World System Evolution

February 25, 2021

In the deepest part of the earth what humans called the inner core of the planet a spherical round orb is floating in a empty room radiating a bright light that envelope the room.

If one looked closely they can see advance ancient writing like what people can be seen in games written inside of the orb, in the top of the orb a countdown hologram is being displayed.

Planet 1573628368171.27816381

Age: 24,999,999,999 Tier 0 [Lesser Mortal Plane]

Planetary Boundary Protection

[World Advancement]

[Remaining Time] 01:24:44

[Acceleration State]

Its been 24,999,999,999 Billion years since the manifestation of the world life core in this star system, some planet on this age should be at least Tier 12 in a normal planetary growth by now, however 6 Billion years ago because of the interference of some Tier 20 entities breaking the rules of the universe stepping on a Tier 6 world. Destroying the world's balance Earth 6 Billion years ago become a war zone thousands of powerful individuals wage war to each other all intelligent being that lived in the planet 1573628368171.27816381 that time got caught in the middle resulting to almost near extinction of mankind.

Current Time: 10:36 AM

Philippines General Santos City, KCC Mall a young men wearing sports attire is eating on one of the fast foods together with his teacher and some teammates.

Teacher: you guys need to continue you training before the competition arrives mostly you Kent, I know you are talented and gifted but don't be full of yourself to much it will lead to your downfall. Hearing this the others looked at Kent with jealousy written in there faces.

Kent a 19 year old senior high school student in RMMC. Black hair, Golden Brown eyed, 5'11 in height, smooth white skin and a far above average looks that can easily charm any woman and can make models looked at the mirrors after seeing him. However Kent is not blessed as his teacher says he's parents died when he's still young leaving him and his sister alone, they doesn't have a single relative.

Because of this Kent grow up to be a righteous and dependable person, he work hard to fed himself and his sister he entering multiple pastime jobs. For some reason Kent physical and mental prowess is above a normal human so Kent also entered sports events and competitions because of this he was able to get a scholar ship from different factions lessening his workload.

Currently Kent just finished his training there in the mall to eat launch in his plate is a single chicken wing and two cups of rice, the chicken worth 30 pesos while the rice worth 10 peso each multiple to 2 costing 50 pesos. Kent manage every single penny he have to insure that everything he does is worth it.

Hearing the teacher's reminder Kent just nodded, even though the teacher is saying this things Kent know that the teacher envy him because of his appearance and looking at the jealous faces of the students with him he just sigh in the inside. He wish to just go home it's not that he hated attention but he hatted people looking at him like someone to be jealous of.

Finishing his meal Kent was about to leave suddenly a strong earthquake occurred the electricity shot down screams of people can be heard. After the earthquake occurred a robotic voice can be heard in every intelligent being in the entire world. The Planetary Boundary Protection Has been lifted World Advancement is on process, World Evolution is now commencing [Remaining Time] 00:00:00 Acceleration State has begun good luck and survive.

Hearing this Kent went in confusion thinking about the voice Kent just noted it in his kind and was assessing the situation. The earthquake is so strong that made some of the mall's ceiling collapse he can still hear screams of the people that was injured during the earthquake dead bodies litter the ground, Kent didn't puke or feel a bit uneasy he just look around what he's saw the place were he eat earlier the table and people is smashed by a large ceiling fragment.

Kent: I was lucky to stand up before the collapse. Thinking about this he sigh during the earthquake occurred he immediately rush to a steal table at the side where the food is displayed to seek protection doing this he's life was spared. He then stand up and tried to head to the closest person screaming and pleading for help when a sudden burst of pain assaulted him. Kent rolled to the ground screaming from the in his entire body his veins is burning his heart is melting his brain is bursting his stomach is etching his bones were dislocating his senses is reacting too much he's hearing, smelling, eyes sight, touch, taste is functioning at a extreme manner combined with his currently painful state he can't even lost conscious he can see that the other people lost conscious and lay in the ground however he can't lost conscious for some reason the suffering was just for a few seconds but for Kent it's like eternity.

The pain slowly fading Kent can see the dead people getting up earlier he counted all the dead people nearby and all the people that survive however a unbelievable sigh in front of him is currently occurring the dead is rising "we they revived" he first thought but when he saw there eyes the hair in his arms and feet rise like cold sweat was thrown at him, danger he can sense danger coming from them.

The one of the people who raised from death rush to the unconscious person behind him that was crying for his death moments ago and bite her seeing this Kent though inside his mind "Zombies" the others also did the same to the unconscious people seeing this gruesome sight Kent immediately suppress the pain in his entire body and tried to hide from their sight however his too late one of the zombies rush for him trying to eat him.

Kent laying on the ground frowned and kick the zombie's foot by sliding his feet to it making the zombie lost its balance he then pick up a kitchen knife above the table then stab it to the zombies head resulting to its instant death ones again.

Then a notification appear in hi mind [You have killed a undead you have gain the right to be a chosen]


1. Status Window [Can be access after the 1st event]

2. World Support System [Can be access after the 1st event]

3. Starter Pack [Open the Inventory]

4. Inventory [Mark Type]

A flow of information filled insides Kent's but for some reason there were no pain usually a humans brain can't handle this amount of information flowing In just a second even high end computers lagged if this kind of information flow suddenly however it felt like a fresh river flowing inside his brain for Kent.

Kent: Doomsday have arrived Apocalypse has descend the world is on change and I need to change as well, I hope Eliza is Ok. Kent though this things instantly he's not worried about his sister because he knew he's sister very well "she can easily adopt in this kind of situations" thinking about this Kent focus himself in the correct in devour in front of him.

3 zombies is rushing to him wanting to have a bite at him he pulled the knife at the zombie he killed earlier and prepare himself closing in his kick the table in front of him making 2 zombies stumbled in it and immediately stab the other zombie who didn't collide to the table then finish of the other two, Kent grab another knife but longer than the Knife he used earlier and open his inventory.

He can't see a thing but he know what's inside his inventory he then though of pulling what inside his inventory then a cube appear in his hands.

[Starter Pack] [S]

Would you like to open the starter pack? [Yes/No]

"Yes, Kent thought then a Katana, two daggers, 2 potions, a scroll, and ten round orbs appear from nowhere then another flow of information flow inside Kent understanding the usage and importance of the items for his survive Kent create a plan.

Katana: Common

Durability: 100/100

Attack Power: 10

Daggers: Common

Durability: 50/50

Attack Power: 7

Potion of lesser healing 2×

Scroll of lesser protection 1× Protects the user from any kind of lesser damage for 10 minute.

Scroll of lesser recovery 1× Creates a area where user can recover its health, Magic, stamina 10× for 5 Minutes it can also nullify any lesser rank poisons.

Orb of Explosion 5×

Orb of Flash 5×

Thinking about the starter pack Kent was grateful he's chances of survival increase because of this items.