I woke up inside my room and the first thing I saw, was my brother, who had fallen asleep while reading a book.
'I must have overestimated myself and now I cant even move my body anymore...'
Since there wasn't much I could do I rested a bit more while I waited for John to wake up.
John had really good senses and a great intuition so it shouldn't have been long till he notices me wiggling around.
Just as he woke up and saw my exhausted smile he seemed to glow with a white aura and I thought 'AN ANGEL!' But right after I saw that light, it vanished and John put on a malicious grin.
I already knew what was coming... - "aaaahhhh, ha...haha...hahaha, plea...se stop.. that!" - I tried to mutter because he just straight up tickled me! Can you believe that!
The older brother exploiting the weakness of his defenseless little brother - Tickling! "I won't stop till you regret what you did!" He said smiling. "NO! Not... my foooot,... pleaaasssse!"
He suddenly stopped and asked: "Do you regret what you did?"
"No. I just wanted to see, how my training is helping me and I don't regret it!"
"You know, how our parents will react, don't you?" "Of course, but I don't really care what they say or do to me anymore..." "..." John wanted to say something, but stopped midway. He knew why I hated them and maybe he thought, that it was his fault for their treatment towards me.
After realizing what he thought, I hit him in his charmful face, so that he could regain his sense of reality: "It isn't your fault, John! THEY decided to do that! Not you! They gave me those scars! Not you! You are the only reason why I am still here! You are my brother, my only real family! So please stop thinking like that and just do what you always do! Smile!"
"..." John couldn't help it anymore and just laughed.
" Why are you laughing? Your 17 year old brother just got really emotional here and you just laugh?" I said kinda irritated and hurt. That wasn't the way he was supposed to be reacting!
"Ha... Sorry... ha... I just thought it was really funny to see what you think about me. I really don't blame myself, it's just unfair that it only happens to you..." He said it in a blameful way and I thought I saw him shiffer a bit or at least it looked like that. He definitely didn't tell me the whole truth.
After chatting for a while my father came and screamed at me about being irresponsible, just thinking about myself and not about the future of my brother and the whole family. That went on for about 2 and a half hours and he didn't let my brother go and scolded him as well for not stopping me and just being as irresponsible as me. I was really confused since I thought that only I would get a scolding. So John also had to sit in his chair in his corner the whole time. I felt sorry for him, since it was my fault...
Finally after he left, I was able to relax again and didn't feel that pressure anymore.
"Sorry..." I said with a shameful face. "Not your fault. He is just frustrated because of the other families taunting him about the regionals and how we are gonna lose to them." STEP...STEP...STEP "Sh*t! Did he wait near the door?!" I said really suprised and already mustered myself while awaiting one more scolding.
"Nah, it isn't your stubborn old man." An old creeping voice came from the other side of the door and John answered really excited: "Grandpa!"