Spoils Kawabanga

"At last they stopped swarming. Kent sigh

Using the Katana Kent was able to kill all the zombies in the fast food lying in a corner completely exhausted, the fast food was large he's been killing zombies for more than 10 hours straight if it weren't for the terrain advantage he would have died long ago. Lying on a corner from the fallen debris of the earthquake Kent was able to have the advantage position the zombies tried to climbed the debris however because of their non existing intelligence Kent was able to kill them before they can get near him.

Continuing this kind of tactic non stop Kent was exhausted killing zombies non stop for 10 hours straight pile's of corpses lither the ground creating unpleasant smell adding to Kent's problems, thankfully the continues hoard of zombie stopped coming fighting for 10 hours Kent was able to observed and come up to how zombies behave.

1. There senses is better than humans and like that of a beast.

2. Second they have some kind of regenerative ability.

3. Their bodies is as strong as a tree.

4. They are very attracted to the smell of human blood.

Thinking about this thinks Kent was satisfied looking at the clock its already nighttime 10:00 PM slowly getting down from the debris he head to the kitchen fighting for 10 hours he was too hungry. Opening the door he can see 8 zombies inside.

"they might be the kitchen staff of the fast food" thinking about this he can see bite marks in the bodies from the 7 people.

"only one turn into a zombie but they hesitate to kill it then the chain reaction continue" Kent express his thoughts on what happen to them.

Seeing Kent the zombies rushed at him however 8 zombies is nothing for him compared to the hundreds that tried to eat him earlier but currently Kent was so exhausted. Kent return and closed the door and tried to find food in the other place arriving at a what supposedly a counter before the apocalypse Kent saw packed food

"this food was for the conversation hall. Remembering their was a convention at the 3rd floor before the apocalypse start Kent started rubbing his head.

"another variable danger has aroused surly thousands of zombies filled that place! Never mind that problem comes later I need to first fill my stomach.

10:20 PM KCC Mall of Gensan, Ground floor Fast-food Area a man is walking inside the What supposedly the fast food area the ground was filled with countless corpses and a top some of the corpses a deem shining cube is floating.

After finishing his meal Kent pick up the floating cube that is slightly similar to the starter pack that he received earlier, after killing zombies cubes emerge from the corpses Kent didn't have the time earlier because of the continues assault of zombies.

Grabbing a cube a notification pop up.

[Random Survival Chest]

Opening the Cubic Chest another notification pop up.

Durability Potion: By applying the Potion to any item the items durability can be restored. [Based on the weapon]

Reading this Kent's mood brighten up because of the continues fighting earlier his weapons condition is at its worst, Then Kent continue to pick up all the Survival Chest he was able to acquire a large quantity of chest.

Opening all the Survival Chest.

1. Lesser Healing Potion 12×

2. Lesser Stamina Potion 8×

3. Long Sword 3×

4. Spear 2×

5. Dagger 6×

6. Axe 2×

7. Katana 4×

8. Shield 3×

9. Explosion Orb 8×

10. Flash Orb 6×

11. Strength Potion 4×

12. Experience Potion 6×

13. Mana Potion 5×

14. Agility Potion 8×

15. Vitality Potion 6×

16. Intelligence Potion 6×

17. Scroll of Protection 4×

18. Scroll of Invisibility 2×

19. Scroll of Spikes 2×

20. Scroll of Large Flame 1×

21. Scroll of Lightning 2×

Kent Gain A total of 100 Survival Chest resulting to a hundred items seeing the items a grin was shown to Kent's face, the earlier clash between zombies made him lost all the items he received from the starter pack and almost destroy his swords but seeing this much item in front of him Kent was delightful he didn't lost anything just a little tired and he gain so much.

Organizing the items he gain Kent put them on his inventory he didn't know how large his inventory is but even after putting that much item he can feel that the items only take 10% of his inventory.

In his hand Kent was holding a potion.

[Strength Potion] Can permanently Increase one's strength by 2 points.

[Agility Potion] Can permanently Increase one's Agility by 2 points.

[Vitality Potion] Can permanently Increase one's Vitality by 2 points.

[Intelligence Potion] Can permanently Increase one's Intelligence by 2 points.

[Mana Potion] Can permanently Increase one's Mana by 2 points.

Drinking and absorbing all the potions a surge of energy immediately filled Kent's body now he can felt like he can punch to a 1 foot wall, he can run 4 seconds in a hundred meters, can deflect a kitchen knife, and can annualized the situation much better. Absorbing the mana potion made him felt like theirs something in his heart but that's all he can feel. He also tried to absorb the experience Potion but for some reason it won't budge even with his strength giving up at the experience Potion.

Kent is preparing to venture to the mall's upper floors current he was trap at the bottom floor and he needed to get his way up. He can always use Invisibility to leave the mall but for some reason Kent's instincts is telling him to kill all the zombies in the mall, since Kent lost his parents this instincts of him help him as always following his instincts from back then he was able to survive. Like when the DSWD was about to pick them up Kent follow his instincts and scape from them together with his sister also when he seek shelter for them he followed his instincts and was able to meet Old lady Vera she adopted them unfortunately she pass on 2 years ago.

Following his instincts Kent devise a plan he didn't rest for the night his stamina and energy is currently at its full bloom and he wanted to leave the mall as fast as possible.

In the far distance barangay Katangawan a girl holding two long swords at her hand not fitting to her appearance is standing a top of corpses with a worried look at her face.

"Eliza we already cleared the area we should rest now. Hearing this the girl just nodded back she is Eliza Kent's little sister 18 years old black hair similar to Kent with a height of 5'5, Golden brown eyes and a smooth silky skin one might think that Kent and Eliza were twins but they have a age gap of almost two years.

"I hope big brother is alright. Eliza thought while gazing at the bright moonlight when there parents died her big brother did everything for her Kent even work to buy her expensive food and items so she won't feel down when she saw others. For Eliza his brother is everything for her she will even faced the world for her brother, swiping the blood that stained her swords Eliza move to follow her friend.

Be known to her worries Kent was currently slaughtering his way and luring zombies in the mall hundreds of zombies can be seen following him while he force his way in front but dashing at the front zombies using his shield and axe.

its been an hour since he started his plan and everything is going as he planed he planned to lure all the zombies at the center of the mall where he place 12 tanks of petroleum gas at the center that he stole from the restaurants of the mall letting the gas leak the entire area.

"ho this zombies won't give me a break. Luring and unending chase from the zombies Kent's stamina is draining rapidly he almost consume all the stamina potions arriving at the designated destination Kent can see from his back thousands of zombies while running in the entire mall Kent was able to get the attention of all the zombies unfortunately he didn't spot a single survivor.

Dashing at the center Kent jump at one of the mall's pillar at the center surprised at the disappearance of their meal the zombies who's in front that stop was smash by a stumped from a thousands foots seeing this Kent smile evilly and pull one of the Explosion orb from his storage space and throw it at the tanks of petroleum gas while running outside the mall while shouting "Kawabanga !!!