just entered college when you were so big."

    "You look very young, Ms. Pascal," Eric complimented.

    Amy Pascal smiled and said, "Thank you, Eric. Call me Amy, I like the "Jurassic Park" you wrote, I want to ask, is the movie copyright of "Jurassic Park" still in your hands? "

    Eric raised his eyebrows: "Of course."

    During this time, with the growing popularity of Jurassic Park, there have been a lot of things that Film Studio has contacted the movie copyright, but all were rejected by Eric. Eric did not sell the film adaptation rights of Jurassic Park until he had enough strength to fight for his own interests.

    "So, I don't know if you would like to sell the film adaptation of "Jurassic Park" to Columbia, we will have a very good price?"

    Eric said: "Amy, the topic we are discussing today is not this. Moreover, the current special effects technology is not mature enough. I have no plans to sell the "Jurassic Park" movie copyright."

    "That's a pity, well, let's talk about Home Alone. Jeffrey is very appreciative of this movie. With my understanding of Jeffrey, he is still very visionary. By the way, I heard that you originally intended to let the 20th century Fox release this movie. What happened? "

    Eric shrugged and told the truth: "Carr Tower Hunter, the head of the 20th century Fox's distribution department, refused even if he didn't even watch the film."

    "Carr Tower Hunt, I know him, a very arrogant guy."Amy Pascal smiled and said: "So, I think, let's take a look at your movie first."

    Eric nodded. Amy Pascal took Eric and Jeffrey directly to an auditorium at Columbia Film Studio's headquarters, handing the copy to the projectionist, and Eric and the other two sitting together on the leather seats.

    "Eric, you don't seem to be looking forward to it?"Before the film screening began, Amy Pascal accidentally saw Eric's expression and snarled.

    Eric smiled helplessly: "Amy, you know, the film is made by me from beginning to end. I have every shot of the movie in my mind, and I have seen it many times. However, I believe that you will not be disappointed. "

    The auditorium lights dimmed, Amy Pascal nodded and regained his gaze. At the same time, his heart was rushing into a doctor's mood. Columbia Film Studio is now lacking a good movie project, but how can he fall into a high school? The film made by the students was not missed. When I thought of it, Amy Pascal sighed in the dark.

    As one of Columbia's top management, Amy Pascal knows the situation in Columbia. The performance of Columbia Film Studio in the past two years is not bad. If it is not for years to accumulate the copyright revenue brought by the powerful film and television studio, the company will face huge losses.

    Compared to the thriving Disney and 20th century Fox, and the Paramount of the post-Barry Diller era, Columbia is as sullen as an old man, after winning the second place in North America's Box Office in 1984, Ghostbusters. For the third year in a row, Columbia hasn't had a movie that has squeezed into the top 10 of the Box Office list. No surprises, this year is still not. This is a shame for an old film giants.

    Columbia's parent company, Coca Cola, suffered a lot in last year's stock market crash. If Columbia is still so arrogant and cannot make a profit to the parent company, it is likely to be sold. In fact, Japan's Sony Financial Group has released the acquisition of Columbia Film Studio. signal of.

    Amy Pascal had some understanding of Eric, the boy who had just graduated from high school and, in the short months, published the science fiction "Jurassic Park", written by the script "Again" by the 20th century Fox phase, and shocked everyone eyeball Starred in the male lead, if not the blessing of these rings, perhaps Amy Pascal, like the 20th century Fox's Carr Tah Hunter, shrugged off Eric's film.

    The script for "17 again" was originally received by Columbia Film Studio. Several producers of the company were also very interested in the film, but the condition that Eric added himself to star in the actor made it difficult for Columbia to invest cautiously. I finally had to give up.

    I heard that Barry Diller personally approved the "17 again" plan, comparing the mediocre Blunt · Mr. who is sitting in the Columbia Chairman position. Cohen, Amy Pascal sighed, and the company's current situation is not related to the lack of courage of Chairman.

    With the play of Home Alone, the fun-filled plot and the Stewart Langkel's performances quickly brought Amy Pascal's thoughts to the movie screen.

    After the movie was finished, Amy Pascal was surprised and surprised. She did not believe that this outstanding comedy movie was made by a teenager of only 18 years old.

    Amy Pascal stood up with excitement and said to Eric: "Eric, can you wait a moment here? I am going to make a call. "

    From the expression of Amy Pascal, Eric knew that there was no accident, and things have been successful for more than half.

    Half an hour later, seven or eight Columbia Film Studio executives, including Columbia Corporation Chairman Blunt Cohen, gathered in the auditorium to watch Home Alone again.

    After watching the movie again in a cheerful atmosphere, it is nearing the time of work, but everyone is not eager to leave. After more than half of the film screenings, these high-level leaders of Columbia have already begun to talk about it.

    Columbia Film Studio Chairman Office, Eric sits with Jeffrey at the age of more than 60 blunt Opposite Cohen, the assistant ended up with coffee, blunt "Eric, to be honest, we are very optimistic about the potential of home Alone, so we plan to buy out all the copyright in home Alone at 10 million USD," Cohen ease, sipping a few coffees. "

    Hearing the price of 10 million USD, Jeffrey Hanson, sitting next to him, suddenly showed a happy expression. 1 Million's cost has turned ten times in the blink of an eye, and if it is, he is expected to nod his head immediately.

    Blunt Cohen noticed that Jeffrey Hanson's expression, showing a satisfactory smile, the company to the film box Office estimated at million USD, and the film is easy to film the sequel, surrounding the potential of copyright is also very large, so after deliberation, directly decided to a they see Up to a higher price completely will film all copyright, after the offer naturally to bargain, so Columbia Corporation senior has already fixed 12 million USD buyout cap.

    Ten million USD wants to buy out "Home Alone". Are you a big man? Eric whispered a word, but doing business is like this, sitting on the ground, paying for it on the spot.

    "Mr. Cohen, presumably you have a preliminary estimate of the value of Box Office in Home Alone? Can I know this number? "

    Eric didn't immediately agree, and Blunt · Cohen was disappointed, but still said: "Of course, we feel that if the promotion is right, Home America's North America Box Office should be around 30 million USD. By convention, as a producer, you can get it in about 20 percent, so Eric, the buyout price of 10 million USD is still very reasonable. The cost of making this movie should not exceed two million, so Eric, what are you hesitating? As long as you promise, you can become the youngest multi-millionaire at once. "