Chapter 24

After Shun buried his mother after her death, Shun went to his home to take some rest for what he did in this day. After the day has come And Shun woke up at 8:00 A.M, the bell was ringing and he went to open the door and he suddenly, surprised about the one who rang the bell and it was his best friend, Renji.

"Renji?! I didn't expect that you will come here!!" (Shun)

"Haha... I knew that you aren't expected..... How are you doing?!" (Renji)

"I am fine.... What do you do on your trip?!.... you took a lot on your trip" (Shun)

"Haha.... I know, they get a lot of actors to challenge me in the acting and they didn't believe that this is me Renji" (Shun)

"Why they didn't believe you?! Why?!" (Shun)

"They did not believe me because of my young age and that I entered the field of acting easily and at such a young age" (Renji)

"But why you?! I have watched a lot of movies seeing that there are kids are in the movies?! So why they are saying that?!" (Shun)

"No, you don't understand how the film or a series director bring the kid actors..... They look for vital things like an actor's credits, their personality and attitude and if you can take direction. They tend to focus on these things because they want to see if you do suit the part and that you are someone they can rely on to be part of their team, and that's it" (Renji)

"So, why they are doubting in you?!" (Shun)

"Yeah, Because they remembered that I was older than this" (Renji)

"..., So, what are you going to do after this trip?!" (Shun)

"Okay, they asked each person of us to film a short movie and this event will be ended in 2 months away" (Renji)

"Okay, hard luck, give it all of your best" (Shun)

"I am doing all of my best, and I think I will film the best film in the history of the acting" (Renji)

"Mhmm" (Shun)

"Okay take this" (Renji)

"It's a soda" (Shun)

"Yeah, this is from there" (Renji)

"Oh okay" (Shun)

Shun drank the soda the Renji bring it to him.

"It's great, thanks Renji" (Shun)

"Welcome" (Renji)

Suddenly, Shun's phone rang, and it was Aki.

"Hey Renji, sorry, I have an important call" (Shun)

"Okay, I won't disturb your important call, go ahead, I will wait for you " (Renji)

"Okay" (Shun)

Shun went to a place that to talk with Aki.

"Hi" (Shun)

"Hi" (Aki)

"How are you, Aki?!" (Shun)

"I am okay, and you?!" (Aki)

"I am fine" (Shun)

"What are you doing now Shun?!" (Aki)

"My best friend Renji is visiting me" (Shun)

"Renji?! Is it Renji the Heart stealer, the youngest actor in this world?! To be honest, he is so hot" (Aki)

"Okay, Great" (Shun)

"By the way, you didn't call me since you told me that if anyone will expose my way this person will be killed?!" (Aki)

"Don't worry I am not a murder, I threatened them with Their beloved persons to them with their lives only and nothing else." (Shun)

"Really?! If you killed them it won't be good for us" (Aki)

"Don't worry, after all, they are my friends I can't kill them" (Shun)

"Really?!" (Aki)

"Yeah, it's for real" (Shun)

"Okay, when we will go out?!' (Aki)

"I think it will be soon" (Shun)

"Okay nice" (Aki)

"Okay bye my love, because I have a friend I want to talk with him" (Shun)

"Okay, I am sorry, bye" (Aki)

"Bye" (Shun)

Shun ended the call with Aki

Shun turned back but suddenly, Renji was at his back.

"Oh, Renji, what are you doing here?!" (Shun)

"Hahaha... My feelings were touched by the call you had with your favourite lover" (Shun)

"Oh ..... Okay" (Shun)

Suddenly, Renji's facial reactions changed from happiness to frowned reactions.

"But your love asked you that you killed your friends, that means that you killed them, you killed your friends for a woman, Shun_Kun?!" (Renji)

"No, how dare you say something like that, you don't even know Their values to me, if anyone says something like that, that means that they expose my way, then I will never forgive for them" (Shun)

"Hahahaha... Nice, and with all you say now, I promised you with a gift, right?!" (Renji)

"Ahh..... Yes, you did" (Shun)

"Yeah, okay close your eyes" (Renji)

"Hmm..... Okay" (Shun)

Shun closed his eyes.

"Okay, now you can now open your eyes!!" (Renji)

"Okay" (Shun)

"Now, I present you this gift, I get this gift from the deep of the earth" (Renji)

Shun opened his eyes, and he gets blushed

"What's wrong, Renji?! What are you going to do with this idle?!" (Shun blushed)

"Haha..... Don't worry, Shun_Kun, I am not this type of persons, just take it, don't refuse it, you will regret it if you refuse it" (Renji)

"Oh, okay" (Shun)

Shun took the gift from Renji, and be surprised by what in the box.

"W.... What?! It's... an.... engagement ring!!!!!" (Shun)

"I get this for you, to present it to the most beloved person in your life, and you know, as you see, this ring in its top has red jewellery in it" (Renji)

"I can't believe it" (Shun)

"Please, there is another gift, open this box" (Renji)

"Okay" (Shun)

Shun opened another gift and he surprised by this gift.

"Oh... It's... a weeding ring?!!!" (Shun)

"Yeah, give it to your beloved girl, Aki" (Renji)

"Really, I can't take it, it's so expensive for me" (Shun)

Renji put his hands on Shun's shoulder.

"It's okay, Shun_Kun, we are childhood friends, and you know in the early childhood days, you were lending me a lot of things, and also, you were putting your hand on my shoulder, and you were telling me, we are friends, so, I think it's my time to tell you that, Shun_Kun" (Renji)

".... Thanks, Renji" (Shun)

"Bienvenue, Shun_Kun" (Renji)

"What are you going to do now?!" (Shun)

"as I told you, I will return there also" (Renji)

"Why?!" (Shun)

"I have a lot of things I should do, to prove to them that I will continue in the field of the acting, you know I am no good in the studying Exactly, in the science and in the mathematics" (Renji)

"Come on, Renji, sit here with me a little bit" (Shun)

"I can't, I think the airport will go soon, au revoir, Shun_Kun, Ah yes, I forgot, please take these bags" (Renji)

"What is these bags?!" (Shun)

"This bag has a lot of chips, soda, chocolate, and a lot of other things, it will enough for months" (Renji)

"But it's too much" (Shun)

"It's okay, It will be enough for months for you and your mother and your siblings" (Renji)

"Thanks, Renji" (Shun)

"No problem, bye" (Renji)

"Bye" (Shun)

Renji left Shun, and he went to the airport.

"... He didn't notice that I killed them, sorry Renji, hahahahahaha" (Shun)
