Chapter 25 (The Last Chapter)

After 2 years of the relationship between Shun and Aki, Shun got engaged to Aki and they planned that they will get married in the next year. And Shun has sold everything from the inheritance, gold and things, and before the week that Shun is going to marry Aki, Shun has sold his house and he has sold his aunt's, and made his aunt and his siblings sit in her father's house on the pretext that Shun has no money and what about Soon he will marry, and his aunt gave him everything she had from money and her father's inheritance. And now his aunt, his sisters, and her little daughter died of poverty and malnutrition, and even Shun did not ask about them, nor did he hear any news from them, and even did not care about their death. With so much air and the sky was raining so hard and it was raining so hard, even Shun didn't care either. As for Renji, Renji also died from a case of two planes colliding with each other, and the two planes collided because of the bad weather, the intense air and the extreme darkness that was on this day and he loved the death of his close reinforced friend, Shawn did not care, As for Yami, her sister passed away from the severe pain of her illness, and she took off herself from work because she saw that there is no point in the life of a person without any people in this person's life, and this is what she felt when Kouji, her mother, her sister, and the people close to her  Her disappeared from her life. And here it is now the week that Shun is going to marry Aki.

Shun's phone rang.

"Hi, my Honeymoon, Aki" (Shun)

"Hi, my darling, Shun" (Aki)

"How are you?!" (Shun)

"I am good, and you?!" (Aki)

"I am fine" (Shun)

"Are you ready for Tomorrow?!" (Aki)

"Yeah, of course, and you?!" (Shun)

"Hmm..... But you know, it's my first time weeding, so I am a little bit scared, but, I am fine, I am ready for it" (Aki)

"What are you doing now?!" (Shun)

"I am preparing my bags for tomorrow, and you?!" (Aki)

"Also preparing my bags" (Shun)

"Did you invite anyone to the wedding party?!" (Aki)

"I tried to invite my friends and my mother, but they didn't agree also my mother" (Shun)

"Oh..... Really?! Okay, as they like" (Aki)

"Yeah, don't care about them, by the way, did you invite anyone?!" (Shun)

"Yeah, I invited my whole family,... really, they wanted to see their youngest girl that she had been grown up to be married" (Aki)

"Yeah, you are right" (Shun)

"Okay, bye because I have a lot of things to do" (Aki)

"Yeah, me too" (Shun)

"Mhm.... So, bye" (Aki)

"Bye" (Shun)

Aki ended the call with Shun.

"As I excepted, my plane is going alright" (Shun)


At the sunset, Yami went to visit the graves of Kouji, Kenn, Hirogi and Shun's Mother, She put flowers on each grave, and she would stay at the side of each grave for at least half an hour. and after the night arrived, She went to return house, when she returned home, she went bed and her face was full of tears.

"...Wh....Why?!.... Why all..... of that happened?!" (Yami crying)

"I am.... retard, I realised... It lately" (Yami crying)

"Kouji_San....Kenn_San.... Hirogi_San....Mrs Rin_San, all of them are dead because of... Me" (Yami crying)

"Sorry..... I am..... Sorry" (Yami crying)


The day has arrived, the day that Shun and Aki will be married. And both of them prepared for this day. Until the night arrived, Shun arrived at the wedding hall, and he surprised about there was a lot of people there.

And then, Shun and Aki Met with the priest and he started to say his saying.

"Today, Today is the most important day for every person with us. Today we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy matrimony. Which is commended of St. Paul to be an honourable estate, instituted of God and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or carelessly, but reverently, joyfully and in the love of the God. And in the holy estate, these two persons present come now to be joined.

Jesus Christ Reminds us, that at the beginning the Creator made us male and female and said. For this cause, a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh" (The priest)

"So, do you agree that you will give her all the love she needs from you?!" (The priest)

"Yes, for sure" (Shun)

"And you, do you agree that you will give him all the love he needs from you?!" (The priest)

"I..... I can't agree" (Aki)

Suddenly, the people surprised about what Aki said.

"Aki?!.... Why?! Aren't we lovers?!, no, aren't we husband and wife?!" (Shun)

"Yeah" (Aki sadly)

"So, what's wrong?!" (Shun)

"I..." (Aki)

"Because.... IT'S ME RENJI, THE HEART STEALER" (Renji)

Suddenly, all the people stood up and they clapped for Renji.

"Okay, here, let me tell you everything that happened, the very first meeting, When you and me met, I told you that I am no longer actor, and after two weeks I went to Italy and I had a meeting with my new director, and if you looked, he is the first one here in the first chair, and then he told me to prove to him that I am The Renji, then I agreed with him that I will record a movie and then I planned for each evidence happened to you, but to be honest, the unexpected move was that you killed the most people for you, friends, family and even your mother and your siblings, I dealt with the manger of Kouji's restaurant and yes, I was the planner of Kouji's heart cancer and I created the medicine of his illness, and I wanted to crippling you for month only to plan for the movie events and we were in every place you were in, ahh, yeah, I memorized something, the day that you practice sex with Aki, it wasn't me, do you remember from our first meeting in the school and I told you that I was in a team, so yes, she is my partner and sometimes she is like my sister and I am sorry for her because she didn't succeed in the field of acting, but she became a p*rn actress, so what Shun, ahh, yes I forgot, there was a lot of bottles that you drank this drinks are a doping you for what you to do, the plan that crashed with the other plan, there was a plan that I buy it to be crashed and there was another plan and it was real, in this plan, there was your father, so I am sorry for what happened to your father, So what Shun, I think I explained everything that happened to you, and the title of my movie is....

"The Devilish Love"

"I want to congratulate you, Renji for what you did, this movie was the most perfect movie I saw in my life" (Renji's Director)

"Father, Mother, Kouji, Kenn, Hirogi,

Then all the camerans went and they take the priest and they go since the priest also was a member of the team. Shun knocked down and he couldn't tolerate this shock.

Then After a day, Shun woke up from his sleep. He was at a hospital and beside him was..... Yami.

"Yami_Chan, you.... You are here" (Shun)

"I am just here only to put an end to this, only for Kouji_Chan and for Mrs Rin_Chan, and Kenn_San and Hirogi_San did and not for you, and I sent you to the hospital and now my duty is finished." (Yami)

Then Shun wrapped her hand.

"Please, stay here a little bit, I want someone from my friends to sit beside me" (Shun)

"Friends?!! Now you are saying friends?! All of your friends now are dead" (Yami)

"But...." (Shun)

"But I am not your friend anymore, where is your love Aki?!" (Yami)

"She is not real" (Shun begin to tear)

"I will sit beside you only for every person died because of you" (Yami)

"Thanks, Yami_Chan, Thanks" (Shun)

Yami sits beside Shun because, She tasted the taste of loneliness, and it was really the worst feeling that any person will taste, and she wouldn't want to break his heart.

"Yami_Chan, may you tell me, how you reached me?!" (Shun)

"I saw yesterday, many fireworks, and I loved these fireworks, so, I went to it to saw the fireworks and I surprised that you were here" (Yami)

"Thanks for sending me here" (Shun)

After 5 minutes later.....

"Hey Yami, may I ask you a question?!" (Shun)

"Ask" (Yami)

"Close your eyes" (Shun)

Yami closed her eyes.

"What do you see?!" (Shun)

"Nothing" (Yami)

"This is my world now" (Shun)

When Shun said this, Yami's eyes began to tear and her heart was touched by what he said.

"Yami..... I love you" (Shun)

"R..... Really..... Really you love me?!" (Yami blushed)

"If I don't love you... I won't tell you that..... But the first time I saw you... I sense magic was pulling me to you.... Even with your injured face and the plasters that are on your face, I still love you, I am sorry for what happened, Kouji, Kenn, Hirogi, Mother, aunt, my siblings, I am sorry" (Shun)

Suddenly, Yami remembered when Shun's Mother told her:

"Bye, My daughter in law"

"I accept it" (Yami blushed while she is tearing)

"do you agree that you will give me all the love I need from you?!" (Shun)

"Yes, I agree" (Yami blushed while she is tearing)

"do you agree that you will give me all the love I need from you?!" (Yami blushed while she is tearing)

"Yes I agree" (Shun)

Shun hugged Yami and kissed her from her libs.

After 7 Years...

"I am home" (.....)

"Welcome, Darling" (.....)

"Thanks, Yami" (Shun)

"Mhm" (Yami)

"did you see this?!" (.....)

"Hmmmm, you get the full mark my daughter Rin" (Shun)

"Yes, I get the full mark" (Rin)

"I know it, hahaha" (Shun smiling)

Shun and Yami and Rin laughed.

"Hey Yami, I will go quickly do something, okay?!" (Shun)

"Okay" (Yami)

Shun left home and went to visit the Graves of Kouji, Kenn, Hirogi, his Mother, His Father, his aunt, his siblings.

"Thanks for everything you did, and I am sorry for everything I did, I love all of you" (Shun)

Shun put the flowers on each grave and he returned home.

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