Chapter 20 - Dumbledore (2)

Professor Flitwick - " Well as I am sure you are both already aware there was an incident outside the dungeons after a first-year potions class between a Mr Ronald Weasley and Ms Arya Rosier. During this incident, a number of students crowded the area. Curious as to what was going on I made my way towards the large gathering of students to see what was taking place, as I reached them I heard Mr Weasley insult the Most Ancient and Noble house Rosier, The Noble House Malfoy, and Ms Rosier's friend and fellow raven Ms Granger calling her a filthy mudblood and insinuated potential sexual assault on Ms Granger. Naturally, I was appalled but following the Headmaster's policy of not getting involved in the student's argument unless it turned violent I simply watched to see what would happen next. Upon hearing the insinuated sexual assault on Ms Granger, Ms Rosier lost her temper and sent Mr Weasley against a wall and held him there with her will alone."

At this point, tick marks could be seen on Professor McGonagall's forehead and Dumbledores perpetual frown which had come to surface at the mention of Ron's action deepened.

Professor Flitwick - "Just as I was about to interfere Ms Rosier stated her honor has been attacked and challenged Mr Weasley to a duel. Again following the Headmasters policies on not interfering in Noble House affairs I stepped back and watched. As this was happening Mr Flint, Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle joined the commotion. Mr Flint used derogatory terms to address Ms Rosier and also called Ms Granger a Mudblood. At that point Mr Malfoy got involved as he saw the numbers were against Ms Rosier and the situation was worsening. Mr Malfoy asked Mr Flint to stand down, but alas it was to no avail. Mr Flint then continued to insult the Noble house of Malfoy and repeated the term Mudblood against Ms Granger. Further insults transferred between the two parties until the situation came to a head as they all took out their wands. Ms Rosier then went on to release Mr Weasley and let him join the the Slytherins. That was when I realized I could wait no further and intervened."

At this point a low growl could be heard coming from Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore leaked out a bit of his magic causing everyone to feel the pressure. Dumbledore was running through everything in his mind 'What on earth went wrong with Ronald, the Weasley Family were always my staunchest supporters but it seems that Molly is no longer satisfied with their place in the wizarding world and pushed Ronald to change it for the better'

Professor Flitwick - "At this point both sides agreed to a formal duel and Ms Rosier and Mr Malfoy allowed the four Slytherins to stand together against them. I pulled Mr Malfoy and Ms Rosier into my office and asked them to spar so that I could check if they were overestimating themselves but was completely shocked at their abilities. Ms Rosier used ingenious Transfiguration magic during the duel and also used her family magic along with wandless magic, Mr Malfoy relied on creative hexes and curses from his family magic. Ms Rosier and Mr Malfoy have the potential to progress dueling further than it has ever been pushed with their creativity and talents so I would like to request permission to train them both as Severus is no doubt doing for his Slytherins."

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore were further shocked upon hearing their natural talent for dueling and could see why Filius would like to take them under his wing. Professor McGonagall was thinking ' I will have to ask Arya to show me her capabilities so that I can further strengthen her and allow her to blossom'. At the same time Dumbledore was thinking ' She is absolutely essential for Harry to do what he must in the future and she needs to be allowed to blossom as I worry if she ever was to turn Dark, as unlikely as that sounds from what I know of the child. Yet I cannot allow this duel to happen, if other students were to see true talent they would be inspired to learn more themselves, and while that does nothing but help the light side that increases the likelihood of more students turning dark in search of an immediate gain in power'. Dumbledore broke the silence and said " Very well Filius I shall think upon the matter before talking about it with you. Now if you both don't mind I would like to talk to Ms Rosier alone" Both the Professors made to leave but were interrupted by Arya.

Arya - "Forgive my rudeness but as I have no magical guardian present I would like for Professor Flitwick to remain with us I am aware that school statute allows this as he is my head of house. All the professors were taken aback by Arya saying such things but accepted it as it was the right of all students during a meeting with the Headmaster. Dumbledore frowned and said "that won't be necessary Ms Rosier I just want a chat". However Arya remained steadfast in her wish for Professor Flitwick to remain, seeing the situation turning out of control Professor McxGonagall made to take her leave as she had no business remaining.

Dumbledore was not sure how to handle this as it was her right, but he didn't want Filius to hear their conversation. He sent a passive Legillimency probe to check Ms Rosier's surface thoughts and figure out her motives but his probe was immediately broken down and Arya looked at him in shock. " why did you try to read my mind Headmaster, that is highly illegal and I am from a Most Ancient and Noble House this will simply not stand. Both Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick couldn't believe their ears when they heard what Arya said. "Surely she is joking right Albus?" questioned Professor McGonagall with a raised eyebrow. Knowing he had been had Dumbledore simply nodded his head while he was internally cursing himself for forgetting as a child of a Most Ancient and Noble House she would have Occulmency training. Dumbledore tried to justify himself saying he wanted to check if Ms Rosier had ill intentions towards Mr Weasley but this served to further anger the two professors as he had no right to do so over something like a formal duel.

Arya said "if you don't mind Professor McGonagall would you stay as well, I no longer feel comfortable with the headmaster. Professor McGonagall firmly nodded and sat down to see what he had to say 'Damn it now they are both staying but this duel can't happen it is for the greater good' thought Dumbledore.

" It is simple really Ms Rosier I shall allow you to train with Professor Flitwick but you must forfeit this duel. It cannot happen" said Dumbledore bluntly. All the occupants were shocked at his demand." Are you telling me how to handle my House affairs Headmaster? You may be the Headmaster of Hogwarts and all your other titles but you have no right whatsoever to get involved with House affairs" said Arya. Both professors nodded their heads at Aryas statement. "This is most irregular Albus, what on earth are you trying to do? A formal duel has been challenged and accepted by their family magics, it must happen and we can not interfere, especially with such Houses involved" said Professor McGonagall as she looked at the headmaster with nothing but contempt. " Minerva is right Albus and for you to try and use MY SERVICES WHICH I OFFERED IN MY FREE TIME AS BAIT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE" said Professor Flitwick who had worked himself up massively at what the Headmaster had just said as his eyes glowed and his magical power and bloodlust leaked out. Arya was taken aback as she saw her future tutor lose his cool ' Must be the Goblin in him' she thought.

Dumbledore tried to use his weight as Headmaster to push his case but was royally shut down by both Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. " If that is all Albus, we shall take our leave, this slight on me and my raven shall not be forgotten, and you know what they say Goblins always collect their interest" said Professor Flitwick in a huff as he firmly gripped Arya's shoulder and walked out of the office. Professor McGonagall merley looked disappointedly at the Headmaster and followed them out. Dumbledore could only sigh to himself as he thought 'How could my own Professors turn against me, am I losing my touch in my old age? Of course not I am Albus Dumbledore the greatest wizard alive. I must ensure I fix my relationship with Ms Rosier she must stay on the light side and help harry, she is too gifted to have as an enemy' Dumbledore took out a lemon sherbert and popped it in his mouth as he smiled to himself and started humming.