Chapter 21 - The boy who cares

After they all left the Headmaster's office both Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick turned to Arya and formerly apologized on behalf of Hogwarts and reassured her they had no intentions to interfere with her House affairs. Professor Flitwick assured her that he would train both Draco and herself during the week and that he had a surprise for them after they won the duel. Professor McGonagall asked to have the week to prepare a lesson plan for her for the year and assured her after the duel they would start. They both gave her a warm smile before departing. Arya made her way to the courtyard where all her friends had gathered to hear what happened. As she turned the corner she was greeted with a tackle from Hermione who kept saying how worried she was. Arya merely hugged her back and reassured her everything was ok. When she let go of Hermione she saw her other friends approaching her with gentle smiles asking what happened. Once Arya was finished explaining what had happened everyone aside from Hermione had tick marks on their forehead as they were all too aware of how important formal duels between Pureblood houses were and that the Headmaster had no place in trying to get involved,

Harry looked at her questionably as he felt she had left some things out but Arya shook her head indicating they wouldn't talk about it here. Draco was over the moon that Professor Flitwick was going to teach them as he had stars in his eyes at the thought of training under his life hero two-time Dueling champion, the Dueling Doctor, Filius Flitwick. After they talked a bit more they all separated and made their way towards their common rooms but Harry and Arya remained behind stating they had some things they had to talk about. Daphne looked at them with a wary glance but left with Theo towards the Gryffindor Common room. Harry turned to Arya and asked "what did you not tell us Arya, there is no way that is all that happened even though I am taken aback he tried to get involved in your duel, for him to blatantly talk about forfeiting the duel in front of both Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall something must have angered him to make such a foolish mistake." Arya sighed and said "You were right Harry he must have other intentions with me, he tried to probe my thoughts with a Legillimency probe."

Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing, even if he didn't trust Dumbledore, for him to try and read the mind of a student is utterly insane. Finally, all the feelings Arya had been holding in came to her in a rush and she broke down crying as Harry hurriedly took her in his arms shocked to see someone as strong as arya openly crying. Arya sobbingly got out " I thought once I was free from my House and safely at Hogwarts I could finally get away from all the scheming and backstabbing, why does everyone who knows me in an authority position try to use me for their own agendas? I don't want to be a tool in everyone's plans, I came here to learn and further strengthen myself so that I wouldn't have to deal with scheming senile bastards anymore, but everywhere I go it is someone else who sees me as nothing more than their tool to be used and abused in any way they see fit."

Unknown to them a picture in the hall facing the courtyard quickly departed from its frame and made its way to the Headmasters office, "it seems you trying to pry into her mind has pushed her too far Albus, she is currently crying into the arms of Mr Potter as we speak talking about how everyone wants to use her as a tool to serve themselves, what were you thinking Albus, she is 11 years old she is far too young to be any part of your schemes". Dumbledore sighed to himself as he massaged his temples " I am afraid her age does not matter Dilys, she is too gifted a child not to have a part to play in what is to come, you know as well as I do that Tom is not dead, harry is prophesied to fight him, it all must be done for the greater good, he will need her support and I was just trying to see why she didn't trust me instantly, I am Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard alive and I need her to do her duty to Harry" said Dumbledore.

As Dumbledore was getting lost in his thoughts, Dilys Derwent a former headmaster of Hogwarts was almost frothing at the mouth before his rage exploded out and he shouted "DO HER DUTY? PROPHESISED? ARE YOU GOING SENILE YOU OLD FART, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR POWER AS A WIZARD. As Headmasters of this great school, OUR DUTY is to our students and you risk pushing away possibly the greatest witch we have ever seen along with the boy who managed to stop Riddle as a baby for the sake of a BLOODY PROPHECY. Dumbledore was taken aback by the former Headmasters outburst but he met his angry glare with a sad twinkle in his eye, "It pains me to do this to students Dilys and I have no wish to harm young Ms Rosier further, but her talent, as you so aptly put it as possibly the greatest witch we have ever seen will be needed by Harry when Tom comes back and you know he will. I am doing this for the greater good don't you see?" said Dumbledore with a careless shrug of his shoulders before he continued "Maybe I can contact their families and try to arrange a marriage contract between their houses, the Rosier family a Sacred 28 family and the Potter family which despite Lily is a pureblood house for the most part and are known to birth incredibly powerful witches and wizards. Hmmm, that could work, if she was betrothed to Harry, then she would be forced by their families to stay by his side even if they fall out. They both seem close already they would only grow closer if they were engaged that may be the way forward, I shall send owls in the morning" said Dumbledore thoughtfully as he already forgot the former Headmaster's words.

Arya once again regained control of her emotions and left Harry's embrace and was blushing due to the embarrassment of losing her cool. " I am sorry Harry, I didn't mean to throw all that at you". Harry let out a laugh and said " nothing to apologize for Arya I mean how many people get to say they held a snot covered, crying prodigy, especially the Transfiguration Transcendent, the genius among geniuses Arya Rosier in their arms" Arya pouted and slapped him across the back of the head before saying " if word of this gets out I will have my vengeance Potter." Harry sweatdropped at the mention of vengeance before stuttering out " of course I would never do such a thing Arya" as he smiled sheepishly at her rubbing the back of his head where he was hit. Arya smiled at him and said, "Thanks for that Harry, it means a lot."