As soon as that man stepped in I felt agitated as always. I didn't know why I felt that way, but it just happened.
"Hi, there you youngsters!" he said with his typical grin on his face. But this time I felt something different... as if there was a bad aura around him. He also seemed to look more grayish then before. And like before after I noticed that change it just vanished.
He was one of the first real v2s and so you could already see signs of the drawback happening inside him. His voice became older and was creeping inside those you heard it - Truly frightening! - His hair grayed out and hundreds of wrinkles had appeared on his perfect face. The condition of his body also got worse and it got overwhelmed by sickness and pain.
Even though there shouldn't have been any hope for those first v2s in weakening the drawback, he seemed glad and like he was anticipating for some major change that could save himself.
That was the reason why I was terrified by him. I could never guess what he thought and planned in that chaotic mind behind the facade.
"Since you already know why he is that p*ssed off, you both just have to crush the other families in the next tournament in 2 weeks." "What do you mean with 'you both'" I asked a bit irritated since I never got the permission to join in a tournament before.
"I pulled some strings and now you may go as well Mark. You have to win for your family in these upcoming fights, so your father wants to have more chances for winning reputation" - we were one of the "low" ranked families in the city, since my father seems to have lost something very important after my birth and so he couldn't continue fighting anymore.
"Mark this might be your only opportunity to change your standing here and show why I wanted to keep you here. Use it!" Grandpa said clearly meaningful.
"Thank you so much for giving him this chance, Grandpa!" said John for me, knowing I was feeling overwhelmed and being unable to answer. "I..I'll use it!" I tired to mutter.
"Then how about you two go and train in the gym." he said grinning like a sly old fox.
... We quickly ran to the gym before he could change his mind and call us back. "Did something happen during your sparring session?" John said curious, wondering why he could finally train together with me again.
"We both just collapsed and nothing else. Let me think... Grandpa probably saw the fight as well and that must be why he decided to do something like that. Maybe through the cameras near the rings." I didn't choose to tell John about the voice and the light I saw around Bill, since he would just say that it was my imagination and because of the adrenaline.
"Well let us focus on training then."
... The next few days just happened to pass by and all had the same rhytm - sleeping, eating, training, sparring, some chatting with John - so it was kinda boring, but it was just what I needed to be prepared! 'I didn't hear that voice anymore and also wasn't able to see that light... What even was that? It helped me tie the fight I guess...'
"John, do you know where Bill is? I want to ask him about our fight." "Well he should be by Jimmy and Leon as always." After training for a few more hours with John I went to look for Bill and the others.
'Just as expected. They are here again.' I was already able to hear them after entering the park, so I just had to walk towards the noise to find these idiots roaming around and annoying everybody else.