Day 6

Waking up to a strange banging noise I think about how now that I have power I should install some lights in my little home. So it is not pitch black when I wake in the night. Getting out bed and shuffling down the hallway through the warehouse to the front door. Peeping out the peephole I see several silhouettes beating up my solar panels. Poking the rifle of my gun out the peephole I fire a volley of shots at these vile vandals. As they back away a little, I dart out the door to the barricades for cover. As they start coming back I fire more shots illuminating the night a bit better seeing them in basic rags and tatters. I figure they are just tribals conducting a night raid on something they don't understand with five out of twelve down on the ground bleeding out. I continue my one sided war on tribalism. I finished grounded another three before the rest took off running. After moving, butchering, and freezing the bodies I decided to implement better defenses around my hill with 2 meter wall with embrasures surrounding a large area including my fields and damaged solar panels. This should keep any pesky tribals, animals, or pirates while providing ample opportunity to shoot at those aforementioned nuisances. While constructing my wall I hear my comms console ping. Meandering slowly over to look at it I find a message on the stellarchs private channel aimed at me. Reading provides me with insight into the current stellarch and his personality. He wants me to construct a monument to his glory as a stellarch and commemorate his 100th year in power. I decide to reject the request as he wants a massive structure made out of pure gold and I don't think a 100 years in power is anything come back when you have been around a millennium. Going back to my defensive project I think about adding some auto-turrets to the solar array and entrance of my hill. So that way if I am asleep and someone decides to break through my wall my power supply is safe and I am safe. Having finished more the half of the wall to keep annoyances out I move on to researching cloning having completed half of the work needed I find that it requires two people to record genes and use the brain wave scanner. Thinking of solutions to this I remember the orbital trade station. Going up to the comms console I send up some verification codes unique to me. The response was not great as it was ignored using a proper channel to communicate and see if I could have a omni-bot dropped or as I liked to call them all-powerful roombas. Seeing that I have the minimum amount of funds they respond back with would you like to see our catalog of goods or services. Selecting goods I check to see if they actually have any omni-bots and they did so I ordered two such bots. After installing the bots I went back to my research. Wanting to go and play with Kitsuna some before bed I go looking for her and find her lounging onto of a omni-bot cleaning. So as it moves she get a tour of the house without lifting a limb. It was very cute, however as I wanted to feel Kitsuna I lifted her off the roomba. Heading to the rec room with Kitsuna in my arms I start feeling relaxed. I hear a faint rustling ignoring it as I though it was just Kitsuna getting comfy. With it being well in to the night when I get back up I decide to take Kitsuna to bed with me and off I head.