Day 5

Having spent my time obsessing over Kitsuna and interacting with the factions on the planet that aren't complete savages. I decided today I would look to space and see whats going on up there, as it turns out not much though this backwards planets apparently was eligible for a Tempest Trade Satellite. Which indicates that someone here is super rich or I have crashed here before like I mean we didn't just put these any where just places where we would make a definite profit like urb and glitter worlds. Sometimes places where I crashed, there are times I think I am cursed or under the effect of something because compared to others I seem to crash super frequently. I mean in my 10000 years or so I have crashed over 1000 times and those are just the times I survived without having to download into a clone or android on one of my private carriers. Which surprisingly for the amount of crashes I have been involved in only tallies up to five times. Though those particular crashes where expensive as my body is always kitted out in full archotech prosthetics with AI implants and what not, so even though I manufacture them they still cost quite the sum. Moving the next thing to research or look up diagrams of would be cloning. I am going to need more man power to either leave this planet or take it over. I would prefer to leave but making another urbworld never hurt my bottom line. With next thing to look into noted in the lab I went back to prepping food for the future as you can never have to much. While prepping my workshop for the cloning vats and a biofuel refinery I came across something I didn't expect a strange egg. It better not be one of those insectiod menaces left around the galaxy from that prankster GOD. Thats what the label on all the insect genes say so we can only theorize why they where made I think it is all just a practical joke by a bored geneticist others think it was a literal divine but all divines I have met where just stuck up bored geezers not a single female among them with next to no power on a galactic scale let alone a universal. How can that be considered divine when they should have the power to affect the universe at a fundamental level or even create their own. So in short I don't think the "divines" of our galaxy have the capability to drop off many variations of species on almost every planet. Either way the insectoids are a massive problem where ever they are encountered they can make huge nests visible from space in less than a quadrum. Hopefully this is one of the rare planets with out the menace of the stars. Once I was finished moving all the stuff in my workshop around and putting some of it into storage. I researched until Kitsuna wanted snuggles.